Characters of Shakespeare's PlaysLibrary of Alexandria, 28 sep. 2020 |
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... admiration of Napoleon, the hammer of old bad monarchies, down to the end and beyond it: that Napier, for example, historian of the war in the Peninsula and as gallant a soldier as ever fought under Wellington, when—late in life, as he ...
... admiration of Napoleon, the hammer of old bad monarchies, down to the end and beyond it: that Napier, for example, historian of the war in the Peninsula and as gallant a soldier as ever fought under Wellington, when—late in life, as he ...
... admiration is , on the whole , more discriminating and judicious , there are not many points on which , especially after reading his eloquent exposition of them , we should be much inclined to disagree with him . The book , as we have ...
... admiration is , on the whole , more discriminating and judicious , there are not many points on which , especially after reading his eloquent exposition of them , we should be much inclined to disagree with him . The book , as we have ...
... admirable Lectures on the Drama, which give by far the best account of the plays of Shakespeare that has hitherto appeared. The only circumstances in which it was thought not impossible to improve on the manner in which the German ...
... admirable Lectures on the Drama, which give by far the best account of the plays of Shakespeare that has hitherto appeared. The only circumstances in which it was thought not impossible to improve on the manner in which the German ...
... admiration of his genius, or the same philosophical acuteness in pointing out his characteristic excellences. As we have pretty well exhausted all we had to say upon this subject in the body of the work, we shall here transcribe ...
... admiration of his genius, or the same philosophical acuteness in pointing out his characteristic excellences. As we have pretty well exhausted all we had to say upon this subject in the body of the work, we shall here transcribe ...
... admiration for his characters, he is equally deserving of it for his exhibition of passion, taking this word in its widest signification, as including every mental condition, every tone from indifference or familiar mirth to the wildest ...
... admiration for his characters, he is equally deserving of it for his exhibition of passion, taking this word in its widest signification, as including every mental condition, every tone from indifference or familiar mirth to the wildest ...
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Characters of Shakespeare's Plays: & Lectures on the English Poets William Hazlitt Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2015 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
admirable affections answer Antony Apemantus banished Banquo beauty Ben Jonson blood Bolingbroke breath Brutus Caesar Caliban Cassius character circumstances Claudio comedy comic Cordelia Coriolanus critic Cymbeline daughter death Desdemona Dost thou doth dramatic eyes Falstaff fancy father fear feeling fool friends genius give Gonerill grace Hamlet hath Hazlitt hear heart heaven Henry honour Hubert human humour Iago imagination Juliet king lady Lear live look lord lover Macbeth Malvolio manner Mark Antony MIDSUMMER'S NIGHT DREAM mind moral nature never night noble Othello passages passion Perdita person pity play pleasure poet poetry prince refined Regan revenge Richard Richard III Romeo ROMEO AND JULIET scene seems sense Shakespeare Sir Toby sleep soul speak speech spirit story striking sweet tender thee things thou art thought TITUS ANDRONICUS tongue tragedy truth unto wife William Hazlitt words youth