Y 'Ycleaped, P. called, named, termed Z Zenith, the point over head opposite to the nadir Zodiac, a great circle of the sphere, containing the Zone, a girdle, P. L. v. 281.; a division of the earth, 1 CONTENTS. POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS. Page Pa To the Lady Margaret Ley, On the fame, To Mr H. Lawes on his airs, On the religious memory of Mrs Catherine Thom- 4 4 i 4 5 5 it 5 ib 54,-8 JOANNIS MILTONI LONDINENSIS POΕΜΑΤΑ. ELEGIARUM liber primus. Elegia prima. Ad Ca- ל 95 Elegia secunda. In obitum præconis academici Cantabrigienfis, 98 Elegia, tertia. In obitum Præsulis Wintonienfis, 99 Elegia quarta. Ad Thomam Junium, 102 Elegia quinta. In adventum veris, 1. 106 |