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through the lattice, and its glance seemed to say-Heaven is waiting for this little slip of earth, and it must soon go.

sometimes, to the meadows where the dai- | It clung to her days as she sat in her little ses grew in tufted grass; and little Agnes was chair leaning on pillows; and nights it crept wont to braid them in a wreath around her to her feet as she lay upon her couch dreambrow. She said one day on returning that ing of the angels. Its white fleece seemed to she would soon wear a wreath of stars. As grow more white, and its eyes more tender regularly as the Sabbath came, they went to and beautiful. And it often looked at the the chapel together, side by side. The sex-fading child, and at the far blue sky, shining ton made a path for them, as they walked up the broad aisle which was now crowded with earnest and devout listeners. Their accustomed place was on the cushioned seat that ran around the altar. When the choir sang their anthems, the voice of the child was heard above the deep bass singers, and the full-toned organ; yet it was softer and sweeter than the voice of a dove. When the vicar read the morning and evening service, her responses fell on the hearts of all like dew; and a halo seemed to encircle her as she listened to the words of life.

The people began to consider it a miracle. Cock-fighting and bull-baiting fell into disrepute; drinking and gaming, to which the greater part of them had been bred from childhood, lost caste as amusements, and other vices declined in proportion. It was evident that a great change was going on in the hearts and habits of all. Profane oaths and light jests, which even the gentry condescended to indulge in (as they did in other things better left to their inferiors), were banished from all society, even that of travelling tinkers, time out of mind a coarse set of fellows. Feuds handed down from father to son were dropped at once, and old enemies met with kind greetings, and parted friends. Every body seemed to prosper, and nobody was the worse for it. Beggars began to lay aside their tatters, and wear good substantial garments. There was no longer any need to beg, for work was plentiful. Cottage windows, once stuffed with old hats, rejoiced in the possession of new panes of glass; and new cottages were being builded every where, and every body declared it was the work of the White Lamb.

Spring melted into summer, and summer was now on the verge of autumn. The fields were full of harvesters, reaping and binding up yellow sheaves, and barns were open all day, and boys might be seen within, storing up fruit for the winter. Every day added some new grace to the child; but those who were experienced in such matters, mostly mothers who had lost children, said she was dying. Her bloom was too unearthly, her eye too spiritual to last. She was no longer able to run to the woods and fields: a walk to the little summer house at the end of the vicar's garden, only a stone's throw from the door, was sufficient to make her very weary. Nor could she visit the chapel unless carried thither, which was a source of great grief to all the villagers.

Day by day she grew more lovely and feeble; and the lamb grew more fond of her: they could not for a moment separate them. VOL. V.-NO. III.-27

Autumn came at last, and the child was dying. It was morning, and she lay on her couch, with half the village around her. Her eyes were fixed upon the sky, and her arins were entwined about the lamb, who lay with its head in her bosom. The vicar knelt down, and prayed. He could not bear to lose the light of his household, though he knew that the angels were waiting for her on the threshold of heaven. When he arose she slept. Ages have passed since then, and she still sleeps; and will sleep till the heavens and the earth shall have passed away. The next day was the Sabbath, and they bore her to the little churchyard where her mother was buried. Their graves were dug side by side. All the children and maidens, dressed in white, followed her bier; and half the mothers in the village wept as if she had been their own child; and the Lamb, looking whiter than ever, walked in their midst. But when the services were over and the coffin lowered into the grave, it looked once at the far blue sky, and then turned away, and walked down the path which little Agnes had taken at her mother's funeral. No one dared to stop it; but all watched it with breathless attention until it disappeared among the grave-stones. Some of the boldest, and the vicar among the rest, followed to where it seemed to disappear, but could find no further traces. Nobody was ever able to account for it, but every body believed it to have been a miracle, manifested for their salvation, notwithstanding a wise philosopher who wrote a large folio to prove that it never existed at all. Its memory is still preserved with veneration in that country, and from that day to this, the people have continued godly and pious.

And so ends the story of the White Lamb.

M. ROMIEU, an ultramontane writer, quoted with much parade by the Tablet, says of France:-"The most exact picture of our epoch is drawn in the phrase, 'that not a woman is brought to bed in France who does not give birth to a Socialist.'" On this the Nation remarks:-"In what a dissolute con-dition la jeune France, with all its bibs and tuckers, must certainly be! Only imagine Madame de Montalembert brought to bed of twin Phalansteriens! The lady of M. Jules Gondou, redacteur de l'Univers, of a horrid little Fourierist! The nursery of M. de Falloux in red pinafores, squalling out Soc.-democ. canticles! Never before such danger in swaddling clothes!"

