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Fair hawthorn flowering,
With green shade bowering
Along this lovely shore;
To thy foot around

With his long arms wound

A wild vine has mantled thee o'er.

In armies twain,

Red ants have ta'en

Their fortress beneath thy stock:
And, in clefts of thy trunk,
Tiny bees have sunk

A cell where their honey they lock.
In merry spring-tide,
When to wooe his bride
The nightingale comes again,
Thy boughs among,
He warbles the song
That lightens a lover's pain.

'Mid thy topmost leaves,
His nest he weaves
Of moss and the satin fine,
Where his callow brood
Shall chirp at their food,
Secure from each hand but mine.

Gentle hawthorn, thrive,

And for ever alive

Mayst thou blossom as now in thy prime;

By the wind unbroke,

And the thunderstroke,

Unspoil'd by the axe or time.

In several of his odes there are passages of extraordinary splendour. What can exceed in magnificence this description of Jupiter coming in the form of a swan to Leda?

L'or sous la plume reluit

D'une semblable lumiere
Que le clair oeil de la nuit

Dessus la neige premiere:
Il fend le chemin des cieux
D'un long branle de ses ailes,
Et d'un voguer spatieux

Tire ses rames nouvelles.

L. iii. O. xx. Premiere Pause.

His plumes beneath are glittering bright
With such a golden glow,

As when the broad eye of the night

Is on the earliest snow.

He shaketh once his out-spread wing,

And cleaves the sky amain,

And at one stroke his new oars fling

The billowy air in twain.

One of his odes concludes with a wish, to the completion of which I would willingly contribute. After invoking the other heathen deities, he adds

Vous dryades et vous fées Qui de joncs simplement coifées Nagez par le crystal des eaux, Fendant des fleuves les entorses, Et qui naissez sous les escorces, Ames vertes des arbrisseaux;

Ornez ce livre de lierre,

Et bien loin au ciel, de la terre
S'il vous plait enlevez ma vois :
Et faites que tousiours ma lyre
D'âge en âge s'entende bruire
Du More jusques a l'Anglois,

L. iv. O. xv.

Ye dryads and ye fays that bind
Your brows with simple reed entwined ;
Who down the crystal rivers swim,
Turning the bends with lithsome limb;
And ye, that in the green bark dwell,
Meek sisters of the quiet dell;
With ivy deck this favour'd page;
And let my lyre from age to age
Still echo on, in strains that rise
Above this mean earth to the skies,
Till at the world's extremest bounds,
The Moor and Briton learn the sounds.

The seventeenth ode of the same book is prettily rendered from the well-known idyllium, whether it be Moschus's or Bion's, which begins—

“Εσπερε, τᾶς ἐρατᾶς χρύσεον φάος


Ronsard's version of it much excels that by Claudio Tolommei, inserted by Mr. Mathias in his Selections from the Lyrical Poets of Italy, V. iii. p. 227. There have been several attempts to imitate it in our own language. I will not now add another to the number.

The third ode of the fifth book is addressed to three English ladies, who had composed a book of Christian Distichs in Latin; which it is said, in a note by Richelet, had been translated into Greek, Italian, and French, and inscribed to Margaret, sister to Henry II.; as Michel de L'Hôpital had remarked in his Third Epistle.

The eleventh and twelfth odes are attempts at the Sapphic measure. One, and I believe one only, is in blank verse. It is the eleventh in the third book.

It is wonderful how much learning and pains his commentators have thrown away on these poems. Nothing can more prove the high esteem in which they were then held.

His Franciade succeeds next. The death of his patron Charles IX. discouraged him from continuing it, and he has left only four books, which, like most of his other writings, are composed of shreds of the Greek and Latin poets, but with some splendid patches of his own interspersed among them.

At the end of the fourth book, he has very candidly added this confession:

Les Francois qui mes vers liront,
S'ils ne sont et Grecs et Romains,
En lieu de ce livre ils n'auront
Qu'un pesant faix entre les mains.

"The Frenchmen, who shall read my verses, if they be not Greeks and Romans too, instead of this book will have but a cumbersome weight in their hands."

The hero Francus was the same person with Astyanax, and is said to have derived his new name from the Greek compound epithet Pheréenchos, Porte-lance.

All this affectation of antiquity is not very consistent with the anger expressed in his Preface against those, who, neglecting their vernacular tongues, composed in the Greek and Latin. "Encore vaudoit-il mieux, comme un bon bourgeois ou citoyen, rechercher et faire un lexicon des viels mots d'Artus, Lancelot, et Gauain, ou commenter le Romant de la Rose, que s'amuser à je ne sçai quelle grammaire Latine qui a passé son temps." "It would be better, like some good burgess or citizen, to search for and make a lexicon of old words from Arthur, Lancelot, or Gawen, or to write notes on the Romant of the Rose, than to amuse oneself with I know not what Latin grammar, that is now completely out of date."

