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G. Anderfon, Surg. R. F. Fowler, Lt. and Adi.

Lt. F.

Camp Hurry Hall, Bank of Tumbudra,
August 15.

To Captain BURKE, Sc. Sc.

I have had the honour of receiving your very kind and affectionate addrefs to ine of the 15th inftant, on the occafion of my departure from the army, and the im-, mediate command of the 2d battalion, a corps in which I have spent fo great and happy a part of my life.

The gratification I feel in being accompanied with fo flattering a teftimony of your good wilhes, united with the event itself, have excited fenfations in my bofom, which I want language fufficiently frong to exprefs.

Let me, however, affure you, that no ditance of time or place will ever alter the regard I have for the corps; and fhall ever feel a warm intereft in promoting, as far as lies in my power, its honour, welfare and happiness.

I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, With the greatest esteem and respect, Your most obedient humble fervant,

&c. &c. to the no fmall but

defeription, or country, will be permitted to travel through the Company's dominions fubject to this prefidency in the province of Malabar, unless he fhall be regularly furnifhed with paffports for that purpose.

The only exception which the Hon. the Governor in Council has been pleased to make to the foregoing refolution, is in favour of officers commanding parties of his Majefty's or the Hon. Company's troops.

D. SMITH, Major General. Camp at Velloot, August 15, 1799. On the 28th, at midnight, the Brahmans took one of their tutelar deities from a pagoda, where he had been immured for thirty years paft, and paraded him through the town with drums, trumpets, fireworks, temporary alarm of the garrifon; for the priets having, through ignorance, omitted to apprize the Town Major of their intention, the cause of the feeming tumult was at first unknown, and the whole run a risk of being fent to the main guard. On the neceffary explanation, how. ever, the proceffion advance.l, and paraded without interruption.

All perfons about to travel are accordingly required to take out a pafiport from the head civil fervant of the district in which they may refide, i. e. from the Prefident of the Commiffion at Calicut, the Superintendants of the Northern or Southern divifions of the province of Malabar, or the nearest of their affiftants acting in the capacity of local magiftrates or collectors; the Commiffioner at Cochin, and the Refident at Anjengo, or in places where there may be no civil fervant or commanding officer of the neareft garrifon which certificate or paffport fhall be produced to the next civil fervant or commanding officer, who is authorised to cancel it, and, if necessary, to issue a fresh raffport.

BOMBAY CASTLE, August 12. Notice is hereby given, that from and after the date hereof, no European perfon, of whatever rank,

And European perfons of all decriptions are hereby warned, that whoever fhall be found travelling without a paffport, will be taken up and confined, until a report of his cafe can be made to the Commiffi.

oners at Calicut.

Notice is hereby given, that a reward of rupees 25 will be paid to any perfon who fhall take up and bring into the nearest civil ftation or garrifon, any European deferter, or vagrant of any defcription; which reward the local competent authority is hereby required to pay. By order of the Governor in Council,

ROB. RICHARDS, Sec. to Gov.

MADRAS, August 27. Yefterday were executed, purfu ant to their fentence, the three per-, fons convicted of the wilful murder of the officers of the ship Sufannah. One of them, a Frenchman, was carpenter of the fhip; two others, a native Portugueze, and a Manilla man, were fea cunnies. Their bodies were afterwards hung in chains on the fea beach, to the northward of the Black Town.

We are happy to announce the capture of the strong post of Gooty, by Licut. Col. Bowfer's detachment, after an obftinate refiftance on the part of the garrifon : but it is with concern we announce the death of Captain Hudder Roberts, who received a mortal wound from a musket ball a few hours before the place furrendered; he was an able meritorious officer, and died most fincerely regretted by a numerous acquaintance.

Fort St. George, Aug. 20.


The troops in garrifon to be under arms to-morrow morning at half past five o'clock, to receive his Excellency Meer Allum Bahadar, ambaffador from his Highnets the Subahdar of the Deccan.

His Excellency will enter at the St. George's gate, and be received with prefented arms by his Majefty's 51ft regiment, which will form a ftreet leading from the gate to the general parade.

The 2d divifion 1ft European regiment will falin on the lett of the 51ft, and the Madras militia under Major Tafwell, will form a continuation of the street to the front of the Admiralty Houfe.

The Madras battalion will march in at the Wallajah gate, and form a street round by the front of the arfe nal to the Admiralty House.

A falute of feventeen guns to be fired on his Excellency's entering the fort, and the troops to continue under arms until he paffes out, when he will again be faluted with the fame number of gims.