Authors and Books.

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A CURIOUS work, which will not be devoid WE observe a German version of The Poof interest to the historian or belles-lettres pular Nomenclature of American Plants, unantiquary, has recently been published at der the title of Die Volksnamen der AmeriLeipzig, under the title of Die Alexandersage kan Pflanzen, by BERTHOLD SEEMANN, pubbei den Orientalern (or the Legend of Alex-lished at Hanover, by Rümpler. Of this ander as it exists in the East), by Dr. FRE- book a German reviewer remarks, that "the DERICK SPIEGEL. With the exception of King knowledge of the popular local names in sysArthur, no personage plays a more extended tematic botany has hitherto been neglected rôle in the romantic European legends of the in such an unaccountable manner, that the middle ages, than Alexander; but our read- appearance of the above-cited work has awakers may not be generally aware that the feats ened a joyful surprise among all who are of this great conqueror are still perpetuated capable of appreciating its value. This wellunder a thousand strange forms even on the deserving traveller, whose name at present remote East, generally under the name of is in every mouth, has in a great measure by Iskander. "No historic material has ever his own exertions, and partly from the works been more widely extended than this history and indications of Aublet, Bridges, Cruickof Alexander, and there are even yet races in shanks, De Candolle, Gardner, Gilles, Hookthe interior of Central Asia who declare er, Humboldt and Bonpland, Lindley, la Llave themselves directly descended from him;”— and Lergarga, Martius, Miers, Pursch, Ruaz precisely, no doubt, as certain very respecta- and Pavon, Torrey and Gray, Cervantes and ble families extant at the present day in Bustamente, carefully and scientifically colHungary and Italy prove themselves lineal lected above two thousand of the names with descendants of Julius Cæsar, Æneas, and even which the different races of the American Noah. "In the earliest times, even in the Continent designate the most important of very scene of his exploits, Alexander became their plants. Moreover, he has fully succeeda hero of legend-like and exaggerated histo- ed in conforming these names, almost withries, a collection of which, bearing the name out exception, to the systematic scientific of Pseudo-Callisthenes, as editor, is yet pre- terminology by which they are known, or at served; and from this came the innumerable least has given their family. With this work Alexanderine romances of the middle ages, a path has been opened which will prove which at length totally obscured the true ac- servicable not only to the botanist but also counts of the conqueror. In the East, also, to the philologist, and which we trust will in and particularly in Persia, he has been made future be trodden frequently by the author the subject of many great epic poems. The and other travellers." relation existing between all these legends, which have sprung up at such different times, Of the interesting historical compositions and under such extremely varied circum- lately published, we may cite by FR. GERLACH stances, is an interesting problem for the lit- Die Geschichte der Romer (or History of erary historian, and the book we have men- the Romans), and Die Geschichtschreiber der tioned is valuable, since in it every thing re- Deutschen Vorzeit (or The Historians of the lating to the Persian portion thereof, is given early German Times), the fifth volume of in full." From the index, an admirable an- which has just appeared, containing the alysis of its contents, and a somewhat extended Chronicle of Herimann, according to the ediabridgment, which we have perused, we may tion of the Monumenta Germania. We have assert that few works more curiously interest-also, with a colossal title which we in part ing have for a long time been published.

Or great interest to antiquaries and positive utility to artists, is the Trachten des Christlichen Mittelalters (or Dresses of the Christian Middle Age), by J. VoN HOFNER. As they are all taken from contemporary works of art, they may be relied on for correctness. The part last published consists of the second division, embracing guises of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Among others, the reader may find Armour of the sixteenth century, the Dress of a lady of rank in the middle of the same century, a French dress of the fifteenth century, and a tournament helmet of the same period. Such books serve better than any reading to impress on the minds of the young correct ideas of past manners and times.

omit, three volumes of the Fontes Rerum Austriacarum (or Austrian Sources of History), published by the historical commission of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Vienna. This is spoken of as a really wonderful collection of curious documents. The sources of Austrian history have been at all times sadly neglected, and this work may in a great measure supply the deficiency. In the same department we have also the second volume of MIGNET'S History of Mary Stuart, from an English version of which we have already quoted somewhat largely in this magazine.

To the historian and geographer COUNT KARL FREDERIO VON HUGEL's account of Karbul-Becken and the Mountains between the Hindu Kosch and the Sutlej, will be found fresh and interesting.

