RICHARD, Duke of York. Sons to Edward IV. GEORGE, Duke of Clarence, Brother to Edward IV. A young Son of Clarence. RICHARD, Duke of Glofter, Brother to Edward IV.afterwards King Richard III. Cardinal BOUR CHIER, Archbishop of Canterbury. Archbishop of York. Duke of BUCKINGHAM. Duke of NORFOLK. Bishop of Ely. Earl of SURREY. Earl RIVERS, Brother to King Edward's Queen. Marquis of DORSET, Lord GREY, }ber Sons. Earl of RICHMOND, afterwards King Henry VII. Sir THOMAS VAUGHAN. Sir RICHARD RATCLIFF, Lord LovEL Sir WILLIAM CATESBY, Sir JAMES TYRREL. Farl of OXFORD. Sir JAMES BLOUNT. Sir WALTER HERBERT. Sir ROBERT BRAKENBURY, Lieutenant of the Tower, CHRISTOPHER URSWICK, a Prieft. Another Prief, Lord Mayor. WOMEN. ELIZABETH, Queen of Edward IV. Queen MARGARET, Widow of Henry VI. ANNE, Widow of Edward Prince of Wales, Son to Henry VI. afterwards married to the Duke of Glofter. Dutchess of YORK, Mother to Edward IV. Clarence, and Richard III. Sheriff, Purfuivant, Scrivener, Citizens, Ghofts, Soldiers and other Attendants. ACT I. SCENE I. England. London. A Street. N Enter RICHARD, Duke of Glofler. Glofter. OW is the winter of our difcontent Made glorious fummer by this fun of York; Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths But I that am not fhap'd for fportive tricks, A 2 That That dogs bark at me, as I halt by them;- Of Edward's heirs the murderer fhall be.- comes. Enter CLARENCE guarded, and BRAKENBURY. Brother, good day: What means this armed guard, That waits upon your grace? Clar. His majefty, Tendering my person's safety, hath appointed This conduct to convey me to the Tower. Glo. Upon what cause? Clar. Becaufe my name is-George. Glo. Alack, my lord, that fault is none of yours He fhould, for that, commit your godfathers:- As Clar. Yea, Richard, when I know; for, I protest yet I do not: But, as I can learn, He hearkens after prophecies, and dreams; And, for my name of George begins with G, men: 'Tis not the king, that fends you to the Tower; That made him fend lord Haftings to the Tower; Clar. By heaven, I think, there is no man fecure, Brak. I befeech your graces both to pardon me; A 3 His His majesty hath ftraitly given in charge, Glo. Even fo? an please your worship, Brakenbury, You may partake of any thing we fay: We fpeak no treafon, man;-We say, the king Brak. With this, my lord, myfelf have nought to do. Glo. Naught to do with mistress Shore? I tell thee, fellow, He that doth naught with her, excepting one, Brak. What one, my lord? Glo. Her husband, knave:-Would'st thou be tray me? Brak. I beseech your grace to pardon me; and, withal, Forbear your conference with the noble duke. Clar. We know thy charge, Brakenbury, and will obey. Glo. We are the queen's abjects, and must obey, Brother, farewell; I will unto the king; And whatfoe'er you will employ me in Were it to call king Edward's widow-sister- Mean time, this deep difgrace in brotherhood, Glo |