There is nothing in the Franciade with which I have been so much pleased as with the meeting between Francus and Hyante. It is copied from Apollonius Rhodius and Valerius Flaccus, but surpasses both. Ils sont long temps sans deviser ensemble Tous deux muets l'un devant l'autre assis: Ainsi qu'on voit, quand l'air est bien rassis, Deux pins plantez aux deux bords du ri


Ne remuer ny cime ny fueillage,

[blocks in formation]

Between Charles IX. and Ronsard there passed some pleasant verses. The monarch bantered him on his old age, but concluded by owning his own inferiority in the gifts of mind.

Par ainsi je conclu, qu'en sçavoir tu me passe,

Dautant que mon printemps tes cheveux gris efface.

The poet replied, by reminding him, that he must some day be like himself.

Charles tel que je suis vous serez quelque jour,

that youth is the season of danger and temptation, and that old age has many advantages over it; that the King was wrong to call him old, for that he should yet be able to serve his Majesty at least twenty years

[blocks in formation]

Bien calfeutrer sa nef, sa voile bien guinder :
La certaine boussole est d'adoucir les tailles,


Estre amateur de paix, et non pas de ba-
Avoir un bon conseil, sa justice ordonner,
Payer ses creanciers, jamais ne maçonner,
Etre sobre en habits, etre prince accointable,
Et n'ouir ni flateurs ni menteurs à la table.
Le Bocage Royal, p. 691.*

Think not in France, thy voyage, King, shall be
O'er the smooth face of an unruffled sea:
O'er her swoln waves the blasts of faction sweep,
And warring zealots lash the angry deep.
Her heart is stubborn. But thou must not goad
Her rage, or think to tame her by the rod.
Time's lenient hand her senses will restore :
Chastise the furious, and they storm the more.
Be these thy cards and compass-to make light
The people's burdens, and to rule by right;
For the state's welfare all thy plans to frame,
War thine aversion, peace thy love and aim;
To chuse for council men most sage and skill'd;
To pay thy creditors, nor ever build;

Grave in apparel, faithful to thy word;
Nor suffer, though a free and courteous lord,
One sycophant or lyar at thy board.

He earnestly exhorted Charles IX. to deliver the Greeks from the tyranny of their Turkish masters:

Bref cette Grece, oeil du monde habitable,
Qui n'eut jamais ny aura de semblable,
Demande, helas! votre bras tres-Chrestien
Pour de son col desserrer le lien,
Lien barbare, impitoyable, et rude.

Ibid. p. 713.

Grecia, the world's fair light, that on this earth
Ne'er had, nor e'er will have, her like in worth,
Demands thine arm of Christian Majesty,
To set her neck from this base bondage free.

* This reference is to Claude Binet's folio edition; but I did not make a memorandum of the year.

In his verses to Queen Elizabeth he describes England; and having said that Bacchus alone of the Gods had denied it his gifts, he passes an encomium on its native liquor, which would lead one to conclude that the

bard had enjoyed his cup of mild ale in this country, as much as he did the bottle of wine that was brought to him from the nearest village, under a hawthorn tree, in his own.

Mais quelque jour Cerés la vagabonde
Ayant tourné les quatres parts du monde,
Cherchant sa fille à travers des humains,
Tenant deux pins allumez en ses mains,
Doit arriver lassée a ton rivage,

Qui pour du vin te doit faire un breuvage
Non corrosif ni violent ni fort,
Trouble-cerveau ministre de la mort,
Mais innocent a la province Angloise,
Et de Cerés sera nommée cervoise,
Qui se pourra si gracieux trouver,
Que tes voisins s'en voudront abreuver.

Ibid. p. 716.

When Ceres o'er the world's four parts had stray'd,
Seeking in every clime the ravish'd maid;

She, while her hands two piny torch-lights bore,
Came faint and weary to thy distant shore.
A beverage then instead of wine she gave
In golden plenty o'er thy fields to wave;
Not violent or strong; nor apt to fire
The troubled brain, and deathful deeds inspire.
Named from herself, as the fair harvest grew,
She call'd its smiling produce mild cwrw.*
The neighbours quaff the novel cups with glee,
And social share the harmless jollity.

In his verses to Catherine de' Medici, he tells her that Nature after making her had broken the mould. Elle en rompit le moule, à fin que sans pareille

Tu fusses ici-bas du monde la merveille.
Ibid. p. 731.

The Bocage Royal is followed by the Eclogues. At the beginning of

the first he commends the beauty of nature unadorned and wild, beyond all the embellishments of art.

