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We, as a Society, feel it our duty to acknowledge that we have no more right, in our own natural wisdom, than any other society now existing on earth, to deviate from the true sense and meaning of the Word of the Lord, to favor our own personal views concerning any doctrine or matter contained in the Sacred Roll.

But as it hath pleased God, in his infinite mercy and goodness, to select from among us an instrument or agent, to declare his word and will to the inhabitants and nations of the earth, and (as is the case in many of the ancient sacred writings,) there are some few passages in this Roll, that do not seem to us to express so clearly to the understanding, the real meaning of the Spirit, or what we believe to be the real meaning, we have taken the liberty to make a few notes to illustrate our views of some particular points, which we think are entirely free from the prejudice of sectarianism; and here we leave them, knowing that God is able, and will defend his own word and work.

Note first, page 17, Sec. 10.

By this we understand that He would have noticed them with his blessing and protection, as really, according to their order, which is inferior to the order of grace, to which all souls must ultimately come, if they ever obtain an inheritance in the kingdom of God.

Note second, page 23, Sec. 11.

If this was to be understood as a command given to man in his primitive state, we consider that he was thereby equally bound to keep the whole original law and order of nature. See Genesis, Chap. i, 28.

Note third, page 44, Sec. 33.

We do not consider that the expression, keep the law of nature, is 'to be understood that any one can continue under the law of nature and be justified, after being called by the light of Christ, into the order of grace; nay, he must then yield obedience to that call, and keep the law of grace, or lose his justification, and forfeit the Divine blessing and protection. See page 146, and 147.

Note fourth.

It is to be understood that the inspired writer who wrote this Book, had the full union and approbation of the visible leading authority of the Society, in doing the will of God, as revealed to him by immediate inspiration, through the Holy Angel, without regard to any individual or personal feelings whatever.

Explanations, amendments and corrections.

On account of the special requirement to lay this sacred Book before the public as soon as possible, it was transcribed in much haste, and put to press without sufficient time for careful examination, in consequence of which, a variety of literal and verbal mistakes have escaped detection.

We have therefore prepared the following, in which are embraced the most material of these mistakes, including some few typographical errors. There may be other small errors discovered; such can be easily corrected by those who may reprint or translate it.

Page 14, Sec. 7, for I'm read I am.

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15, 14, before St. John, insert Matt. xvi, 25; and Mark x. 29, 30. 22, 3, From the beginning of the Sec. to the word part; in the fourth line read as follows; But the irrational or animal propensities, which is the inferior part, [through the serpent,] soon overruled his right reason, and placed upon him strong bands, which held him in bondage to the law of sin and death;

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5, f. there be millions, r. there are millions, and f. hath r. have.

5, f. days of his wrath, r. day of his wrath.

30, f. fruits of his loins, r. fruit of his loins.

at the end of Chap. v, add Isaiah liii. 1, 2 and 3 verses. 15, f. be false, and be true, r. are false, and are true.

23, f. straight gate, r. strait gate; the same in other places.
37, f. or destroy r. nor destroy; the same in other places.
28, insert the word alreudy, after with her.

51, 8 & 9, to come in after Mark vii, and before 20, in page 50; also,
Chap. xx, 34, 35, 36, to be transferred and placed before Luke xxi, 34.
dele Luke xiv, and transfer verse 20, which follows it, to
page 53, and place it between Chap. xiv and verse 26; and transfer the
quotations from Luke xvii, 26 and onward, in page 53, and place them
directly after the quotation from Chap. xvi, 15, in page 54.

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II. Thess. ii, 3 to 12, to come in before I. John ii, 18. 12, f. have pleasure, r. had pleasure.

13, f. pretended yoke, r. specious cloak.
*4, f. which are not, r. which were not.
9, f. Acts ii, r. Acts i.

Revelation i, 7, he cometh with clouds,*

Chap. xxii, 20, to come in after verse 17 in page 79.

12, after John, r. as related.

the quotations from Isaiah, to come in before those from Matthew.

18, f. forgive them, r. forgive their persecutors.

*The original expression in Greek, is uɛta twv repɛdwr, together with clouds, meaning clouds of witnesses endowed with his spirit, who will declare him to the world, with evidence that cannot be disputed.

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the quotations from Isaiah, Chap. xxvi and xxvii, down to, day, to come in before Chap. xxxii, near the bottom of page 130. 141, 39, f. landed forces, r. land forces.

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49, f. penitence r. penitents.

15, f. merchant-men, r. merchants.

Jeremiah, Chap. xxx, 23, 24, down to shall consider it, to come in before Jeremiah xxxi, on page 164.

the quotations from Zechariah, down to neighbor, to come in after those from Zephaniah, down to jealousy, in page 166. 33, f. to prophecy r. to prophesy. p. 200, the same.

9, f. will cease and will die, r. would cease and would die. 14, f. vallies r. valleys; the same error occurs in other places.

9, f. fowls in heaven, r. fowls that soar in the heavens above. 219, 6, bottom line, after the word contained, add, So as to vary the obvious meaning of the original.


We freely give notice to those who may wish to reprint this Book, for the benevolent purpose of extending its sacred contents, agreeable to the Divine command, that it is our wish to have notice of it; so that whoever may feel disposed to undertake it, may, by application to the Society, if practicable, receive the necessary information respecting some corrections which we desire to furnish.

Letters for that purpose, may be addressed to Richard Bushnell or Frederic W. Evans, New Lebanon, Columbia county, New York. But if the great distance should preclude the possibility of getting returns in due season, we wish the errors printed at the end of the book, to be noticed and corrected in the places to which they refer; so as to make a correct copy.

Note. The testimonies alluded to and required in the close of this first Part, page 218, will be comprised in a second Part not yet issued.

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