The troops having been drawn out in conformity to the above orders; and William Petrie, Efq. and E. Fallowfield, Efq. Members of the Council, having proceeded with an escort of the body guard to conduct his Excellency Meer Allom from his houfe to the fort, his Excellency, together with his fon Meer Dowran, and with a numerous train of attendants, entered at St. George's gate about feven o'clock, and was immediately faluted with feventeen guns, and on his arrival at the Admiralty House was met in the varendah by the Governor-General Lord Clive, Vice-Admiral Rainier, Lieutenant General Stuart, and Major-General Brathwaite; the whole of the na val and military officers, and gentlemen of the civil fervice at the Prefidency, having previously taken their feats in the great hall, His Excellency and Meer Dowran having received the ufual compliments on their introduction, were conducted by the Governor-General, Lord Clive, and Vice- Admiral Rainier, to the upper end of the hall, and placed in chairs under a pavilion erected for the occation, and, in compliment to the Nizam, covered with yellow velvet, being the ap propriated colour at the Court of Hydrabad to his Highnefs the Ni,


His Excellency remained in con, verfation with the Governor General for more than half an hour, when his Lordship prefented him and Meer Dowran, otr of rofes and beetle nut; upon which his Excellency took his leave with the fame ceremonies

ceremonies and compliments as at his entrance.

Previously to the vifit of his Excellency the Ambaffador from the Subahdar of the Deccan, the Governor General held a levee, at which all the gentiemen of the fettlement attended.


CALCUTTA, O. 8, 1799. Letters from Mangalore, dated the sd and 4th ultimo, mention, that an unfortunate artillery lafcar, belonging to the ill-fated army of General Matthews, had effected his efcape from the fort of Jemaulabad, and joined his friends at Manga lore. He reports, that he had been kept to hard labour, with a fentry over him, from the time of the capitulation, now fixteen years fince; and that he left three or four more of his miferable companions in the fort when he quitted it.

To JOSIAH WEBBE, Secretary to the Right Hon, the Governor in



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RESOLVED, That it is expedient that copper ore or copper should be permit ted to be imported for his Majefty's fervice without payment of duty: (True Copies)

I am ordered, by the Court of
Directors of the Eaft India Com-
for the in-
pany, to tranfmit you,
formation and guidance of the Right
Hon. the Governor in Council, the
accompanying Copy of the Refolu-
tions of the Hon, Houfe of Commons,
prohibiting the Company from ex-
porting copper to India for a limit-
ed time.

I am, Sir,
Your moft obedient humble fervant,

Eaft India Houfe, London, March 26.

Fort William, Public Department,

Sept. 28. The Right Hon. the Governor General in Council having taken into confideration the letter addreffed to his Lordship on the 28th inftant, by the Committee appointed by the British inhabitants of Calcutta, at the meeting held at the Theatre on the 17th of July 1798, and the poffible inconvenience to which fome of the fubfcribers of laft year might be fubject in confequence of the unexpected change of circumftances which has fince taken place, has thought proper, with a view of providing for the receipt and remittance of all voluntary contributions in the current year for the fupport of his Majefty's Government in Europe, and of affording an eafy means of relief from the operation of the late tax on income to all perfons who may think proper to avail themselves of it, to publish, for general information, a copy of his Lordship's late correfpondence with the Committee, together with the following refolutions of his Lordship in Council, fimilar to thofe which were paffed on the fame occafion laft year. To the Right Hon. RICHARD Earl

P. S. The Company had previously contracted for 1050 tons, 100 whereof is for Fort St. George,

of MORNINGTON, K. P. Governor General of Fort William.

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cutta, at the public meeting held at the Theatre on the 17th of July 1798, adverting to the refolutions then entered into for the purpose of promoting voluntary contributions in this country for the fupport of his Majefty's Government in Europe, and to the confideration that feveral gentlemen have fubfcribed certain fums for that purpofe to be paid annually during the war, beg leave to requeft, that your Lordship will give fuch directions as may appear moft proper, to provide for the receipt and remittance of those fubfcriptions, as well as of fuch other voluntary contributions as may be entered into for the fame purpofe in the current year.

We have the honour to be, with the highest refpect,

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The Right Hon, the Governor General having communicated to the Board your letter addreffed to his Lordfhip, under date the 28th instant; I am directed by his Lord. fhip in Council to fignify to you, that he highly approves of the meafure which you have fuggefted, and that he will accordingly give the neceffary orders to the proper officers under this prefidency.

