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night, without any accident, excepting that a man at the steerage was thrown over the wheel and much bruised. Towards noon the violence of the storm abated, and we again bore away under the reefed foresail.

so averse to exercise that he would never be prevailed on to take half a dozen turns on deck at a time, during all the course of the voyage. He was buried on shore.

On Monday, the 5th of January, the small cutter was missed, of which I was immediately apprized. The ship's company being mustered, we found three men absent, who had carried it off. They had taken with them eight stand of arms and ammunition; but with regard to their plan, every one on board seemed to be quite ignorant. I therefore went on shore, and en

In a few days we passed the Islands of St. Paul, where there is good fresh water, as I was informed by a Dutch captain, and also a hot spring, which boils fish as completely as if done by a fire. Approaching to Van Diemen's land, we had much bad weather, with snow and hail, but nothing was seen to indicate our vicinity, on the 13th of August, except a seal, which ap-gaged all the chiefs to assist in recovering both peared at the distance of twenty leagues from it. We anchored in Adventure Bay on Wednesday the 20th.

release them. But finding an opportunity again to get possession of their arms, they set the natives at defiance.

the boat and the deserters. Accordingly, the former was brought back in the course of the day, by five of the natives; but the men were In our passage hither from the Cape of Good not taken until nearly three weeks afterwards. Hope, the winds were chiefly from the westward, Learning the place where they were, in a difwith very boisterous weather. The approach of ferent quarter of the island of Otaheite, I went strong southerly winds is announced by many thither in the cutter, thinking there would be no birds of the albatross or peterel tribe; and the great difficulty in securing them with the asabatement of the gale, or a shift of wind to the sistance of the natives. However, they heard northward, by their keeping away. The ther- of my arrival; and when I was near a house in mometer also varies five or six degrees in its which they were, they came out wanting their height, when a change of these winds may be fire-arms, and delivered themselves up. Some of. expected. In the land surrounding Adventure-Bay the chiefs had formerly seized and bound these are many forest-trees one hundred and fifty feet deserters; but had been prevailed on, by fair high; we saw one which measured above thirty-promises of returning peaceably to the ship, to three feet in girth. We observed several eagles, some beautiful blue-plumaged herons, and parroquets in great variety. The natives not appearing, we went in search of them towards Cape Frederic-Henry. Soon after, close to the shore, for it was impossible to land, we heard their voices, like the cackling of geese, and twenty persons came out of the woods. We threw trinkets ashore, tied up in parcels, which they would not open out until I made an appearance of leav-luable, from affording brilliant dyes, and for ing them: they then did so, and, taking the articles out, put them on their heads. On first coming in sight, they made a prodigious clattering in their speech, and held their arms over their heads. They spoke so quick that it was impossible to catch one single word they uttered. Their colour is of a dull black; their skin scarified about the breast and shoulders. One was distinguished by his body being coloured with red ochre, but all the others were painted black, with a kind of soot, so thickly laid over their faces and shoulders, that it was difficult to ascertain what they were like. On Thursday, the 4th of September, we sailed out of Adventure Bay, steering first towards the south-east, and then to the northward of east, when, on the 19th, we came in sight of a cluster of small rocky islands, which named Bounty Isles. Soon afterwards we frequently observed the sea, in the night-time, to be covered by luminous spots, caused by amazing quantities of small blubbers or medusa, which emit a light, like the blaze of a candle, from the strings or filaments extending from them, while the rest of the body continues perfectly dark.

