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What you have given the world it never possessed before you came.

The difference between God's side and the devil's is the difference between heaven and hell.

Temptation is not sin-yielding is.

A man can slip into hell with his hand on the doorknob of heaven.

Ball bearings on the church doors will never fill the pews with sinners seeking salvation.

Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole. Yielding is opening the door and inviting him in.

If you live wrong you can't die right.

To discover a flaw in our makeup is a chance to get rid of it, and add a new line of beauty to our life.

God will not send the winds to drive our ship of salvation, unless we have faith to lift the sails.

The real man shuns a path carpeted with velvet.

If you are going to be carried over the rough places, you might as well have no legs at all.

All the service that weighs an ounce in the sight of God is that which is prompted by love.

I am an old-fashioned preacher of the old-time religion, that has warmed this cold world's heart for two thousand years.

To know some men is an invitation to do right. Το know others is an invitation to lie, drink, swear and sink into hell.

What God needs, and the world needs, is men who are solid mahogany all the way through.




R. SUNDAY'S mother is still living, and only a mother can know and appreciate the great joy and satisfaction she has had in hearing her son preach to vast multitudes with such marvelous power, and seeing him so wondrously used of God in the saving of many. It has been her privilege to have a seat on the platform in many of his great meetings, and there witness scenes that melted her heart in gratitude.

Sunday has always been glad to have his mother with him at the tabernacle whenever she could be present, and has had his heart made very tender by the heartiness of the applause that always greeted her whenever he introduced her. God has a thousand ways of pouring the oil of joy into the heart of a mother, and to this Sunday's mother can abundantly testify.

Billy's love for his mother, and his intense loyalty to her, has been a grand example to thousands of young people all over the country and this has always reached the climax of influence in every campaign when the special "Mothers' Day" services were held.

Everything in the way of good that comes to Sunday he is proud and happy to share with his wife. Next to the favor of God, it is doubtful if there is anything more precious to him than "Nell's" smile of enjoyment, and she is just as glad when the dew of heaven comes

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