2. I am further directed by his Lordship in Council to inform you, that, adverting to the confideration, that fome of the fubfcribers who entered into annual contributions lait year, may have been regulated, in

regard to the extent of their fub. fcriptions, by a view of the whole of their refpective means, while the late ftatute impofing a tax of ten per cent. on fuch part of their income as may be derived from funds in England, could not have been at that time within their contemplation; and being defirous to do every thing in his power to guard against the poffibility of a proceeding fo honourable to the loyalty, public fpirit, and wifdom of the British Inha bitants of this fettlement, being attended with unexpected preffure or inconvenience to any fubfcriber; his Lordship propofes to advise the Right Hon. the Chancellor of his Majefty's Exchequer of the circumftances under which the fubfcrip. tions were made, and to request that orders may be given to the proper officers in England to confider the voluntary contributions of the fub. fcribers at this prefidency as appli cable in the firft inftance to cover

the tax upon income to which they may be refpectively liable in Eng land; provided that each refpective

fubfcriber who may think proper to indemnified from the operation of avail himself of this mode of being that tax, fhall fignify a defire to that effect in writing at the time of payment of his fubfcription, in case it fhall be paid in cash in Bengal; or in

cafe of its being difcharged by bills on England, by a claufe in the body, or note on the back of fuci bills.

I have the honour to be,

Your moft obedient, humble

Sec. to Gov.


1ft, That the Sub-Treasurer at the Prefidency, the Refident at Lucknow, the Collectors of Revenues in the feveral zillahs, and the Military Paymallers and their

their deputies at the feveral stations of the army, be authorized to open books for the pupole of receiving the fubfcriptions of fuch perfons as fhall be defirous of entering into voluntary contributions for the fupport of his Majefty's Government in Europe, and to receive into their refpecuve Treasuries the amount of all contributions that may be tendered to them. edly, That the feveral public officers above-mentioned be directed to tranfmit to the Accountant-General a weekly re-, gifter of the fums that shall have been bfcribed in the refpective books, and alfo a weekly regifter of all fums that may have been received on account of fuch fubfcriptions; and to enter in their refpective calh accounts the whole of the monies that they may have fo received, under the general head of 'FORT WILLIAM PRESIDENCY,' with the fubordinate head of 'VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS FOR 1799.

A meeting of the British inhabit ants at Bombay having been called on the 3d of Auguft, for the purpofe of taking into confideration the terms of an addrefs to the Right Hon. the Governor General, on the fubject of the late glorious events in Myfore; the following was adopted, and tranfmitted to his Lordship accordingly :

dy, That the Accountant General be directed to make up an account, at the end of each month, of all contributions that may have been paid into the feveral Treafuries under this Prefidency in the courfe of that month, and to prepare bills for the amount, to be drawn by the Governor General in Council on the Hon. the Court of Directors of the Eaft India Company, at the exchange of 2s. 6d. per ficca rupee, payable twelve months after date. 4thly, That the bills to be drawn upon the Honourable the Court of Directors, as well as the bills that may be drawn by individuals upon their correfpondents in England, in payment of their contributions, be made payable as follows:-To the Secretaries for the time being, to the Lords Commiffioners of his Majesty's Treafury, or their order, an account of the (or my) voluntary contributions (or contribution) entered into in Bengal, to be applied to the public fervice, in luch a manner as the wildom of Parliament may direct, whether Great Britain fhall continue in a flate of war, or whether peace fhall have been re-establifhed.

To the Right Hon. the EARL of
MORNINGTON, K. P. Governor
General of India, &c.

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We, the underfigned British fubjects civil and military, now refiding in Bombay, beg leave to offer to your Lordship our fincere congratulations on the termination of the war with Tippoo Sultaun: a war founded in neceffity and juftice, profecuted with extraordinary vigor, and crowned with unexampled fuccefs. In the accomplishment of this great object, whether we confider your Lordship's penetration in fathoming the perfidious defigns of the Sultaun, in alliance with the French nation, in violation of a folemn treaty, and without a pretence of provocation to attack the British poffeffions in India; the fubfequent folicitude evinced by your Lordship to conciliate the Sultaun's friendship, and by recalling him to a fenfe of his obligations, to avert the cala. mities of war; the policy, when every overture of conciliation had been difregarded, of obviating the menaced aggreffion by an immediate appeal to arms; or the vigorous adoption of all the various measures effential to a fuccefsful profecution excites our admiration and applaufe: of the war; every thing equally And while the tranfeaent chievements of a gallant army, in execution of your Lordship's mea fures, and in the final conquer of the Sultaun's kingdom, have added

5thly, That the Accountant-General be further directed to take charge of all fuch bulls as may be tendered to him by individuals in payment of their contributions, and to forward fuch bills, and alfo the bills to be drawn upon the Honourable the Court of Directors, together with a regular regiller thereof, by the public packets, addrelled to the Secretaries for the time being to the Lords Commiffioners of his Majelty's i reafury.

Published by order of the Right Hon. the Governor General in Council.

G. H. BARLOW, Sec.



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