The object of the voyage being now completed, all the bread-fruit plants, to the number of one thousand and fifteen, were got on board on Tuesday, the 31st of March. Besides these, we had collected many other plants, some of them bearing the finest fruits in the world; and vavarious properties besides. At sunset of the 4th of April, we made sail from Otaheite, bidding farewell to an island where for twenty-three weeks we had been treated with the utmost affection and regard, and which seemed to increase in proportion to our stay. That we were not insensible to their kindness, the succeeding circumstances sufficiently proved; for to the friendly and endearing behaviour of these people may be ascribed the motives inciting an event that effected the ruin of our expedition, which there was every reason to believe would have been attended with the most favourable issue. Next morning we got sight of the island Huaeast-heine; and a double canoe soon coming alongside, containing ten natives, I saw among them a young man who recollected me, and called me by my name. I had been here in the year 1780, with Captain Cook, in the Resolution. A few days after sailing from this island, the weather became squally, and a thick body of black clouds collected in the east. A water-spout was in a short time seen at no great distance from us, which appeared to great advantage from the darkness of the clouds behind it. Ås nearly as We discovered the island of Otaheite on the I could judge, the upper part was about two feet 25th, and, before casting anchor next morning in in diameter, and the lower about eight inches. Matavai Bay, such numbers of canoes had come Scarcely had I made these remarks, when 1 oboff, that, after the natives ascertained we were served that it was rapidly advancing towards friends, they came on board, and crowded the the ship. We immediately altered our course, deck so much, that in ten minutes I could scarce and took in all the sails except the foresail; soon find my own people. The whole distance which after which it passed within ten yards of the the ship had run, in direct and contrary courses, stern, with a rustling noise, but without our from the time of leaving England until reaching feeling the least effect from its being so near. Otaheite, was twenty-seven thousand and eighty-It seemed to be travelling at the rate of about Rix miles, which, on an average, was one hundred and eight miles each twenty-four hours. Here we lost our surgeon on the 9th of December. Of late he had scarcely ever stirred out of the cabin, though not apprehended to be in a dangerous state. Nevertheless, appearing worse than usual in the evening, he was removed where he could obtain more air, but without any benefit, for he died in an hour afterwards. This unfortunate man drank very hard, and was

ten miles an hour, in the direction of the wind, and it dispersed in a quarter of an hour after passing us. It is impossible to say what injury we should have received, had it passed directly over us. Masts, I imagine might have been carried away, but I do not apprehend that it would have caused the loss of the ship.

Passing several islands on the way, we anchored at Annamooka, on the 23d of April; and an old lame man called Tepa, whom I had known here

in 1777, and immediately recollected, came on board, along with others, from different islands in the vicinity. They were desirous to see the ship, and, on being taken below, where the bread-fruit-plants were arranged, they testified great surprise. A few of these being decayed, we went on shore to procure some in their place. The natives exhibited numerous marks of the peculiar mourning which they express on losing their relatives; such as bloody temples, their heads being deprived of most of the hair, and, what was worse, almost the whole of them had lost some of their fingers. Several fine boys, not above six years old, had lost both their little fingers; and several of the men, besides these, had parted with the middle finger of the right hand. The chiefs went off with me to dinner, and we carried on a brisk trade for yams; we also got plantains and bread-fruit. But the yams were In great abundance, and very fine and large. One of them weighed above forty-five pounds. Sailing canoes came, some of which contained not less than ninety passengers. Such a number of them gradually arrived from different islands, that it was impossible to get any thing done, the multitude became so great, and there was no chief of sufficient authority to command the whole. I therefore ordered a watering party, then employed, to come on board, and sailed on Sunday, the 26th of April.


We kept near the island of Kotoo all the afternoon of Monday, in hopes that some canoes would come off to the ship, but in this we were disappointed. The wind being northerly, steered to the westward in the evening, to pass south of Tofoa; and I gave directions for this course to be continued during the night. The master had the first watch, the gunner the middle watch, and Mr. Christian the morning watch. This was the turn of duty for the night.

manded the intention of giving this order, and endeavoured to persuade the people near me not to persist in such acts of violence; but it was to no effect; for the constant answer was, "Hold your tongue, Sir, or you are dead this moment." The master had by this time sent, requesting that he might come on deck, which was permitted; but he was soon ordered back again to his cabin. My exertions to turn the tide of affairs were continued; when Christian, changing the cutlass he held for a bayonet, and holding me by the cord about my hands with a strong gripe, threatened me with immediate death if I would not be quiet; and the villains around me had their pieces cocked and bayonets fixed.

Certain individuals were called on to get into the boat, and were hurried over the ship's_side; whence I concluded, that along with them I was to be set adrift. Another effort to bring about a change produced nothing but menaces of having my brains blown out.

