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Vashti is cast off. Letters are sent from the king, into all his provinces, to command that every man should rule at home: the court affords them an aweful pattern of authority. Had not Ahasuerus doated much upon Vashti's beauty, he had not called her forth, at the feast, to be wondered at by his peers and people; yet now he so feels the wound of his reputation, that he forgets he ever felt any wound of his affection. Even the greatest love may be overstrained: it is not safe presuming upon the deepest assurances of dearness. There is no heart that may not be estranged. It is not possible that great princes should want soothing up in all their inclinations, in all their actions. While Ahasuerus is following the chace of his ambition, in the wars of Greece, his followers are providing for his lust at home. Nothing could sound more pleasing to a carnal ear, than that all the fair young virgins, throughout all his dominions, should be gathered into his palace at Shushan, for his assay and choice. The decree is soon published: the charge is committed to Hegai, the king's chamberlain, both of their purification and


What strife, what emulation was now amongst all the Persian damsels, that either were, or thought themselves fair! Every one hopes to be a queen, and sees no reason why any other should be thought more excellent. How happy were we, if we could be so ambitious of our espousals to the King of heaven!

Amongst all this throng of virgins, God hath provided a wife for Ahasuerus, having determined his choice, where most advantage shall rise to his forlorn people.

The Jews were miserably scattered over the world, in that woeful deportation under Jeconiah; scarce a handful of them returned to Jerusalem: the rest remain still dispersed, where they may; but have leave to live. There are many thousands of

them turned over, with the Babylonian monarchy, to the Persian: amongst the rest was Mordecai the son of Jair, of the tribe of Benjamin, a man of no mean note or ability, who, living in Shushan, had brought up Hadassah, or Esther, his uncle's daughter, in a liberal fashion: it was happy for this orphan, that, in a region of captivity, she lighted into such good hands. Her wise kinsman finds it fit, that her breeding and habit should be Persian-like; in outward and civil forms, there was no need to vary from the heathen; her religion must be her own; the rest was so altogether theirs, that her very nation was not discerned.

The same God, that had given incomparable beauty to this Jewess, gave her also favour in the eyes of Hegai, the keeper of the women: she is not only taken into the Persian court, as one of the selected virgins, but observed with more than ordinary respect; all necessaries for her speedy purification are brought to her; seven maids are allowed for her attendance, and the best and most honourable place in that seraglio is allotted to her; as if this great officer had designed her for a queen, before the choice of his master.

What strange preparation was here for the impure bed of a heathen! every virgin must be six months purified with the oil of myrrh, and six other months perfumed with sweet odours, besides those special_receipts that were allowed to each, upon their own election. O God, what care, what cost is requisite to that soul which should be addressed a fit bride for thine own holy and glorious Majesty !

When we have scoured ourselves with the cleanest oil of our repentance, and have perfumed ourselves with thy best graces, and our perfectest obedience, it is the only praise of thy mercy, that we may be accepted.

The other virgins passed their probation unregarded. When Esther's turn came, though she re

quired nothing, but took what was given her; though she affected nothing, but brought that face, that demeanour which nature had cast upon her, no eye sees her without admiration: the king takes such pleasure in her beauty, that, contemning all the other vulgar forms, his choice is fully fixed upon her. All things must prosper, where God hath intended the success. The most wise providence of the Almighty fetches his projects from far: the preparation and advantage of his own people is in hand; for the contriving of this, Vashti shall be abandoned, the vir gins shall be chosen; Esther only shall please Ahasuerus, Mordecai shall displease Haman; Haman's ruin shall raise Mordecai. The purposes of God cannot be judged by his remote actions; only the accomplishment shows his designs; in the mean time, it pleaseth him to look another way than he moves, and to work his own ends by arbitrary and unkindly accidents.

None but Esther shall succeed Vashti, she only carries the heart of Ahasuerus from all her sex; the royal crown is set upon her head; and as Vashti was cast off at a feast, so with a solemn feast shall Esther be espoused; here wanted no triumph to express the joy of this great bridegroom, and, that the world might witness he could be no less loving than severe, all his provinces shall feel the pleasure of this happy match, in their immunities, in their rich gifts.

With what envious eyes do we think Vashti looked upon her glorious rival! how doth she now, though too late, secretly chide her peevish will, that had thus stript her of her royal crown, and made way for a more happy successor! Little did she think her refusal could have had so heinous a construction; little did she fear, that one word, perhaps not ill meant, should have forfeited her husband, her crown, and all that she was. Whoso is not wise enough to forecast the danger of an offence, or in

discretion, may have leisure enough of an unseason→ able repentance.

That mind is truly great and noble that is not changed with the highest prosperity; queen Esther cannot forget her cousin Mordecai; no pomp can make her slight the charge of so dear a kinsman: in all her royalty she casts her eye upon him amongst the throng of beholders, but she must not know him; her obedience keeps her in awe, and will not suffer her to draw him up with her, to the participation of her honour: it troubles her not a little to forbear this duty, but she must; it is enough for her, that Mordecai hath commanded her not to be known, who, or whose she was.

Perhaps the wise Jew feared, that, while her honour was yet green and unsettled, the notice of her nation, and the name of a despised captive, might be some blemish to her in that proud court; whereas afterwards, upon the merit of her carriage, and the full possession of all hearts, her name might dignify her nation, and countermand all reproaches,

Mordecai was an officer in the court of Ahasuerus ; his service called him daily to attend in the king's gate; much better might he, being a Jew, serve a Pagan master, than his foster-daughter might ascend to a Pagan's bed.

If the necessity or convenience of his occasions called him to serve, his piety and religion called him to faithfulness in his service: two of the king's chamberlains, Bigthana and Teresh, conspire against the life of their sovereign. No greatness can secure from treachery or violence: he that ruled over millions of men, through a hundred and seven and twenty provinces, cannot assure himself from the hand of a villain; he, that had the power of other men's lives, is in danger of his own. Happy is that man that is once possessed of a crown incorruptible, unfadeable, reserved for him in heaven: no force, no

treason can reach thither; there can be no peril of either violence, or forfeiture.

The likeliest defence of the person of any prince is the fidelity of his attendants: Mordecai overhears the whispering of these wicked conspirators, and reveals it to Esther; she (as glad of such an opportunity to commend unto Ahasuerus the loyalty of him whom she durst but secretly honour) reveals it to the king; the circumstances are examined, the plot is discovered, the traitors executed, the service recorded in the Persian annals. A good foundation is thus laid for Mordecai's advancement, which yet is not over-hastened on either part; worthy dispositions labour only to deserve well, leaving the care of their remuneration to them whom it concerns: it is fit that God's leisure should be attended in all his designments. The hour is set, when Mordecai shall be raised: if in the mean time there be an intervention, not only of neglect, but of fears and dangers, all these shall make his honour so much more sweet, more precious.




BESIDES the charge of his office, the care of Esther's prosperity calls Mordecai to the king's gate, and fixes him there with what inward contentment did he think of his so royal pupil! Here I sit among my fellows; little doth the world think that mine adopted child sits in the throne of Persia; that the great empress of the world owes herself to me: I might have more honour, I could not have so much secret comfort, if all Shushan knew what interest I have in queen Esther.

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