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All. O Spirit of grace, we yield our hearts to thee: renew us daily in Thine image dwell in us by Thy sanctifying presence: make us a holy temple, acceptable unto Thee. Amen.

Chaplain. O LORD JESUS, who hast purchased us for Thyself, for a peculiar people, redeemed from all iniquity: for Thine inestimable love to us poor sinners:

Response. Our Saviour, we thank Thee.

Chaplain. That for our sakes Thou didst think no scorn to become a helpless babe, to grow up in subjection to earthly parents, to live in shame and poverty, and to humble Thyself even to the cruel death upon the cross: Response. Our Saviour, we thank Thee.

Chaplain. That Thou hast triumphed for us over death and hell, and now ever livest, making intercession for us, that we, in Thee, may have access to the throne of grace on high:

Response. LORD JESUS, we thank Thee.

Then shall be said by the Chaplain or Master, all kneeling :


O Holy, Blessed, and Glorious TRINITY, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, accept our unworthy praises, and graciously hear our prayers. We pray for ourselves, that our sins may be forgiven, our hearts made holy, our lives become acceptable to Thee. We pray for all men, that Thou wouldst have mercy upon them, and bless them. We pray for Thy holy Catholic Church, that Thy Spirit may rest upon it more and more, and the dew of Thy blessing be poured upon its ministers and all the people. Let that blessing rest on us this day, that here we may serve Thee, remembering that we are ever in Thy sight, and keeping continually in mind that great and terrible day when every one of us shall give an account of the deeds done in the body, before the throne of CHRIST. All this we ask in His blessed name, and through His all-prevailing merits.

Response. Amen.

Chaplain. The grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the HOLY GHOST, be with us all evermore. Response. Amen.

Here Endeth the Office for the Morning.

instead of the Collect, shall be said the following


Chaplain. O GOD, the FATHER of heaven:

Response. Have mercy upon us, miserable sinners.

Chaplain. O GOD the SON, Redeemer of the world:

Response. Have mercy upon us, miserable sinners.

Chaplain. O GOD the HOLY GHOST, proceeding from the FATHER and the SON:

Response. Have mercy upon us, miserable sinners.

Chaplain. O Holy, Blessed, and Glorious TRINITY, Three Persons and one GOD:

Response. Have mercy upon us, miserable sinners.

Chaplain. Deliver us, O merciful LORD, from the dangers that beset us: from all evil and mischief; from all vanity and lies; from the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil;

Response. Good LORD, deliver us.

Chaplain. From pride, impatience, and impertinence; from hypocrisy and unbelief; from envy, hatred and malice, and all uncharitableness; Response. Good LORD, deliver us.

Chaplain. From inattention, carelessness, and sloth; from selfishness and self-indulgence; from ignorance and error; from lying deceits and corrupt examples;

Response. Good LORD, deliver us.

Chaplain. From all false doctrine, heresy, and schism; from hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy word and commandment;

Response. Good LORD, deliver us.

Chaplain. Keep us, O merciful LORD, in the perfectness of faith, hope, and charity and that it may please Thee to bless and extend Thy holy Church throughout the world:

Response.. We beseech Thee to hear us, good LORD.

Chaplain. For all Christian youth, whether in colleges or schools; that they may increase, as in stature, so in wisdom and favour with GoD and


Response. We beseech thee to hear us, good LORD.

Chaplain. For this school; that it may be a nursery of Thy Church, to the increase in Christian knowledge and holiness of all its members: Response. We beseech Thee to hear us, good LORD.

Chaplain. Hear us, O LORD, and bless us; keep us from evil: lead us into all truth: fill us with Thy peace, and bring us to everlasting life, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.

Response. Amen.

Chaplain. The grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the HOLY GHOST, be with us all evermore. Response. Amen.

Here endeth the Litany.

[We are indebted for the above to a valuable periodical, entitled "THE JOURNAL OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION," published at New York, by the General Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union.-ED.]

Hints to Teachers.