The boatswain and those seamen who were to be put into the boat, were allowed to collect twine, canvas, lines, sails, cordage, an eightand-twenty gallon cask of water; and Mr. Samuel got 150 pounds of bread, with a small quantity of rum and wine; also a quadrant and compass; but he was prohibited, on pain of death, to touch any map or astronomical book, and any instrument, or any of my surveys and drawings. The mutineers having thus forced those of the seamen whom they wished to get rid of into the boat, Christian directed a dram to be served to each of his crew. I then unhappily saw that nothing could be done to recover the ship. The officers were next called on deck, and forced over the ship's side into the boat, while I was kept apart from every one abaft the mizen-mast. Christian, armed with a bayonet, held the cord fastening my hands, and the guard around me Hitherto the voyage had advanced in a course stood with their pieces cocked; but on my daring of uninterrupted prosperity, and had been attended the ungrateful wretches to fire, they uncocked with circumstances equally pleasing and satis- them. Isaac Martin, one of them, I saw had an factory. But a very different scene was now to inclination to assist me; and as he fed me with be disclosed; a conspiracy had been formed, shadock, my lips being quite parched, we exwhich was to render all our past labour pro-plained each other's sentiments by looks. But ductive only of misery and distress; and it had this was observed, and he was removed. He been concerted with so much secrecy and cir- then got into the boat, attempting to leave the cumspection, that no one circumstance escaped ship; however, he was compelled to return. to betray the impending calamity. Some others were also kept contrary to their inclination.

It appeared to me, that Christian was some time in doubt whether he should keep the carpenter or his mates. At length he determined on the latter, and the carpenter was ordered into the boat. He was permitted, though not without opposition, to take his tool-chest.

Mr. Samuel secured my journals and commission, with some important ship-papers; this he did with great resolution, though strictly watched. He attempted to save the time-keeper, and a box with my surveys, drawings, and remarks for fifteen years past, which were very numerous, when he was hurried away with-"Damn your eyes, you are well off to get what you have.“

On the night of Monday, the watch was set as I have described. Just before sunrise, on Tuesday morning, while I was yet asleep, Mr. Christian, with the master-at-arms, gunner's mate, and Thomas Burkitt, seaman, came into my cabin, and, seizing me, tied my hands with a cord behind my back; threatening me with instant death if I spoke or made the least noise. I nevertheless called out as loud as I could, in hopes of assistance; but the officers not of their party were already secured by sentinels at their doors. At my own cabin-door were three men, besides the four within; all except Christian had muskets and bayonets; he had only a cutlass. I was dragged out of bed, and forced on deck in my shirt, suffering great pain in the mean time from Much altercation took place among the mutinthe tightness with which my hands were tied. ous crew during the transaction of this whole On demanding the reason of such violence, the affair. Some swore, "I'll be damned if he does only answer was abuse for not holding my tongue. not find his way home, if he gets any thing with The master, the gunner, surgeon, master's mate, him," meaning me; and when the carpenter's and Nelson, the gardener, were kept confined chest was carrying away, "Damn my eyes, he below, and the fore-hatchway was guarded by will have a vessel built in a month;" while sentinels. The boatswain and carpenter, and others ridiculed the helpless situation of the also the clerk, were allowed to come on deck, boat, which was very deep in the water, and where they saw me standing abaft the mizen- had so little room for those who were in her. mast, with my hands tied behind my back, under As for Christian, he seemed as if meditating dea guard, with Christian at their head. The boat-struction on himself and every one else. swain was then ordered to hoist out the launch, I asked for arms, but the mutineers laughed accompanied by a threat, if he did not do it in- at me, and said I was well acquainted with the stantly, TO TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF. people among whom I was going; four cutlasses, however, were thrown into the boat, after we were veered astern.

The boat being hoisted out, Mr. Hayward and Mr. Hallet, two of the midshipmen, and Mr. Samuel, the clerk, were ordered into it. I de

The officers and men being in the boat, they


only waited for me, of which the master-at-arms
informed Christian, who then said, "Come, Cap-
tain Bligh, your officers and men are now in
the boat, and you must go with them; if you
attempt to make the least resistance, you will
instantly be put to death;" and without further
ceremony, I was forced over the side by a tribe
of armed ruffians, where they untied my hands.
Being in the boat, we were veered astern by a
A few pieces of pork were thrown to us,
also the four cutlasses. The armourer and
carpenter then called out to me to remember
that they had no hand in the transaction. After
having been kept some time to make sport for
these unfeeling wretches, and having undergone
much ridicule, we were at length cast adrift in
the open ocean.

