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leaning over the pulpit desk looking down upon the busy scene before him. It is near ten o'clock, but he is a poor sleeper, and seldom retires before midnight.

The foregoing is a true picture, and typical of the many mammoth meetings that are held each year.

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UNDAY'S corps of helpers consists of nearly a dozen people, made up of both men and women. His wife is with him most of the time in nearly every meeting, and she is of course his best helper.

In general, arrangements are made so that the men of the party can live together under one roof, and so keep up something of home life. The ladies generally have rooms in homes near by, so that all can have meals at the same table. It is also an advantage in many ways, for them to be close together. Whenever it can be done, the Executive Committee rents a large furnished house, and employs a housekeeper and other needed help. When this is not done, Sunday finds it difficult to get the time he needs for rest and work. His correspondence alone is heavy and burdensome, for although he has a most efficient secretary, so much of it requires his own personal attention.

In connection with the great meetings are many special features that require skilled supervision and constant oversight, and no little downright hard work on the part of every member of the party. The first and most important of these are the cottage prayer meetings, about a hundred or more of which are held, in the larger places, every morning at ten o'clock.

These are the spiritual life of the great meetings. To

have them go on successfully and profitably is no small task, and in this the local pastors can give much help. The city is divided into districts of a few blocks each, in every one of which a prayer meeting is held daily. The aim is to have these meetings held in different homes each morning, and not in the same ones continuously. There is also a daily change in the leaders. In the choosing of leaders care must be taken, not only to have those who will be spiritual and competent, but who will also be prompt and punctual, and see that the meetings begin and close on time. It has been found an advantage to hold as many of these meetings as possible in the homes of non-Christians.

Another feature that has much to do with the success of the great meetings is the holding of meetings in shops and factories during the noon hour. The men in the shops take much interest in these meetings, and are glad to have them as often as they can be held. At each one there is good singing and a short address, made by Sunday or one of his assistants. Sometimes meetings are also held for the clerks in the larger stores. Numerous meetings are held in the schools, and Sunday's educational talks are among the best and most practical he gives. By them many young lives have been turned into better channels.

One very important special feature is the work that is done among women of several classes: Business women, factory girls, maids, society women, wives, mothers, schoolgirls, etc. One of Sunday's women assistants holds meetings for the business women-stenographers, clerks, bookkeepers, etc., in which they are organized into classes and given special help and instruction in Bible study and other matters pertaining to young women. These meetings are held during the noon hour,

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