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which he accordingly did, no doubt very much to the astonishment of the man on shore, who, having discovered his mistake, speedily hoisted the proper flags, intimating that he would attend to our request to be telegraphed. This day being Sunday, according to the usual practice on board these steamers, Divine service is held in the saloon. As I am the only minister on board, I have been asked by the captain to take charge of the service, and preach them, as he emphatically said, "a short sermon." It seems that in addition to the objection that sailors usually have to long sermons, the arrangements of the ship, which are carried out with extreme regularity, might be interfered with were the service long.

Just before the bell rung for church, the whole of the ship's crew were mustered on the quarter-deck. It seems, by the regulations of the service, that this is required to be done every Sunday immediately before Divine service. It was an exceedingly interesting sight to see the men ranged in single line on each side of the ship. Each particular class of men was divided from the other by the space of a yard or two; and at the head of each stood the chief officer of that division. I was quite amazed at the number of men employed. Although I had been some days on board, and thought myself familiar with the appearance of most on the ship, I discovered that when they were all mustered, there were several officers, and quite a large number of men, whose faces were entirely strange to me. I was very much struck with the extreme cleanliness of the men, as they stood there waiting to have the muster-roll called, and so different in appearance from what one is accustomed to see

on board an ordinary sailing vessel. After the names of cach had been called out, the shrill whistle of the boatswain dismissed them to their various posts, and almost at the same time the large bell was slowly tolled, to invite any one that might feel inclined to attend Divine service. A considerable number of the sailors and all the quarter. masters, with the exception of those on duty, came in and ranged themselves at the end of the saloon. To my great surprise all the passengers, with the exception of four or five-and some of these, I afterwards discovered, were Roman Catholics-attended the service, as well as a very fair proportion of the officers. The whole service was very interesting, especially considering the peculiarity of the circum stances in which we were placed. The singing, which was superintended by the bandmaster of the vessel, was very good, and in fact the arrangements which had been made for the comfort of all who attended, enabled us to spend a very happy, and I hope profitable hour together. The facilities which the ship owners afford for religious services, whenever possible, reflect a great deal of credit upon those who have the management of the concerns of the company, and the politeness with which the captain acceded to any hint that would tend to make the ser vice more agreeable and attractive, was very pleasant to observe. When we came on deck we found ourselves right abreast of Cape St. Vincent, with the sea in every direction as smooth as glass, scarcely a ripple disturbing the surface of the ocean. Several merchant vessels were lying about, with their sails flapping against their masts, and, being unable to steer, from want of wind, turning round just as

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The Doctor among his Pupils.

As Mr. Lowe has finished his very interesting papers, entitled THE DOCTOR AMONG HIS PATIENTS," he has kindly sent home a photograph, representing himself and his pupils in the lectureThis has been copied in the engraving on the opposite page, where you may see our worthy friend, with the skeleton by his side, giving the native assistants a lesson in anatomy as they stand in class. Looking at them from left to right, you will find the names in the frame beneath.

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