Eighteen persons were with me in the boat,
the master, acting surgeon, botanist, gunner,
boatswain, carpenter, master, and quarter-ma-
ster's mate, two quarter-masters, the sail-maker,
two cooks, my clerk, the butcher, and a boy.
There remained on board, Fletcher Christian,
the master's mate; Peter Haywood, Edward
Young, George Stewart, midshipmen; the ma-
ster-at-arms, gunner's mate, boatswain's mate,
gardener, armourer, carpenter's mate, carpenter's
crew, and fourteen seamen, being altogether the
most able men of the ship's company. Having
little or no wind, we rowed pretty fast towards
the island of Tofoa, which bore north-east about
ten leagues distant. The ship while in sight
steered west-north-west, but this I considered
only as a feint, for when we were sent away,
"Huzza for Otaheite!" was frequently heard
among the mutineers.

Christian, the chief of them, was of a respectable family in the north of England. This was the third voyage he had made with me. Notwithstanding the roughness with which I was treated, the remembrance of past kindnesses produced some remorse in him. While they were forcing me out of the ship, I asked him whether this was a proper return for the many instances he had experienced of my friendship? He appeared disturbed at the question, and answered, with much emotion, "That-Captain Bligh-that is the thing-I am in hell-I am in hell." His abilities to take charge of the third watch, as I had so divided the ship's company, were fully equal to the task. Haywood was also of a respectable family in the north of England, and a young man of abilities, as well as Christian. These two had been objects of my particular regard and attention, and I had taken great pains to instruct them, having entertained hopes that, as professional men, they would have become a credit to their country. Young was well recommended; and Stewart of creditable parents in the Orkneys, at which place, on the return of the Resolution from the South Seas in 1780, we received so many civilities, that in consideration

of these alone I should gladly have taken him with
When I had time to reflect, an inward satis-
me. But he had always borne a good character.
had a ship in the most
faction prevented the depression of my spirits.
Yet, a few hours before, my situation had been
peculiarly flattering;
perfect order, stored with every necessary, both
was attained, and two-thirds of it now completed.
for health and service; the object of the voyage
The remaining part had every prospect of suc-
cess. It will naturally be asked, what could be
the cause of such a revolt? In answer, I can
only conjecture that the mutineers had flattered
themselves with the hope of a happier life
among the Otaheitians than they could possibly
connexions, most probably occasioned the whole
enjoy in England; which, joined to some female
transaction. The women of Otaheite are hand-
some, mild, and cheerful in manners and con-
versation; possessed of great sensibility, and
have sufficient delicacy to make them be admired
and beloved. The chiefs were so much attached
to our people, that they rather encouraged their
stay among them than otherwise, and even made
them promises of large possessions. Under these,
and many other concomitant circumstances, it
ought hardly to be the subject of surprise that
a set of sailors, most of them void of connexions,
should be led away, where they had the power
of fixing themselves in the midst of plenty, in
one of the finest islands in the world, where
there was no necessity to labour, and where the
allurements of dissipation are beyond any con-
ception that can be formed of it. The utmost,
was desertions, such as have already happened
however, that a Commander could have expected,
more or less in the South Seas, and not an act
of open mutiny.

But the secrecy of this mutiny surpasses be-
lief. Thirteen of the party who were now with
me had always lived forward among the seamen;
yet neither they, nor the messmates of Chris-
tian, Stewart, Haywood, and Young, had ever
observed any circumstance to excite suspicion
of what was plotting; and it is not wonderful if
I fell a sacrifice to it, my mind being entirely
on board, a sentinel at my cabin-door might
free from suspicion. Perhaps, had marines been
have prevented it; for I constantly slept with
the door open, that the officer of the watch
might have access to me on all occasions. If
the mutiny had been occasioned by any griev-
ances, either real or imaginary, I must have
discovered symptoms of discontent, which would
have put me on my guard; but it was far other-
wise. With Christian, in particular, I was on
the most friendly terms; that very day he was
engaged to have dined with me; and the pre-
ceding night he excused himself from supping
with me on pretence of indisposition, for which
I felt concerned, having no suspicions of his
honour or integrity.



-The sunbow's rays still arch

The torrent with the many hues of heaven. [p. 359.
This Iris is formed by the rays of the sun
over the lower part of the Alpine torrents: it
is exactly like a rainbow, come down to pay a
visit, and so close that you may walk into it:-
this effect lasts till noon.

