Combustion, conflagration, burning in a dreadful man- To commerce, P. to hold intercourse with Compeer, P. L. i. 127. equal, companion, colleague, Cone, P. L. iv. 776. a figure round at bottom, and lef- To conglobe, to gather into a round mass, to consoli- To conjure, P. L. ii. 693. to conspire, to band and Convex, bending down on all sides round, rising in a Cormorant, P. L. iv. 196. a bird that lives upon fish, Cornice, P. L. i. 716. the uppermost member of the Corny, P. L. vii. 321. strong or hard like horn, horny; To couch, P. L. ii. 536. to fix or place the spear in the Couchant, P. L. iv. 406. lying down, squatting To cover, P. L. i. 763. to inclofe - Crank, P. any conceit formed by twisting, or changing, in any manner, the form or meaning of a word Crefcent, P. L. x. 434. any fimilitude of the moon in- Crefcent, P. L. i. 439. increasing, growing, in a state of Creffet, P. L. i. 728. a great blazing light set upon a Το crown, P. L. v. 445. to fill above the brim, yet not Crude, not brought to perfection, unfinished, imma- Cubic, P. L. vi. 399. four-square * : Cuirafsfiers, P. R. iii. 328. horsemen armed with cui- raffes, which covered the body quite round, from To culminate, P. L. iii. 617. to be vertical, and shoot Gurfen, P. (of the French couvre feu.) William the Cycle, P. L. viii. 84. a circle in the heavens, imaginary orbs Cynofure, P. the star next the north pole, by which D Dank, damp, humid, moist, wet Dapper, P. little and active, lively without bulk To dapple, P. to streak, to vary, to diversify with co- To damask, P. L. iv. 334. to variegate, to diversify To debel, P. R. iv. 605. to conquer, to overcome in To defend, P. L. xi. 86. xii. 207. P. R. ii. 370. to for- Dell, P. a steep place or valley, a pit, a hole in the Debonair, P. elegant, civil, well-bred, gentle, complai- fant Democratic, P. R. iv. 269. a popular government Diapafon, P. a perfect concord through all the tones; To dight, P. to dress, to deck, to bedeck, to embel- Dingle, P. a narrow valley between two steep hills the sensation of unquenchable thirst; of δίψα, thirst To dispart, to divide in two, to separate, to break, to To difpenfe, to distribute, to deal out in parcels To divert, P. R. ii. 349. to turn aside, to withdraw Divine, P. L. ix. 845. presaging, foreboding the fupreme degree, P. L. ix. 489 To doff, S. Α. 1410. to put off dress Dole, S. A. 1529. gifts and portions, blows dealt out; Doughty, S. A. 1181. brave, valiant Drear, P. L. x. 325. fad, dreadful, mournful, dismal, To drieźle, P. L. vi. 345. to fall in short flow drops Dryad, P. L. ix. 387. a wood-nymph Dulcimer, P. L. vii. 596. a musical instrument, played Dan, P. L. ii. 72. dark, gloomy E Eccentric, such spheres whose centres are different from To eclipse, P. L. v. 776. to disgrace Ecliptic, P. L. iii. 740. a great circle of the sphere, fup- Eld, P. old age Elfe, P. a wandering spirit, supposed to be seen in Elops, P. L. x. 525. a dumb ferpent, that gives no no- Emblem, P. L. iv. 703. in the Greek and Latin fenfe, |