THE chief advantage of the method of teaching by gallery lecture-of which simultaneous and elliptical answering forms a part-is the opportunity it affords the teacher of rendering the lesson interesting to his pupils by the illustrations he is able to give, while it thereby fixes their attention, and conveys instruction in the most attractive form. The obvious objection is, that the indolent or inattentive, or more deficient portion of the class, may shelter themselves under the more forward, who, by answering promptly, screen the ignorance of the remainder. Its advocates, however, maintain that it is always in the power of a judicious teacher to prevent this. At Norwood, a mode is adopted of testing the proficiency and attention of the pupils, by requiring them to write the substance of the lecture, after it has been concluded, on slates. But it may be questioned whether a still more serious disadvantage does not attend it: for the great end of education-which is, not the imparting a certain amount of knowledge, but the formation of habits of patient thought and study, in the act of obtaining that knowledge is not likely to be realized under a system which conveys its chief information without study, or with scarcely any of those efforts on the part of the pupil, which makes him feel how much depends on his working for himself. But although this plan of instruction, when taken as the basis of a system, appears to be decidedly objectionable, it may be very usefully combined with other systems. For such subjects as require the explanation and illustration of objects or figures on the black-board, it is peculiarly adapted; and indeed it may be so employed in most branches of instruction, provided it be not looked on as the only or the chief mode of imparting information, but as

an auxiliary merely, in rendering the lesson, previously prepared by the pupils, intelligible and interesting.-Viator.


Continuous oral delivery, although it may be well calculated for persons who have obtained definite ideas upon any subject, is little suited for those to whom the subject is altogether new. It imparts knowledge, but it does not instruct or inform the mind. No subsequent digestion of any subject can compensate for the loss of that activity of mind, and that perception of one's real difficulties, which are produced by independent study, preparatory to the imparting of instruction. The whole of education, nay the whole of our entire education through our whole lives, is a gradual correction of the erroneous' conceptions we had at first mingled with the truth; and, although the forcing system, which would anticipate this slow development, may produce an earlier show, it undoubtedly will not foster plants so healthy or so hardy.-Viator.


I have visited three or four parish schools since I left home. I found the children all reading in a bad tone, and wasting paper by writing bad copies, holding their pens ill. I made some observations on these points to the master, and the general answer was, "Oh, ma'am, it is not, I am sure, for want of telling. I am a telling of them all day." Now supposing this was the case, what follows? Why, that these poor children were not only reading and writing ill, but that every day they were more and more confirmed in habits of inattention and disobedience. Take care then not to begin telling and telling; say very little at first; give very few orders; but, when you observe a bad habit, consider what will be the best way of checking it, and of forming a good one. It is not from obstinacy, or naughtiness, that children cannot leave off bad habits: : we may all know that nothing is more difficult than to break a habit of any kind and this ought to make us very careful with our little ones, to watch over them from the first, that they may not ACQUIRE any bad habits. When you take little ones into your school, who have not yet learned any thing, Ïet your rule from the first be "Little and well." Be in no haste to bring them forward; in this case it is certain, that more haste is worse speed. You will be convinced of this by the difficulty you will find in getting rid of the bad habits your elder scholars have acquired. You cannot hope to do this at once: attack these bad habits one by one. If your elder boys read in a loud drawling tone, missing half their words, running their words into one another, with little attention to stops or pauses, holding their books awry, standing with their heads down, on one leg, &c.-if, when they write, they hold their pens or slate-pencils the wrong way, twist their slates or copybooks on one side, and hang their heads down over their shoulder, while they scribble misshapen letters and figures-it will be of no use to stand by, calling out, "Read better; mind your stops; speak plain; hold up your heads; hold your pens well;" &c., &c., and then when none of these things are done, calling out louder, "Why don't you mind, you are very idle boys," &c., &c.: the poor fellows all the time perhaps doing their best to fulfil very irksome, unintelligible tasks, and by no means deserving of any censure. Instead of this, I should stop the whole proceeding, and merely say, "We will try a new way, my boys, of reading. We will read three or four lines to-day: I will speak each word distinctly and separately, and you shall speak it after me in a gentle voice." The next day a few more lines might be read in the same way. I would at first not attempt pauses or stops, but only attend to distinct pronunciation, and to a subdued tone of voice. Then I would add a proper attitude of body, and the books should all be held straight. In a few days more I would begin the same sentences again, writing the words, and attending to the stops; afterwards I would read the same sentences, taking care to lay the stress or emphasis on the proper words.