He who from out their fountain - dwellings raised

Eros and Anteros, at Gadara.

(p. 360.

The philosopher Iamblicus. The story of the his life, by Eunapius. It is well told. raising of Eros and Anteros may be found in

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

I smote the tardy bishop at Treviso.
An historical fact.

[p. 376.

A gondola with one oar only. (p. 379. A gondola is not like a common boat, but is as easily rowed with one oar as with two (though of course not so swiftly), and often is so from motives of privacy, and (since the decay of Venice) of economy.

They think themselves Engaged in secret to the Signory. An historical fact.

Within our palace precincts at San Polo.

The Doge's private family-palace.

"Signor of the Night."

"I Signori di Notte" held an important In the old Republic.

(p. 398.

Then, when the Hebrew's in thy palaces. (p. 410. The chief palaces on the Brenta now belong to the Jews, who in the earlier times of the Republic were only allowed to inhabit Mestri, and not to enter the city of Venice. The whole commerce is in the hands of the Jews and Greeks, and the Huns form the garrison.

Thou den of drunkards with the blood of princes. (p. 410. Of the first fifty Doges, five abdicated-five [p. 388. were banished with their eyes put out-five were MASSACRED and nine deposed; so that nineteen out of fifty lost the throne by violence, besides two who fell in battle: this occurred long previous to the reign of Marino Faliero. One of his more immediate predecessors, Andrea Dandolo, died of vexation. Marino Faliero himself perished as related. Amongst his successors, Foscari, after seeing his son repeatedly tortured and banished, was deposed, and died of breaking a blood-vessel, on hearing the bell of Saint Mark's toll for the election of his successor. Morosini was impeached for the loss of Candia; but this was previous to his dukedom, during which he conquered the Morea, and was styled the Peloponnesian. Faliero might truly say,

[p. 400.

Festal Thursday. [p. 403. "Giove di Grasso," "fat or greasy Thursday," which I cannot literally translate in the text, was the day.

Guards! let their mouths be gagg'd, even in [p. 403. Historical fact.

the act.

Say, conscript fathers, shall she be admitted?
[p. 405

The Venetian senate took the same title as the Roman, of "Conscript Fathers."

'Tis with age, then.

[p. 409.

This was the actual reply of Bailli, maire of Paris, to a Frenchman who made him the same reproach on his way to execution, in the earliest part of their revolution. I find in reading over since the completion of this tragedy), for the first time these six years, "Venice Preserved," a similar reply on a different occasion by Renault, and other coincidences arising from the subject. I need hardly remind the gentlest reader, that such coincidences must be accidental, from the very facility of their detection by reference to so popular a play on the stage and in the closet as Otway's chef-d'œuvre.

Beggars for nobles, panders for a people! Tp. 410. Should the dramatic picture seem harsh, let the reader look to the historical, of the period prophesied, or rather of the few years preceding that period. Voltaire calculated their "nostre benemerite Meretrici" at 12,000 of regulars, without including volunteers and local militia, on what authority I know not; but it is perhaps the only part of the population not decreased.

"Thou den of drunkards with the blood of princes!"




MARINO FAliero, doge XLIX.

[ocr errors]

"Fu eletto da quarantuno Elettori, il quale era Cavaliere e Conte di Valdemarino in Trivigiana, ed era ricco, e si trovava Ambasciadore a Roma. E così a di 11. di Settembre fu creato il prefato Marino Faliero Doge. E subito furono spedite lettere al detto Doge, il quale era a Roma Oratore al Legato di Papa Innocenzo VI. ch'era in Avignone. Fu preso nel gran Consiglio d'eleggere dodici Ambasciadori incontro a Marino Faliero Doge il quale veniva da Roma. E giunto a Chioggia, il Podestà mandò Taddeo Giustiniani suo figliuolo incontro, con quindici Ganzaruoli. E poi venuto a S. Cle mente nel Bucintoro, venne un gran caligo, adeo che il Bucintoro non si potè levare. Laonde il Doge co' Gentiluomini nelle piatte vennero di lungo in questa Terra a 5. d'Ottobre del 1354. E dovendo smontare alla riva della Paglia per lo caligo andarono ad ismontare alla riva della Piazza in mezzo alle due Colonne dove si fa la Giustizia, che fu un malissimo augurio. E a' 6.

la mattina venne alla Chiesa di San Marco alla landazione di quello."