Car tousiours la nature est meilleure que

Among the other sovereigns of
Europe, he eulogizes Elizabeth and
Passant d'autre coté j'allois voir les Anglois,
Region opposée au rivage Gaulois :

Je vy leur grande mer en vagues fluctueuse ;
Je vy leur belle Royne honneste et vertueuse :
Autour de son palais je vy ces grands milords,
Accorts, beaux et courtois, magnanimes et forts,
Je les vy tous aimer la France leur voisine,
Je les vy reverer Carlin et Catherine;
Ayant juré la paix, et jetté bien-avant
La querelle ancienne aux vagues et au vent.
Je vy des Escossois la Royne sage et belle,

Qui de corps et d'esprits ressemble une immortelle :
J'approchay de ses yeux, mais bien de deux soleils,
Deux soleils de beauté, qui n'ont point leurs pareils."
Je les vy larmoyer d'une claire rosée,

Je vy d'un clair crystal sa paupiere arrosée,
Se souvenant de France, et du sceptre laissé,
Et de son premier feu comme un songe passé.

Qui voiroit en la mer ces deux Roynes, fameuses
En beauté, traverser les vagues escumeuses,
Certes on les diroit a bien les regarder,
Deux Venus qui voudroient en Cythere aborder.

Eclogue Premiere, p. 797.

* The British name for ale, pronounced cooroo.

Next pass'd I to the British nation o'er,
A land right opposite to Gallia's shore.

I saw the wild waves of their ocean-flood;
I saw their chaste Queen, beautiful and good.
Her palace with great lords was throng'd about,
Fair, courteous, wise, magnanimous, and stout.
I saw them cordially to France inclined;
Our ancient feuds deliver'd to the wind;

For they had vow'd-henceforth, with heart sincere,
To love her people, and her kings revere.

I saw the Scottish Queen, so fair and wise,
She seem'd some power descended from the skies.
Near to her eyes I drew two burning spheres
They were, two suns of beauty, without peers.
I saw them dimm'd with dewy moisture clear,
And trembling on their lids a crystal tear;
Remembering France, her sceptre, and the day
When her first love pass'd like a dream away.
Whoe'er should mark the two Queens in their pride
Of beauty, traversing the foamy tide,-
Would surely say, in wonder lost the while,
Two Venuses approach their favourite isle.

In the third Eclogue we have the chief poets of his day, under the names of shepherds. Bellot is Bellay; and Perrot, Ronsard himself; Janot is Jean Dorat; Micheau, Michel de l'Hôpital; Lancelot, Lancelot Carles, a great poet, says the annotator Marcassus; and Bellin, Belleau. In the fourth Eclogue, some of these appear again. In the fifth, we have the two royal brothers, Charles IX. and Henry III. as shepherds, with the names of Carlin and Xandrin.

In the second of the Elegies, Ronsard warns his friend Philippe Desportes against harassing his mind with too much study.

After the Elegies come two books of Hymns. Towards the end of the third, in the first book, he has made bad work of the story of the Gemini and Idas, which is so beautifully told in Pindar. The seventh, entitled Daimons, is a curious collection of the superstitions that prevailed in his time respecting spirits. Book ii. Hymn ii. he runs a strange parallel between Hercules and Jesus Christ. Hymn xiii. of the Husbandmen to Saint Blaise, is exceedingly pretty.

The first book of Poems which is next in order, is inscribed to Mary Stewart, whose captivity he deplores, and blames the cruelty of Elizabeth. In the second poem to her (p. 1174), he represents her leaving Fontainbleau to return to Scotland. In describing the colour

of her eyes, which he calls "un peu
brunet,” he says-
Aussi les Grecs en amour les premiers
Ont à Pallas Déesse des guerriers
Donné l'oeil verd, et le brun a Cythere.

these verses to the unhappy Queen
There is a great deal of heart in
of the Scots. Saying, that she some-
times chuses some of his own poems
for her reading, he adds—
Car je ne veux en ce monde choisir
Plus grand honneur que vous donner plaisir.

"I would not chuse in this world a greater honour than to give you pleasure."

And towards the conclusion of this
Envoy, as it is called-
Elle courtoise, O livre glorieux,
Te recevant d'un visage joyeux,
Et te tendant le main de bonne sorte,
Te demandra comme Ronsard se porte,
Que c'est qu'il fait, ce qu'il dit, ce qu'il est:
Tu lui diras, qu'icy tout luy desplait, &c.

P. 1175.

"She, courteous as she is, O glorious book, receiving thee with joyful face, and stretching out her hand to thee kindly, will ask thee how Ronsard is, what he is doing, what he is saying, what his present state is: thou shalt say to her, that there is nothing here which gives him pleasure," &c.

We cannot leave Ronsard more honourably employed, than in thus endeavouring to alleviate the sufferings of an oppressed, and perhaps an innocent woman.

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