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the history of Manik Rai the cowherd; how one of his
cows used to milk herself into the vessel of an Eastern
monk, who, when in the act of drinking, removed a charm
from his mouth, which the cowherd found and restored to
him. The holy man was so grateful that he sent the cow-
herd to the goddess, who presented him with a horse from
which he was not to look back. As he rode swiftly along,
the forest in which his cows used to graze became changed
into a plain of gold and silver. But in an evil moment he
looked back and the horse refused to go on. There, however,
was the plain, and when the alarmed inhabitants beheld it
next morning they begged Manik Rai to take back his gift,
as it would bring on them the miseries of war. She
changed it into a sheet of muddy water; and the salt virtues
of the lakes, thus formed, were afterwards discovered by a
high official of Muttra, whose descendant the present
Mutta, whose descendant the p
official of Sambhur claims to be."

The goddess has ever since received a
Jugim koguta rail of your alg

red a bountiful share of offerings, to obtain which, no doubt, the priests made up this pretty story.

How sad and pitiable is the condition of a people who know no better than to believe such absurdities, and many of whom believe them as firmly as they do their own existence! Wpilgivadi ob bus boð af daril “**

Let us ask ourselves, "Is there nothing more that we can do to assist in their enlightenment and salvation?" If they became Christians they would themselves be "the salt of the earth." daiz edi ob bu bon ni dan

C. S.

In consequence of the lengthened account of the loss of the John the continuation of "Off to China" is deferred till next month.

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Some will hate thee, some will love thee;
Some will flatter, some will slight;
Cease from man, and look above thee:
"Trust in God, and do the right!"








T is Monday morning; the glorious sun has risen above the mountain-summits in all his glory, diffusing everywhere "the peacefulness of light;" giving new beauty to the landscape, an emerald hue to the rice stems, which wave with every breath that sweeps across the picturesque valley, saying to the vapours which for some hours have been slumbering in the lowlands in their hypocritical whiteness, "Make haste and transform yourselves into floating layers of golden brightness."

As usual, white flowing "lambas" (the native outer garment) may be seen ascending the winding paths over the red and grey mountains which encircle the city of Antananarivo, and passengers are passing and repassing the roads within its boundaries: there is no press of business, or crowd of people to jostle each other, as they press to their several engagements; no runaway cabs, or noisy conveyances, moving with rumbling haste; all is quiet and

No. 10.-Oct. 1, 1867.

L 2

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