liero suo nipote, il quale stava con lui in Palazzo, e entrarono in questa macchinazione. Nė si partirono di lì, che mandarono per Filippo Calendaro, nomo marittimo e di gran seguito, e per Bertucci Israello, ingegnere e uomo astutissimo. E consigliatisi insieme diede ordine di chiamare alcuni altri. E così per alcuni giorni la notte si riducevano insieme in Palazzo in casa del Doge. E chiamarono a parte a parte altri, videlicet Niccolò Fagiuolo, Giovanni da Corfù, Stefano Fagiano, Niccolò dalle Bende, Niccolò Biondo, e Stefano Trivisano. E ordinò di fare sedici o diciasette Capi in diversi luoghi della Terra, i quali avessero cadaun di loro quarant'uomini provvigionati, preparati, non dicendo a' detti suoi quaranta quello, che volessero fare. Ma che il giorno stabilito si mostrasse di far questione tra loro in diversi luoghi, acciocchè il Doge facesse sonare a San Marco le Campane, le quali non si possono suonare, s' egli nol comanda. E al suono delle Campane questi sedici o diciasette co' suoi uomini venissero a San Marco alle strade, che buttano in Piazza. E così i nobili e primarj Cittadini, che venissero in Piazza, per sapere del romore ciò ch'era, li tagliassero a pezzi. E seguito questo, che fosse chiamato per Signore Messer Marino Faliero Doge. E fermate le cose tra loro, sta