THE third continuation of the third year of ONE of the most practical handbooks of a the Historisches Taschenbuch (or Historical higher order for the use of the learned, in Pocket-book), of FREDERICK VON RAUMER, Roman Antiquities, is that by W. BEEKER, published by Brochkaus of Leipzig, has just ex-Professor at Leipzig-the third part of made its appearance. The most interesting which has just made its appearance. The article which it contains is entitled, "The parts already published contain the first part Sikhs and their Kingdom," by Karl Frieder- of the State Government of ancient Italy; ich Neumann. "Such an account by so well- the Provinces (of which we have here for informed a writer," says a German review, the first time a complete statistical account'); "is of no little interest." As every eminent and the State Constitution. The publisher European scholar, who has distinguished promises that in the coming volumes there himself by manifesting an interest in Ame- will be given the departments of Finance and rican affairs, deserves to be particularly War, Jurisprudence, Religion and Private known in this country, we translate for the Antiquities. In connection with this we may International a short account of Professor cite the Legis Rubriæ pars superstes, a beauNeumann, which we partially extract from tifully lithographed fac-simile of this classic a MS. sketch written by himself in the sum- curiosity, and also by Dr. ADAM ZINZOW De mer of 1847. Carl Friederich Neumann, Pelasgicis Romanorum Sacris, which is a treaProfessor of Oriental Languages and History tise on those oldest of the Roman local legends at the University of Munich, and one of the which the author considers as Pelasgic. most learned sinologists of modern times, was resident in China during the years 1829 and 1830. In Canton, he became possessor of a large library of Chinese books, from which he has since drawn the materials for works distinguished by their originality, erudition, and untiring industry. Previous to this visit to China, and to better qualify himself for it, he had, after finishing his studies at the Universities of Heidelberg and Göttingen, remained for a long time at Venice, Paris, and London, occupied exclusively in the studies of Oriental languages and history. After his return from China, he was appointed in 1838 Professor of the Chinese and Armenian tongues at the University of Munich. Professor Neumann has ever been remarkably unprejudiced with regard to America, and we were first induced to seek his acquaintance on hearing his frequent praises of our country, while attending these lectures. He is the author of a number of works in the Latin, French, German, and English lan- WE have already called attention to the guages, all of which he writes with facility. tenth edition of BROCKHAUS's ConversationsHe also ranks high as a mathematician and Lexikon, now publishing serially at Leipzig. student of natural philosophy. His most The twenty-first part is before us, and we curious work is contained in a small pamph- again take occasion to commend the work to let, entitled The Chinese in California and our readers. We know no other encyclopæMexico in the Fifth Century, proving from dia which compares with it in universal exancient Chinese chronicles, whose accounts cellence and utility, and this edition is a great are substantiated by our subsequent know-improvement upon its predecessors. In the ledge of natural phenomena therein described, that those countries were, in the fifth century, visited by Buddhist priests at the time mentioned.

IN our forgetfulness of such "opium reading" we are oft apt to imagine the days of mysticism and the supernaturalism gone by. Germany, however, occasionally reminds us that the world is ever prone to return to the spectre-haunted paths trodden by its forefathers. One of the latest recallers of this description, is a second and very considerably enlarged edition of Dr. JOSEPH ENNEMOSER'S Historio-Physiological Inquiries into the Origin and Existence of the Human Soul. Of a somewhat similar school, we have the second volume of the collected works of FRANZ VON BAADER, and separate from these, by Dr. FRANZ HOFFMANN, Franz Baader in his relations to Spinoza, Leibnitz, Kant, Jacobi, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel and Herbart. Six groschens worth of stout and vivid abuse of the atheist FEUERBACH has also been published by Bläsing of Erlangen.

biography of living personages of distinction it is especially rich; in this respect alone it deserves to be found in the libraries even of those who own the earlier editions. The biographies of American statesmen and scholars are given with detail and correctness.

A LATE number of the Europa contains a notice of the London Art Journal. We have not time to read the article, but suggest that A WORK which may be of some interest to the least which a Leipzig reviewer should the belles-lettres antiquarian, has just been say of this periodical, is, that it contains in-published by Schmidt, of Halle: The Sources finitely more news relative to the present of Popular Songs in German Literature. condition of art in Germany, than the Kunst Such a performance is more necessary for the Blatt, or Munich Art Journal itself. There is hardly any magazine of which we make more use in the International, than the London Art Journal.

songs of Germany than for those of any other nation, since no where else is there so much which really requires explanation to the moderns.

