Sidor som bilder

Words of Four Syllables-continued.

dis cern i ble
dis'crim i nate
dis pen sa ry
du pli ci ty
ef fem i nate

ef fron te ry
e jac u late
e lu ci date
e mol u ment
en am el ler
e nu me rate
e pis co pal
e pit o me
e quiv o cate

e vap o rate
e vent u al
ex ag ge rate
ex cu sa ble
ex ec u tor

ex em pla ry ex hil a rate ex or bi tant ex per i ment ex ter min ate

ex trav a gant ex trem i ty fa tal i ty fe li ci ty

[blocks in formation]

il lit er ate

im ped i ment
im per ti nent
im pol i tic
im por tu nate
im pos si ble
im prob a ble
im pov er ish
im preg na ble
im prov i dent
in ca pa ble
in clem en cy
in con stan cy
in con ti nent
in hab it ant
in sin u ate

in teg ri ty
in trep id ly
in val i date
in vet er ate
i tin e rant
mag nif i cent
me trop o lis
mi rac u lous
mu nif i cence
ob serv a ble
om nip o tent
o rig i nal
phi los o pher
phi lan thro py
pre cip i tate

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

pre var i cate

pro gen i tor pros per i ty ra pid i ty re cep ta cle re cip ro cal

re dun dan cy re frac to ry re gen e rate re mark a ble re mu ner ate

se ren i ty

si mil i tude

sim pli ci ty

so lem ni ty

so li cit or sub ser vi ent su pe ri or su per la tive su prem a cy tau tol o gy the ol o gy ti mid i ty tu mul tu ous vi cin i ty vi cis si tude vi va ci ty


Words of Five Syllables, accented on the Second.

an ath e ma tize ap pur te nan ces com mu ni ca tive con fed er a cy con serv a to ry con sol a to ry ex plan a to ry he red i ta ry im ag i na ry in cen di a ry in du bit a ble in dis so lu ble in ev it a ble

in ex o ra ble in ex tri ca ble in flam ma to ry in nu mer a ble in sep ar a blé in su per a ble in suf fer a ble in tel li gi ble in vi o la ble ir rev o ca ble i tin e ra ry pre lim i na ry re pos i to ry


Words of Five Syllables accented on the First & Third.

ac a dem i cal

ac ri mo ni ous an i mos i ty an ni ver sa ry ar is toc ra cy as si du i ty as tro lo gi cal con san guin i ty con tra ri e ty deu ter on o my di a bol i cal du o de ci mo e las ti ci ty em blem at i cal e qua nim i ty e qui lib ri um et y mol o gy im be cil i ty in ad ver ten cy in dis pen sa ble

in com pat i ble in di vid u al in tre pid i ty ma gis te ri al mag na nim i ty me di oc ri ty mer i to ri ous met a phor i cal mis cel la ne ous mul ti fa ri ous no to ri e ty o do rif er ous pe ri od i cal per pen dic u lar phra se ol o gy ré ca pit u late sub ter ra ne ous ta ci tur ni ty ty po graph i cal


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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

The Learner should stop at a Comma while he can. count one; at a Semicolon, two; at a Colon, three; at a Period, Interrogation, and Admiration, four.

A Note of Interrogation is put at the end of a question. A Note of Admiration is used after any thing sudden or surprising.

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