"Trattato di Messer Marino Faliero Doge, tratto da una Cronica antica. Essendo venuto Il Giovedì della Caccia, fu fatta giusta il solito la Caccia. E a' que' tempi dopo fatta la Caccia s' andava in Pallazo del Doge in una di quelle Sale, e con donne facevași una festicciuola, dove si ballava fino alla prima Campana, e veniva una Colazione; la quale spesa faceva Messer lo Doge, quando v' era la Dogaressa. E poscia tutti andavano a casa sua. Sopra la qual festa, pare, che Ser Michele Steno, molto giovane e povero Gentiluomo, ma ardito e astuto, il qual era innamorato in certa donzella della Dogaressa, essendo sul Solajo appresso le Donne, facesse cert' atto non conveniente, adeo che il Doge comendò ch'e' fosse buttato giù dal Solajo. E così quegli Scudieri del Doge lo spinsero giù di quel Solajo. Laonde a Ser Michele parve, che fossegli stata fatta troppo grande ignominia. E non considerando altramente il fine, ma so pra quella passione fornita la Festa, e andati tntti via, quella notte egli andò, e sulla cadrega, dove sedeva il Doge nella Sala dell' Udienza (perchè allora i Dogi non tenevano panno di seta sopra la cadrega, ma sedevano in una cadrega di legno) scrisse alcune parole disoneste del Doge e della Dogaressa, cioè: Marin Falierobilito fu, che questo dovess' essere a 15 d'Aprile dalla bella moglie: Ältri la gode, ed egli la man- del 1355 in giorno di Mercoledì. La quale matiene. E la mattina furono vedute tali parole chinazione trattata fu tra loro tanto segretascritte. E parve una brutta cosa. E per la mente, che mai nè pure se ne sospettò, non che Signoria fa commessa la cosa agli Avvogadori se ne sapesse cos' alcuna. Ma il Signor' Iddio, del Comune con grande efficacia. I quali Avvo- che ha sempre ajutato questa gloriosissima Città, gadori subito diedero taglia grande per venire e che per le santimonie e giustizie sue mai nos In chiaro della verità di chi avea scritto tal let- l'ha abbandonata, ispirò a un Beltramo Bergatera. E tandem si seppe, che Michele Steno masco, il quale fu messo Capo di quarant' nomini aveale scritte. E fu per la Quarantia preso di per uno de detti congiurati (il quale intese ritenerlo; e ritenuto confessò, che in quella pas- qualche parola, sicché comprese l'effetto, che sione d'essere stato spinto giù dal Solajo, pre- doveva succedere, e il qual era di casa di Ser sente la sua amante, egli aveale scritte. Onde Niccolò Lioni de Santo Stefano) di andare a di... poi fu placitato nel detto Consiglio, e parve al d'Aprile a Casa del detto Ser Niccolò Lioni. E Consiglio si per rispetto all' età, come per la gli disse ogni cosa dell' ordin dato. Il quale caldezza d'amore, di condannarlo a compiere due intese le cose, rimase come morto; e intese mesi in prigione serrato, e poi ch' e' fusse ban- molte particolarità, il detto Beltramo il pregò dito di Venezia e dal distretto per un'anno. Per che lo tenesse segreto, e glielo disse, acciocchè la qual condennagione tanto piccola il Doge ne il detto Ser Niccolò non si partisse di casa a di prese grande sdegno, parendogli che non fosse 15 acciochè egli non fosse morto. Ed egli vastata fatta quella estimazione della cosa, che lendo partirsi, il fece ritenere a suoi di casa, e ricercava la sua dignità del Ducato. E diceva, serrarlo in una camera Ed esso andò a casa ch' eglino doveano averlo fatto appiccare per la di M. Giovanni Gradenigo Nasone, il quale fa gola, o saltem bandirlo in perpetuo da Venezia. poi Doge, che stava anch' egli a Santo Stefano; E perchè (quando deve succedere un' effetto è e dissegli la cosa. La quale parendogli, com`era, necessario che vi concorra la cagione a fare tal d'una grandissima importanza, tutti e due andaeffetto) era destinato, che a Messer Marino Doge rono a casa di Ser Marco Cornaro, che stava fosse tagliata la testa, perciò occorse, che en- a San Felice. E dettogli il tutto, tutti e tre trata la Quaresima il giorno dopo che fu con- deliberarono di venire a casa del detto Ser Nicdannato il detto Ser Michele Steno, un Gentil- colò Lioni, ed esaminare il detto Beltramo. B uomo da Cà Barbaro, di natura collerico, an- quello esaminato, intese le cose, il fecero stare dasse all' Arsenale, domandasse certe cose ai serrato. E andarono tutti e tre a San Salvatore Padroni, ed era alla presenza de' Signori l'Am-in Sacristia, e mandarono i loro famigli a chimiraglio dell' Arsenale. Il quale intesa la do- amare i Consiglieri, gli Avvogadori, i Capi de manda, disse, che non si poteva fare. Quel Gen- Dieci, e que del Consiglio. E ridotti insieme tiluomo venne a parole coll' Ammiraglio, e die- dissero loro le cose. I quali rimasero morti. B degli un pugno su un'ochio. E perchè avea un deliberarono di mandare pel detto Beltramo, e anello in deto, coll' anello gli ruppe la pelle, e fattolo venire cautamente, ed esaminatolo, e vefece sangue. E l'Ammiraglio cosi battuto e in- rificate le cose, ancorchè ne sentissero gran passanguinato andò al Doge a lamentarsi, acciocchè sione, pure pensarono la provvisione. E manil Doge facesse fare gran punizione contra il darono pe' Capi de' Quaranta, pe' Signori di detto da Cà Barbaro: II Doge disse: Che vuoi notte, pe Capi de' Sestieri, e pe Cinque della che ti faccia? Guarda le ignominiose parole Pace. E ordinato, ch' eglino co' loro uomini scritte di me, e il modo ch'è stato punito quel trovassero degli altri buoni uomini, e mandasribaldo di Michele Steno, che le scrisse. E quale sero a casa de' Capi de' congiurati, ut supre stima hanno i Quaranta fatto della persona nomettessero loro le mani addosso. E tolsero i stra. Laonde l'Ammiraglio gli disse: Messer lo detti le Maestrerie dell' Arsenale, acciocchè i Doge, se voi volete farvi Signore, e fare tagliare provvisionati de' congiurati non potessero offentutti questi becchi Gentiluomini a pezzi, mi basta derli. E si ridassero in Palazzo verso la sera. l'animo, dandomi voi ajuto, di farvi Signore di Dove ridotti fecero serrare le porte de la corte questa Terra. E allora voi potrete castigare del Palazzo. E mandarono a ordinare al Camtutti costoro. Intese queste, il Doge disse, Come panaro, che non sonasse le Campane. E così fa si può fare una simile cosa? E così entrarono eseguito, e messe le mani addosso a tutti i nein ragionamento. minati di sopra, furono que' condotti al Palazzo"Il Doge mandò a chiamare Ser Bertucci Fa-E vedendo il Consiglio de Dieci, che il Dogs

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