De Mortier; A Tale of the French Revolution Desultory Notes on Desultory Readings 384-635-699-754 Observatory at Washington 52 Oration, Mr. Webster's Bunker Hill 554 Dickson's Poems-Notice of 424 73 159-217-298 277-349-426 303 360-444-505-608 538-673 Galf Stream and Currents of the Sea. Paper on the Gertrude; A Novel 513-641-705 Sciote Captive, the 69 104 268 357 552 592-652 Thirty years passed among the Players in England 7-137-340-449 152 NO. I.--VOL. X.--JANUARY, 1844. ORIGINAL PROSE ARTICLES. 1. The Eitor to his Patrons... 2. International Copyright Law-In a letter to the Hon. I. E. Holmes, M. C., from South Carolina, by W. Gilmore Simms, LL. D.... 3. Dona Florida. A Tale, by the author of "Atalantis." &c.-A review of... 4. Proverbial Philosophy, by Martin Farquhar Tupper, M. A., of Christ's Church, Oxford. A review of.... Mr. Webster's Bunker Hill Oration. A reply to concluded..... 6. Blindness and the Blind............ 7. Cheap Literature; its Character and Tendencies, by a Southron. E. D. Colombia, S. C............33 8. The "Stone House;" Yorktown; Rosewell and Werowocomoco. By C. C., Petersburg, Va.......40 9. Georgia Scenes. Darby Anvil. By Judge Longstreet...... 43 EDITOR'S TABLE. 22. Notices of New Works... 24. Note to the article on Copyright....... .43 52 60 61-64 .64 64 10. De Mortier; a Tale of the French Revolution......52 25. Cover. See Opinions of the Press and letters of Cor11. Heros in America... 60 respondents, Exchange Papers, &c. PAYMENTS TO THE SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. Ailworth, James J....Accomac C. H., Va........vol 8-9 9 Gardner, Jr., James..WFP..Augusta, Georgia.. ..vol 10 ....vol 9 -vol 10 ...vol 9 vol 9 Newnan, Georgia.... vol 9 Hamilton, Wm. B.. Richmond, Virginia....vol 9-10 Herndon, John M... Fredericksburg, Virginia.....vol 10 Haskins, W. A..... Ballsville, Virginia.......vol 8-9 Hawkins, Guy C... Charlestown, Massachusetts...vol 9 Hicks, Dr. Benj. J..WG.. Diamond Grove, Va.....vol 9 Hickman, David.... Middlebourne, Virginia.. ..vol 9 Hamlin, Ro. D....WFP....Augusta, Georgia.. vol 9 Harper, James...... WFP..Augusta, Georgia......vol 9 Hinton, P. W....New Lebanon, N. Carolina.....vol 8-9 Johnson, Josiah E..JKT..Savannah, Georgia......vol 9 Kennedy, Lieut. C. H.....Norfolk, Virginia.. ..vol 10 King, H. H.. New York City ..vol 9 Lanier, Robert E....Moulton, Alabama. vol 9 Literary Association.......... Parkersburg, Virginia.....vol 10 Leak, Mrs. Ann P....Rockingham, N. Carolina.... vol 9 Love, Miss Mary Jane.... White Plains, Va....................vol 9 -vol 9 vol 9 vol 9 .vol 9 . vol 9 ..vol 9 vol 10 vol 8-9 vol 10 vol 10 vol 9 We have collected some scraps for our monthly summary, but the kindness of our valuable contributors has left us little room. An Editor hardly knows how much space he will have until his other matter is in type. Since writing the Review of Mons. Violet, &c., we learn that he is a French adventurer who figured in Texas under the title of Count de Narbonne. He obtained Kendall's Sketches, &c., from Mr. Falconer, one of the Sante Fe prisoners. |