Sidor som bilder
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A. I do not.

Q. Was you not occupied in Jacmel, in putting handles to pikes?

A. Yes, I was obliged to do it.

Q. Did you not bring those axes (pointing to sms on the floor) for the purpose of cutting off our heals, and those shovels to bury us? A. I never knew what use was to be made of them.

Q. Do not you think you deserve hanging? A. No, what I did I was obliged to do, contrary to my will.

Q Do not you think you ought rather to die than be compelled to commit a crime? A. No, I have always understood that self-preservation was the first law of nature. Q. Why did you not all rise and take command of the schooner, after you disco

vered her intention?

A. We did attempt it once, but failed; we had agreed to attempt a second time, on the evening of that day we were taken.

After the examination of all the prisoners was gone through, they were again brought up the second time, when similar questions were put to them as before,

and sumlur answers made.

The exammations were then taken by the heutenant-governor and judges, to Caraccas, where (as was understood) they were laid before a military court, assembled for the purpose of pronouncing Judgments. They remained under their consideration for several days, before any thing was determined upon.

During which time the prisoners remanned in confinement; suffering almost every deprivation, and reflecting upon what would be their doom. Some were entirely indifferent, and were willing to meet death, rather than endure their situations. Emaciated, sick, and obliged to endure filth, bad air and unwholesome food, many were tired of life.

On the 20th of July, about eleven o'clock in the morning, the prison doors were thrown open, which presented to our view a large body of armed soldiers, drawn up round the prison door with muskets aimed towards us, loaded, cocked and bayonets fixed; all expected instant death. However, we were ordered out, and placed in a lue for marching; the soldiers on each side with their muskets pointed towards us. There was little danger of the prisoners escaping, being ups, and so weak and emaciated as

to just be able to walk. They were then ordered to march forward, which they did, though slowly as their ancles were marched into a yard, walled round, and still in irons. In this situation they were ordered upon their knees; fronted by muskets still aimed at them and ready to the soldiers at a little distance with their fire. Every moment the word fire was expected.

Shortly appeared the interpreter, accompanied with one or two officers, and two or three Roman catholic priests. The following persons being called, Francis Feruarson, Charles Johnson, Miles L. Hall, Thomas Billopp, Gustavus A. Bergud, Paul T. George. The interpreter then read to them, the following sentence: from a paper which he held in his hand,

Daniel Kemper, John Ferris, James Gardner, Thomas Donohue,

o'clock, you and each of you are sen "In the morning of to-morrow, at six tenced to be hung by the neck until dead; after which your heads are to be severed from your bodies and placed upon poles and distributed in public parts of the country."

The following persons were then called and sentenced to ten years imprisonment, at hard labour, in the castle of Omoa, (near the Bay of Honduras) and after that time, to await the king's pleasure. John T. O'Sullivan, Henry Ingersoil, Jeremiah Powell, Thomas Gill, David Heckle & Son, John Hays, John H. Sherman, John Edsall, John Moore, John M. Elliott, Daniel M'Kay, Robert Saunders, Bennett B. Vegus, Peter Naulty.

to the same punishment, for the same The following persons were sentenced Rico. length of time, at the castle of Porto

Wm W Lippincott, Moses Smith, Matthew Buchanan, Alex. Buchanan, John Parsells, David Winton, John Scott,

Stephen Burtis,
John Burk,
Phineas Raymond,
Joseph Bennett,
Eaton Burlingham,
James Grant,
Frederick Riggus.
And the following persons were sen-
tenced to the same punishment, at the
castle of Rocca Chica, in Cartagena,
except their terms of servitude were eight
years instead of ten.
William Long,
Benjamin Davis,
Joseph L. Heckle,
Henry Sperry,
Benjanin Nicholson,
Robert Steavison,
Samuel Price,
Eiery King,
Hugn Smith,

Daniel Newbury.

William Cartwright, Samuel Touzier, William Burnside, Abraham Head, William Pride, James Hyatt, Pompey Grant, George Ferguson, Robert Rains,


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Those persons who were sentenced to Omoa, were principally officers and noncommissioned officers, under Miranda. Those sentenced to Porto-Rico, were generally privates and mechanics, and those sentenced to Bocca Chica, were generally seamen.

On the morning of the 21st of July, about six o'clock, the prisoners were alarmed by the noise of an assemblage of Spanish soldiers at the door of the prison; when presently the door was thrown open, and discovered to their view about three hundred soldiers, with muskets loaded, bayonets fixed, and arrayed in two lines on the right and left of the prison door, facing inwards, and in a position of charged bayonets.