A MOST agreeable book is Schiller and his Paternal House, lately published at Stuttgart, by Herr SAUPE. The great poet is here depicted in the midst of his father's family, all of whom loved him dearly, and respected as much as they loved.

A Hamburg journal says a good and sharp word about the mania of the Germans for hunting up the literary remains of Goethe and Schiller. The volumes of memoirs, correspondence, diaries, and other relics of these great men, would make a library far exceeding in quantity all the volumes they published themselves. Nothing so much proves the absence of great and significant persons in the literature of the present day as this almost convulsive clinging to the immortal deceased, and the endless endeavor to talk and write about them, and publish every thing that can be twisted into a connection with their history or writings. Presently we shall hear of the republication of the school-books they studied, with all the thumbmarks and pot-hooks then scribbled by the future great men. This is said on occasion of DÖRING'S Schiller and Goethe, which the writer thinks might as well have been unwritten.

THE number of books on military subjects published in Germany, must astonish the American not accustomed to see at every corner a gendarme, or behold his bayonet protruding occasionally from behind the scene-paintings of a theatre, where he is posted to preserve order. In two numbers of a weekly review, we find notices of no less than fourteen books on strictly military matters. For readers who take an interest in such subjects, we translate the titles of a few: The Battles of Frederic the Great; The Armies of the Present Day and their Future Destiny; Military Fireworks in the Royal Prussian Army; The Organization and Formation of the Bavarian Army and the Military Budget; and A Short Abridgment of Naval Artillery. With these works we may also cite De GUSTAV SIMON's new essay On Gunshot Wounds, which is said to contain valuable contributions to this branch of surgery.

THE History of German Literature now publishing at Leipsic by Dr. HENRY KURZ, seems to be one of the most perfect and admirable works of the kind ever undertaken. It will contain in all 1600 octavo pages with portraits, fac-similes, monuments, residences of authors, and every sort of pictorial illus tration that can increase the value and interest of the work. Copious extracts will be given from the writers spoken of, and from the whole range of German literature. Two parts have already been published; the first goes back to the earliest times and comes down to the middle of the twelfth century, and the second to the middle of the fourteenth. Though printed in elegant_style, and adorned with so many fine wood cuts, the parts are sold at about twenty-two cents: twenty-five parts complete the work.

J. E. HORN has published, by Wigand of Leipsic, two volumes on LUDWIG KOSSUTH— the first volume treating of Kossuth as agitator, and the second of Kossuth as minister. "We have in the author a most determined admirer of the Hungarian chief; one whose respect for the hero is not however expressed in enthusiastic encomiums; but he attempts by a clear and sensible analysis of his deeds, of the circumstances upon which they depended, and the consequences to which they have led, to excite in the reader a corresponding conviction."

THE reader who likes to take history in an entertaining form is recommended to BENSE's History of the Austrian Court, Nobility, and Diplomacy, of which two volumes are just published in Germany. They can make no just claim to philosophical thoroughness, but are full of readable anecdotes and interesting glimpses of character.

AMONG recent curious translations of Oriental literature published in Germany, we observe the Quarante Questions Addressées par les doct Juifs au Prophéte Mahomet (or The Forty Questions addressed by the learned Jews to the prophet Mahomet.) The work is accompanied with a Turkish text and glossary, for the use of Orientalists.

THE second volume of the second edition of Вüскн's celebrated Die Staatshaushaltung der Athener (or Political Economy of the Athenians), has just been published by G. Reimer, of Berlin. So thoroughly has this edition and particularly this volume been re

THE thirtieth volume of The Library of Collected German Literature, contains Der Walsche Gast (or the Italian Guest), by THOMASIN VON ZIRELARIA: an old German poem of the Middle Ages, now published the first time, with philologic and historical remarks by Dr. HEINRICH RUCKERT; and by K. A. HAHN we have Die Echten Lieder von den Niebelungen (or The True Songs of the Niebe-vised, and so materially increased, that it lungen), according to LECKMANN's criticisms.

A BIOGRAPHY of the late eminent philologist, KARL LACHMANN, written by his pupil, MARTIN HERTZ, has recently been published by W. Herz of Leipsic. With the Life itself are given several important posthumous literary relics of the great scholar.

may be regarded as almost a new work.

AMONG artistic philosophic works, we see mention of one entitled Aesthetic Inquiries into the Modern Drama, by HENMAN HETTNER. With its merits we are not acquainted, but the subject, if properly treated, might serve for an extremely interesting and useful work.

