Characters of Shakespeare's PlaysLibrary of Alexandria, 28 sep. 2020 |
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... fool and a dunce, and more, that I was an evil disposed person: and the public, supposing Gifford to know best, confessed that it had been a great ass to be pleased where it ought not to be, and the sale completely stopped. The review ...
... fool and a dunce, and more, that I was an evil disposed person: and the public, supposing Gifford to know best, confessed that it had been a great ass to be pleased where it ought not to be, and the sale completely stopped. The review ...
... fool can read Johnson's notes on Shakespeare without respect or fail to turn to them again with an increased trust in his common - sense , as no one not a fool can read Hazlitt without an equal sense that he has the root of the matter ...
... fool can read Johnson's notes on Shakespeare without respect or fail to turn to them again with an increased trust in his common - sense , as no one not a fool can read Hazlitt without an equal sense that he has the root of the matter ...
... fool rule, or tell upon ten fingers': he judged of human nature in the same way, by mood and figure: he saw only the definite, the positive, and the practical, the average forms of things, not their striking differences—their.
... fool rule, or tell upon ten fingers': he judged of human nature in the same way, by mood and figure: he saw only the definite, the positive, and the practical, the average forms of things, not their striking differences—their.
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admirable affections answer Antony Apemantus banished Banquo beauty Ben Jonson blood Bolingbroke breath Brutus Caesar Caliban Cassius character circumstances Claudio comedy comic Cordelia Coriolanus critic Cymbeline daughter death Desdemona Dost thou doth dramatic eyes Falstaff fancy father fear feeling fool friends genius give Gonerill grace Hamlet hath Hazlitt hear heart heaven Henry honour Hubert human humour Iago imagination Juliet king lady Lear live look lord lover Macbeth Malvolio manner Mark Antony MIDSUMMER'S NIGHT DREAM mind moral nature never night noble Othello passages passion Perdita person pity play pleasure poet poetry prince refined Regan revenge Richard Richard III Romeo ROMEO AND JULIET scene seems sense Shakespeare Sir Toby sleep soul speak speech spirit story striking sweet tender thee things thou art thought TITUS ANDRONICUS tongue tragedy truth unto wife William Hazlitt words youth