The prisoners, after being ordered to put on what clothes they had (which were nothing more than a piece of a shirt, and a pair of ragged pantaloons; some had not even those articles) they were lashed two together by the elbows, and placed in a line, between the soldiers, for marching. The ten prisoners to be executed, were then brought out and with their hands lashed fast before, and with white robes on, that extended from the lower part of their necks to their heels, and a white cap upon their heads, were placed in front; in front of them, were placed the three catholic prisoners, attended with three priests, carrying in their hands the holy cross, and accompanied with attendants carrying the sacrament, wax candles and other imple. ments of the church. In this situation the prisoners, with their irons upon their feet, marched slowly along between the lines of soldiers, out of the walls of the castle, to the gallows.

Castle St. Philip is situated upon a large level space of ground, in the harbour of Porto Cavello, and separated from the town by a narrow arm of water. The walls are nearly a quarter of a mile in circumference; about fourteen feet high, and about thirteen feet thick, forming also the outward walls of the prison; mounted with about fifty pieces of large metal. Outside of the walls, and fronting the town, is a large area, for the purpose of exercising the 'soldiers, &c. upon this spot the gallows were erected, being about forty rods from the prison.

The gallows were about twenty feet long and fifteen feet high, and separated in the middle by a post, making two di visions and two pair of steps, one for the Roman Catholic prisoners, as directed by the priests, and the other for the presby terians, or heretics as they were called,

Whence it appeared that they could separate their bodies, if they could not their souls afterwards. About half way up the middle post were placed Miranda's colours; underneath them lay the instruments of war, taken from the schooners, together with the military coats, hats, and feathers, of the officers.

After the procession reached the gallows, those to be executed, were taken in the front, the other prisoners were drawn up in the rear, so as to be in front of each other as they ascended the steps. Inmediately round the prisoners were drawn up two or three companies of uniform soldiers, principally Old-Spainers; in the rear of those were several companies of militia, the greater part of whom were natives of the country. At a little distance in the rear of these, were drawn up several companies of artillery; aud along the shore of the town of Porto Cavello, were stationed a number of companies of cavalry. From this extensive military force, brought to attend the execution, some concluded that an opposition was feared from persons friendly disposed to Miranda, but nothing of that kind was manifested.

Being ready to proceed to the execution, the prisoners awaited their fate with a composure of mind that seemed to evince a reconciled conscience. Not the least intimidated, they discovered a firmness and resolution indicative of soldiers.

Mr. Farquarson being first selected to meet his fate, was led to the steps of the gallows, by a negro slave, who acted as the jack-ketch of the day, and for which he was promised his liberty; his irons were then knocked off, and he led up to the top of the scaffold, where he was seated, fronting his fellow-prisoners; the ropes being placed round his neck, he rose upon his feet and took a final farewell of his companions, wishing them a better fate. The negro then gave him a push from the top of the scaffold, and launched him into eternity. Immediately the negro let himself down upon the ropes, and seating himself upon the shoulders, with his feet hanging upon the breast, beat the breath out of the body with his heels; then jumping down, caught the body by the feet, and pulled it towards one end of the gallows to make room for another.

In the same manner they proceeded to

* The Spaniards use two ropes in their manner of hanging one something smaller than the other, and a few inches shorter, which serves to break the neck, while the other sustains the weight of the body.


execute Mr. Billopp, Kemper, Bergud, Hall, Johnson, and Ferris; atter which they proceeded in a like manner to execute the three Roman Catholic prisoners, Gardner, Donohue, and George, who were constantly attended by their priests; they were taken to the other part of the gallows, where they again received the sacrament, each one was accompanied to the top of the steps by his priest. All of them, except oue, had a few words to address to their companions, by the way of taking leave of them. Bergud, a native of Poland, and a brave fellow, evinced a great contempt of death. After the ropes were round his neck, he observed, “Fellow prisoners, we have all suffered much, but my sufferings will soon end. I die innocent, and relief will come from that source (pointing to Miranda's colours); Miranda's arms will rid you of your chains, and triumph over your oppressors. When that shall hap pen, remember to avenge my death;" then, without waiting for the executioner, he jumped from the scaffold, and ended

his existence at once.

Mr. Dorohue, after his priest had left him, observed, "Fellow prisoners, I wish you a final adieu; (then pointing towards the Spaniards) these blood-hounds will pay ten-fold for this ere long."

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After this scene of blood was finished, Miranda's colours were cut down and triumphantly carried at a little distance from the gallows, where were placed in the officers, their commissions, arms, and one pile, the uniform coats and hats of implements of war, together with Miranda's proclamations; upon this pile the colours were placed, then set fire to and burnt to ashes.

Their heads afterwards were taken, agreeably to the sentence, and distributed to the different adjacent public places. Three were put up at Laguira, two at Caraccas, two at Occumanus, two at Valentia, and one at Porto Cavello. They that purpose, placed upon poles, whicha were put into iron cages, prepared for were erected in conspicuous places, so as to strike the attention of the people.

