A Different Light: Creolizing Swedish Modernism

School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2012 - 110 sidor
Popular myth suggests Sweden represents a "homogenous" culture. Further complicating this matter is Western art historical research which asserts that the country is isolated therefore marginal the art produced in the country. Consequently, Swedish art historian dispel this notion through claiming that Swedish Modernism has international roots however these roots are limited to Europe. What happens to a "homogenous" culture that is experiencing creolization? Does the art reflect or inspire this transformation? And are the artists that produce the works constructing Creole identities through their artistic practices? A Different Light: Creolizing Swedish Modernism aims to examine Swedish Modernism through a Post-Colonial lens by addressing how non-European cultures contributed to Swedish art. Subsequently, this thesis will examine the works of three discrepant abstractionists who are connected to Sweden but are also equally connected to Creole cultures. The works discussed in this thesis represent Creole Konst because the visual dialogue speaks about migration, transculturation, and isolation and successfully occupies different cultural spaces at one time.

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