ONE HERR FROST, who flourishes as Director of the Institution for the Blind at Prague, has published a novel under the title of the Wandering Jew. It is intended to counteract the bad influence of Eugene Sue's romance of that name. The hero is a great believer in Sue's socialist theories, and attempts to instruct a rural community in them, but is repelled and put to shame by their sturdy good sense.

ALMOST every writer on Egyptian theology, from Jablonsky to Bunsen, has endeavored to identify, among the manifold gods of their Pantheon, the eight older deities mentioned by Herodotus, in the 145th chapter of the Euterpe. In a note to his Chronologie der Aegypter, Lepsius announced the discovery, that this series originally consisted only of seven, and was subsequently enlarged to eight. In a quarto volume, first issued at Berlin, Uber den ersten Aegyptischen Götterkries und seine geschichtlich-mythologische Entet- By the learned and celebrated jurist MITchung. (On the First Series of Egyptian Gods, TERMAIER, of Heidelberg, we have The Engand its Historico-Mythological Origin,) a dis-lish, Scottish, and North-American systems sertation read before the Royal Academy of of Punishment, in connection with their PoBerlin, he supplies the monumental and other | litical, Moral, and Social Circumstances, and evidence of this discovery, and gives the the particulars of Practical Law. The work names of these deities majoram gentium. is represented by a reviewer as fully indicating, by the singular copiousness of its contents, "its author's wonderful and greatly celebrated industry in collecting (sammelfleiss).

SMIRDIN, a publisher of St. Petersburg, who some time since commenced the issue of a uniform edition of the more prominent authors of Russia, of which he has already published thirty volumes, has now begun a new edition of Karamsin's History of the Russian Empire. It will be completed in ten volumes; the first is already published. This is regarded as the best history of Russia extant, though it notoriously misstates many facts in order to flatter the imperial house and sustain its absolute authority. It has previously passed through five editions, and it is estimated that twenty-four thousand copies of it are in Russian public libraries and the hands of private persons.

MITTERMAIER, the eminent German jurist, has just published at Erlangen an elaborate work upon The English, Scotch, and American Criminal Practice, in its relations with the political, moral, and social situation of those countries. The work goes into the minute details of the subject. It is calculated to exercise a profound influence upon criminal practice in Germany.

Mr. HERMANN WEISS is about to publish in Germany A History of the Costumes of all Ages and Nations.

THE traditional literature of Germany, al- A VERY valuable and interesting chapter of ready very rich, has received an important French literary history, is M. DE BLIGNIERE'S addition in the Sagenbuch der Bairischen Essay on Amyot and on the French Transla Lande (Book of Traditions of the Bavarian tors of the Sixteenth Century, lately published Provinces), of which the first volume has at Paris in an octavo volume. Amyot was just been published at Munich. These sagas the first to render Heliodorus, Plutarch, and are collected by the editor, Mr. A. SCHÖPPNER, Lenginus into French, and his excellence confrom the mouth of the people, from out-of-sists in a naive sincerity, which, while it the-way old chronicles, and from the ballads seeks only the true version of his author, of the poets. They are full of natural humor lends to it unconsciously the most pleasing and poetic beauty. impression of the translator himself.

S. DIDUNG has lately written The Funda- A NEW French translation of the works mental Laws of Art, and the German Art-of Silvio Pellico has appeared at Paris, from Language, with Poems dedicated to the Ger- the pen of M. LEZAUD. It includes the Meman Spirit. This singular mixture of sub-moirs of the celebrated Italian, and his Disjects under one title seems peculiar to Ger- courses upon Duties. The translation is praismany, where authors occasionally have re-ed by no less a.critic than Saint Marc Girardin. course to curious expedients in book-making.

PROF. WILHELM ZAHN has printed the fourth part of the third continuation of The most Beautiful Ornaments and most Remarkable Pictures from Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia, with several Sketches and Views, and a new German edition of HAGMANN's Sketches, got up in excellent style.

MISS BREMER'S records of her visit to the United States will appear as Homes of the New World.

A FRENCH translation of the Rig-Veda, that is, of the most ancient of all the Vedas, is just finished at Paris, where the fourth and last volume appeared about the middle of January. The translator is M. LANGLOIS of the Institute.

In the year 1851 there were published in France 7,350 works in different languages; the average yearly product of the previous ten years was only 6,456; of musical works in 1851, there were 485.

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