Dem. Do I entice you? do I fpeak you fair? Or rather do I not in plainest truth Tell you, I do not, nor I cannot, love you? Hel. And ev'n for that do I love thee the more; I am your spaniel; and, Demetrius, The more you beat me, I will fawn on you: Dem. Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit; For I am fick, when I do look on thee. Hel. And I am fick, when I look not on you. 6 Hel. Your virtue is my privilege. For that When all the world is here to look on me? Dem. I'll run from thee and hide me in the brakes, And leave thee to the mercy of wild beasts. Hl. The wildeft hath not fuch a heart as you; Dem. I will not flay thy queftions; let me go; This pallage is paraphrafed from two lines of an ancient Poet. Or Or if thou follow me, do not believe, But I fhall do thee mifchief in the wood. Hel. Ay, in the temple, in the town, the field, You do me mifchief. Fie, Demetrius, Your wrongs do fet a fcandal on my sex : We cannot fight for love, as men may do: We fhou'd be woo'd, and were not made to woo. To die upon the hand, I love fo well. [Exeunt. Ob. Fare thee well, nymph; ere he doth leave this grove, Thou shalt fly him, and he fhall feek thy love. Enter Puck. Puck. Ay, there it is. Ob. I pray thee, give it me; I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows, And with the juice of this I'll freak her eyes, Take thou fome of it, and feek through this grove; A fweet Athenian lady is in love With a difdainful youth; anoint his eyes; But do it, when the next thing he elpies May be the lady. Thou shalt know the man, By the Athenian garments he hath on. *All the old Editions hav, lio's an unknown hand has writQuite over canopied with luscious woodbine. On the margin of one of my Fo ten luf Woodbine, which I think is right. Effect it with fome care, that he may prove " SCENE V. Enter Queen of Fairies, with her train. [Exeunt. Queen. Come, now a roundel, and a Fairy fong:7 Then, 'fore the third part of a minute, hence; Some to kill cankers in the mufk-rofe buds, Some war with rear-mice for their leathern wing, To make my finall elves coats; and fome keep back The clamorous owl, that nightly hoots, and wonders At our quaint fpirits. Sing me now asleep: Then to your offices, and let me rest. Fairies fing. You spotted Snakes with double tongue, Nor fpell, nor charm, 7 A Roundel is a Dance in a ring. GRAY. 8 Then, for the third Part of a Minute bence.] So the o'd Copies. But the Queen fets them Work. that is to keep them employ'd for the Remainder of the Night; the Poet, undoubt edly, intended her to fay, Dance your Round, and fing your Song, and then inft ntly (before the third Part of a Minu e) begone to your respective Duties. THEOB. Dr. Warburton reads for third part of the Midnight. the Quaint Spirits. For this Dr. Warburten leads against all authority quaint fports. But Prof pero in the Tempeft applies quait to Ariel. 2 Fairy. 2 Fairy. Weaving Spiders come not here; 1 Fairy. Hence, away; now all is well: [Exeunt Fairies. The Queen Aleeps. Enter Oberon. Ob. What thou feeft, when thou doft wake, Do it for thy true love take: Love and languish for his fake: SCENE VI. } [Exit Oberon. Enter Lyfander and Hermia. Lyf. Fair love, you faint with wandering in the And, to speak troth, I have forgot our way: Her. Be't fo, Lyfander; find you out a bed, For I upon this bank will reft my head. Lyf. One turf fhall ferve as pillow for us both, One heart, one bed, two bofoms, and one troth. Her. P Her. Nay, good Lyfander; for my fake, my dear, Lyf. O take the fense, sweet, of my innocence; ? So that but one heart can you make of it: Her. Lyfander riddles very prettily; } loft in this aukward transposition. WARBURTON. I am by no means convinced of the neceflity of this alteration, Lyfander in the language of love profeffes that as they have one heart they hall have one bed; this Hermia thinks rather too much, and entreats him to lye further off. Lyfander anfwers, O! take the fenfe, fweet, of my innocence. understand the meaning of my innocence, or my innocent meaning. Let no fufpicion of ill enter thy mind. Love takes the meaning in love's conference. In the converfation of those who are affured of each other's kindness not fufpicion but Love takes the meaning. No malevolent interpretation is to be made, but all is to be received in the fenfe which love can find and which love can dictate. But, |