Looke that your brydle be wight,1 my lord, 210 What needeth this, Douglas, he sayth; 215 A false Hector hath my horse, When they had sayled other fifty mile, Then he at Yorke was doomde to dye, It was, alas! a sorrowful sight : Thus they betrayed that noble earle, Who ever was a gallant wight. 220 225 Ver. 224. Fol. MS. reads land, and has not the following stanza strong. 2 contend.] HE following version of the Betrayal of Northumberland is from the Folio MS. (ed. Hales and Furnivall, vol. ii. p. 218.) Now list and lithe you gentlemen, and Ist tell you the veretye, how they haue delt with a banished man, driuen out of his countrye. when as hee came on Scottish ground as woe and wonder be them amonge, ffull much was there traitorye the wrought the Erle of Northumberland. when they were att the supper sett, "What makes you be soe sad, my Lord, in the North of Scotland to-morrow theres a shooting, and thither thoust goe, my Lord Percye. "the buttes are sett, and the shooting is made, and there is like to be great royaltye, and I am sworne into my bill thither to bring my Lord Pearcy." and then bespake the good Ladye,- "he is a traitor stout and stronge, and into England he will liuor thee." "Now hold thy tounge, thou goodlye Ladye, 4 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 "it wold breake truce betweene England & Scottland, was driuen out of his owne countrye." " if you will giue me any trust, my Lord, Ile tell you how you best may bee; youst lett my brother ryde his wayes, and tell those English Lords trulye 40 44 48 "how that you cannot with them ryde 52 56 "Marry! I am woe! woman," he sayes, "that any freind fares worse for mee; for where one saith it is a true tale,' then two will say it is a Lye. 60 "when I was att home in my [realme] amonge my tennants all trulye, in my time of losse, wherin my need stoode, they came to ayd me honestlye; "therfore I left many a child ffatherlese, and many a widdow to looke wanne; and therfore blame nothing, Ladye, but the woeffull warres which I began." "If you will giue me noe trust, my Lord, saies, "I neuer loued noe witchcraft, 64 68 72 76 " if you will not come your selfe, my Lord, when James Swynard came that Lady before, "but who beene yonder, my good Ladye, "and who beene yonder, thou gay Ladye, "how many miles is itt, thou good Ladye, " I neuer was on English ground, nor neuer see itt with mine eye, but as my witt and wisedome serues, and as [the] booke it telleth mee. 80 84 88 92 96 100 "my mother, shee was a witch woman, what they dyd in London cytye." 104 "but who is yond, thou good Layde, that comes yonder with an Osterne fface?" "yonds Sir John fforster, Jamye," shee sayd; "methinks thou sholdest better know him then I." 108 "Euen soe I doe, my goodlye Ladye, and euer alas, soe woe am I!" he pulled his hatt ouer his eyes, "Now hast thou beene with Marry, Jamy," he sayd, “It is noe words, my Lord," he sayes, "yonder I see the Lord Hunsden, "and I haue beene in Lough Leven the most part of these yeeres three : yett had I neuer noe out-rake, 116 180 124 128 nor good games that I cold see ; "and I am thus bidden to yonder shooting 132 then he writhe the gold ring of his ffingar 136 "then ffarewell hart, and farewell hand, now hold thy tounge, Ladye," hee sayde, "and make not all this dole for mee, for I may well drinke, but Ist neuer eate, till againe in Lough Leuen I bee." 140 144 |