In correcting the bad habits of writing, I would tell the boys that they would soon get on to joining-hand and copies again, but that they must wait a little while, till they had first learned the right way of holding their pens, straightening the two first fingers, bending the thumb, leaning the hand on the wrist, sitting upright, the copybook before them, &c. And I would make them write stroke and single letters on the slates, till these habits were acquired one by one. The first boy who had acquired these habits I would allow to make strokes and letters in a copybook.

Now, by doing all this patiently and carefully, you will not only improve the boys' reading and writing, but you will improve their characters. You will teach them by experience, that there is a right and wrong way of doing every thing; that whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well; that it requires some pains to do things well; that in all things they will find "no pains, no gains.' Then when they begin to succeed and to improve, you will just say that you are glad that they have the pleasure of improving when pains are taken. Do not dwell on these remarks as if you were giving lessons which they must learn and remember; but rather let it all pass as a little friendly conversation, as if you were entering into their feelings, and rejoicing with them when they had taken pains and were improving.


If you observe one boy less pains-taking and diligent than the rest, try the effect of remarking on the good conduct of another boy, rather than on his own idleness. For instance: "I am glad to see Thomas takes pains to hold his pen right, or to read slowly and correctly-he looks diligent and happy." Ten to one but that little idle William who stood next, begins to pluck up and try to do better. And then you will say, "I am glad to observe William is now trying to do better-he will soon feel the pleasure of being diligent." Try this encouraging manner-you will soon, I think, observe the countenances of your boys begin to brighten, and a desire to do well, for the pleasure of doing well, will creep in upon them.-Mrs. Tuckfield.


The exact manner in which we teach children to read, whether by writing first, or by reading the printed characters first, does not so much signify, provided we keep to these rules ;-1. Speak each letter and each word distinctly; 2. Never run words or letters into one another; 3. Let every word be spoken in a clear distinct tone of voice, and in neither a drawling nor a screaming tone; 4. Never touch any words of which you cannot explain the meaning; 5. Let the lessons be short, but learned perfectly; 6. Have your black-board always at hand, to write on it at least those words in the lesson which have been found difficult, either to read or to understand. You find from experience how very difficult it is to correct bad habits of mumbling out words in a dismal drawling tone: let this teach you to encourage the little ones to read every sentence in a cheerful animated manner, in their natural speaking voice.—Ibid.




IN my intercourse with the prisoners I met with many instances wherein it was manifest that their educational state had been misrepresented; and my attention having been thus awakened to the point, I some months ago adopted the practice of seeing, immediately after each sessions, all such convicted prisoners as might undergo their punishment here, with a view of ascertaining from actual investigation the

precise amount of proficiency, as well in religious as in secular information, and such other particulars of the history and character of the prisoners as I might think useful to guide me in my subsequent intercourse with them.

On comparing my investigations under the latter head with their condition as reported in the printed calendars, I found, in one hundred cases taken indiscriminately, a coincidence only in forty-six ; and that in nearly four-fifths of the fifty-four cases wherein there existed a discrepancy, the degree of instruction was higher than reported.

My inquiries were confined, as I have said, to the convicted prisoners, nor did they embrace the whole of these. Of the 471 who have been sentenced to various periods of imprisonment, I have seen 300, and I may give the following as the result.

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I found that there were ignorant of the alphabet 18 or 12 pr. cent, 53 or 35 pr. cent. Could read elementary books of monosyllables,

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Now if this table be adapted to the form of the usual official returns, it will stand

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I have frequently felt it difficult to determine in which of the above divisions a prisoner should be placed; a collation of the foregoing tables, however, will at once explain the principle which has guided me.

Another point of inquiry instituted amongst the same individuals, and to the result of which I wish to invite the attention of the Court, was the amount of religious information. This may be stated as follows, viz. :—

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Limited though this inquiry has necessarily been, I believe the above to exhibit a fair specimen of the whole; that could the investigation have embraced, that is, the

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