This horrid scene of death and butchsix o'clock in the morning, till about one ery being over, after having lasted from o'clock in the afternoon, the remainder of the prisoners, with heavy hearts, were returned to their respective prisons, there to remain until the Spaniards were ready to transport them to their respective places of servitude.

After witnessing the execution of their in confinement without any alteration of ten companions, the prisoners remained their condition, except from the heat of the weather, and the weight of their irons, their sufferings were more insupportable than they had been. anxiously wished for the day when they They were to be taken out for the purpose of being removed to their respective places of servitude, inasmuch as they cherished stance might favour an escape. The exa hope, that some auspicious circumpected period arrived on the 7th of Aus gust, when they were all examined, their irons inspected, and more firmly rivetted

Every one evinced a similar firmness of mind, and met their fate with an unchanged countenance, except Mr. George, a young man, and the last one executed; who, instead of acquiring resolution, by the examples of intrepidity, which had been set him by his companions, was disheartened by the shocking sight which was left after life was extinguished. He sunk under the weighty thought of encountering an unknown eternity; he fainted just as he was about to ascend the steps; after some exertion he was brought to his recollection, and taken immediately to the top of the scaffold, the ropes put round his neck, and he swung off without saying a word. After they were all hung, the executner began at the first one, cut the ropes and let him drop to the ground, and passed on in the same manner through the whole. The fall, being some distance from the ground, broke many of their This young man was by birth a Portu-pon thein; and about four o'clock, P.M. guese, he left a wealthy and miserly parent, armed merchant ship, (the Prince of taken out and carried on board of an an consequence of being too severely restricted in pecuniary indulgence, and came to New- Peace) of ten guns, for the purpose of York. After spending some time in a state being conveyed to Carthagena, an exof idleness, and being short of money, he tensive Spanish sea-port town, situated embarked in Miranda's expedition, flushed on the Main, and about three hundred with the idea of making a fortune at one leagues from Porto Cavello. At the troke, mouth of the harbour of this place, is


situated Bocca Chica, whither à portion of the prisoners had been sentenced. At this place the remainder were to remain, until they could be conveniently transported to their destined places.

The prisoners were all placed between the decks, and guarded by about fifty soldiers, placed on board, exclusive of the ship's crew, for that purpose. In consequence of this guard, it was extremely difficult to put in execution any effectual plan for the purpose of regain ing their liberty, notwithstanding the extreme indolence of the soldiers, who spent the greater part of their time either sleeping or smoaking. Several schemes were concerted, and all frustrated; preparations were made at one tune for ridding themselves of their irons, which was to be effected during the night; when they were to rise upon the guard, take command of the vessel, and carry her into some port where they might escape. Had this bold attempt been under taken without success, several lives, no doubt, would have been lost. Their situation was desperate; and desperate means were necessary to be attempted. Just before the appointed time arrived, they were surprised to see the number of the guard about their persons increased, themselves examined, and their irons thoroughly inspected. This excited a suspicion, that some one of their number, whose heart failed him, bad betrayed thein.

Two or three at a time had been permitted to go upon deck, during the day time, and remain an hour or two in the fresh air. These indulgences were attributed to the fear of the commander, of being captured by some English vessel with whom they might fall in with during their voyage, when their severe treatment might be retaliated.

The prisoners, finding they had failed in one scheme, had recourse to another. It was proposed and agreed to, that in case they should not happen to fall into the hands of the English, before they should reach Carthagena, one of them, at a time to be agreed upon, should descend into the magazine room, and by means of a lighted segar, set fire to the powder, and put an end, at once, to their sufferings, by blowing themselves and the vessel out of existence. This scheine met with the same ill success as the former.

They were now arrived in sight of Carthagena, and all hopes of being captured or of escape were gone just as they were making the port, an English frigate love in sight, aid in full chase after them-but She was too late an uncommon fatality

med to attend all their prospects of re

lief. They arrived in Carthagena on the 17th of August 1806, after avoyage of ten days.

On the next day they were all taken out and marched up through the gate of the walls of the town, and through the town to the prison, ready to receive them. The sorrowful appearance the prisoners made in marching along in their irons through the town (about 47 in number) not having any thing upon their heads, but exposed to the hot sun-without any thing upon their feet, and in rags, drew forth a multitude of Spaniards to behold them. Surrounded with men, women, and children, it was with difficulty they could make head-way through them. The shabby ap pearance of the majority of the inhabitants, shewed, that the prisoners were not entirely out of fashion in their tattered dress.

After arriving at the place of confinement, they were separated and put into three diferent rooms or holes, almost destitute of the light of the sun-cut off from the circulation of the air-hot, filthy, and without any thing to rest their heads upon but the bare ground. Whilst reflecting upon these sorrowful regions of despair, they were comforted by the information from their keeper, that these were only temporary places of confinement until another one was fitted up.

The prison which was fitted up to receive the prisoners was adjacent to, and formed a part of the walls of the town, or the walls of the town formed the back walls of the prison-the front facing in upon the town. The walls were made of stone and lime, about 12 or 13 feet thick-the rooms or cells, in which the prisoners were to be confined, were about 90 feet long and about 30 widethere were no windows or holes to let in light, except through the gratings of the door, where the guard was placed-a few small air holes fed through the back of the prison: and centineis were placed upon the top of the prison walls. The floor of the prison was made of bricks, which formed the only pillows the prisoners had to lay their heads upon. To this prison all were removed after remaining several days in their temporary places of continement, except those who were sentenced to labour at Bocca Chica; they were taken out and commenced their term of servitude, of which mention will be made af terwards. This prison, although of a st milar make to the first, they were happy to find, afforded them more room, more air, and more light.

They were now reduced to the number of twenty-eight, who were all confiued in one apartment; their irons were examined


and more strongly rivetted upon them, Those irons consisted of two heavy clevises which were placed round the ancles, at the ends of which were holes, and through these ran an iron bolt, fastening them upon the ancles and joining one ancle with the other, at about six inches apart, just enabling them to limp along, by hatching one foot before the other.These fas weighed about 20 or 25 pounds weight. At first their ancles becme so galled by them, which continuady fretted the flesh whenever they attempted to exercise, that it was with difculty they could walk about the floor of the prison. At length having grown lank and thin by the loss of Besh, they were enabled to raise the irons almost up to their knees, and by means of strings tied to the bolts and round their necks, kept them in that situation, by which they were much relieved in walking,

Their keeper was an Old-Spainer, and a sergeant of the guards. He was intrusted with the superintendence of all the prisoners in confinement. He kept a kind of provision shop, near the prison, and was the purveyor of the prisoners, and supplied them, in behalf of the govern ment, with food. The prisoners were served twice a day, with a sort of fare, consisting of boiled plantains, rice and water, and sometimes a small piece of fish-about one puit of this pottage was served out to each, in the forepart of the day; and towards evening the same repeated. In some seasons of the year, when vegetaEles and food were not so plenty, they were scanted to a little rice and water, or a boiled plantain or two, scarcely sufficient to support nature. Their allowance was eighteen pence per day; this was paid to the old sergeant, who for one shilling a piece, supplied them with those two meals a day, and the surplus six pence he paid them. This money they either laid vut in buying more food, or some kind of covering for their bodies, or laid it up till times of sickness. After a while, they were allowed the eighteen pence in money, instead of food, with which they were to support themselves.

In this situation they were to remain, as they were told, until they could be removed to their places of labour. It was, however, understood that they would not be removed during the war between EngHand and Spain, as the harbour was continually blockaded by English vessels.

Thuse nineteen prisoners who were sentenced to the Castle Bocca Chica, (Little Mouth) which is situated at the mouth of the hubour of Carthagena, were taken out and put to labour in the town of Cur

thagena; their irons were taken off—an iron band put round each of their ancies, with a staple in it, by which two persons were chained together, with a-large oxchain about 20 feet long, and weighing fifty or eighty pounds-they were then pus to labour with the common criminal couvict slaves of the place. Their labour consists principally in digging, fetching and carrying large stones and sand, for the pus pose of building fortifications, &c.-ais they do upon a hand-barrow.-After they, get their load upon the hand-barrow, they place upon it their chains, which would otherwise drag upon the ground, and proceed to carry it wherever it may be wanted.

When they were let out to labour, being almost naked, the scorching sun was so powerful, as to raise blisters upon the parts exposed to the heat-the middle of the day was almost insupportable, many would faint and fail under the load they were compelled to carry-this, instead of exciting pity, would ouly bring upon them the lash of the negro slave-driver, wha attended them. At first they suffered much for want of hats; these they procured out of the money which was allowed them to live upon-the large straw hats were of great service in screening inuch of their bodies from the sun. After labouring in this manner for some time, they became more accustomed to the climate, their skins were soon tanned from white to brown, and the heat became more endurable. They are called up in themorning by their drivers, at day light, and put to work. At noon and night they are per mitted to eat whatever they can procure with their scanty pittance-at night they are locked up in a prison, where they rest till morning. They passed and re-passed the prison where their fellow countrymen were confined, but were not permitted to have any access to them. Whenever any one was sick, he was sent to the slaves hospital, where be remained till bis health was recovered. In this manner they still continue to wear out their wearied lives.

Soon after their imprisonment, several were attacked with fevers, the flux, black jaundice, and other disorders that prevail during the sickly season. Their complaints, were little attended to by their keepers, no assistance was offered them at first, they were obliged to indure their sickness, lying upon the hard tiles of the prison floor. At length one of the prisoners, by the name of John Burk, died; this excited more attention to their complaints, and shortly afterwards, they were indulged with the liberty of going to the hospital, whenever they were unwell.


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