An Oration Pronounced at Cambridge, Before the Society of Phi Beta Kappa. August 27, 1824. ...J.W. Palmer & Company, 1824 - 35 sidor |
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An Oration Pronounced at Cambridge, Before the Society of Phi Beta Kappa ... Edward Everett Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1824 |
An Oration Pronounced at Cambridge: Before the Society of Phi Beta Kappa ... Edward Everett Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1824 |
An Oration Pronounced at Cambridge, Before the Society of Phi Beta Kappa ... Edward Everett Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2015 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
action America appanage arbitrary govern Athens auspices bright eyes brought cause character cheer Cicero circulation of thought civilized connexion continent coun crowd crown cultivated Demosthenes despotism diffused efficacy eloquence emulation epic poetry Euphrates Europe excite existence favourable to intellectual fect feeling free institutions genial influence genius Grecian Greece guage happy HARVARD COLLEGE hearts honour human Iliad institutions on Intellectual intel intellectual exertion interest invention kindred labour land language Latin language less liberty litera literary literature mental energy ments millions mind modern muses native nature noble Nueva Granada numbers object in promoting olive gardens ORATION pathy patronage Phocion Plato poets popular institutions population produced progress promoting education provement Ptolemies quence region Reverere Rome scholars social society spring springs of national sterner strong peculiarity talent and ambition Thesauruses things thousands tical tion tongue ture vast empire village voice westward wholly
Populära avsnitt
Sida 16 - And ever against eating cares Lap me in soft Lydian airs Married to immortal verse, Such as the meeting soul may pierce In notes, with many a winding bout Of linked sweetness long drawn out, With wanton heed and giddy cunning, The melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony; That Orpheus...
Sida 28 - Westward the course of empire takes its way. The four first acts already past, A fifth shall close the drama with the day. Time's noblest offspring is the last.
Sida 10 - ... to dive into the depths of dungeons; to plunge into the infection of hospitals; to survey the mansions of sorrow and pain; to take the gauge and dimensions of misery, depression, and contempt; to remember the forgotten, to attend to the neglected, to visit the forsaken, and to compare and collate the distresses of all men in all countries.
Sida 26 - We are summoned to new energy and zeal, by the high nature of the experiment we are appointed in providence to make, and the grandeur of the theatre on which it is to be performed. At a moment of deep and general agitation in the Old World, it pleased Heaven to open this last refuge of humanity.
Sida 30 - Enjoy a triumph, such as conqueror or monarch never enjoyed, the assurance that throughout America, there is not a bosom, which does not beat with joy and gratitude at the sound of your name.
Sida 25 - The better days of life were ours; The worst can be but mine; The sun that cheers, the storm that lowers, Shall never more be thine.
Sida 19 - If effects are to bear a constant proportion to their causes; if the energy of thought is to be commensurate with the masses which prompt it, and the masses it must penetrate; if eloquence is to grow in fervor with the weight of the interests it is to plead, and the grandeur of the assemblies it addresses; if efforts rise with the glory that is to crown them; in a word, if the faculties of the human mind, as we firmly believe, are capable of tension and achievement altogether indefinite; Nil actum...
Sida 30 - Above all, the first of heroes and of men, the friend of your youth, the more than friend of his country, rests in the bosom of the soil he redeemed. On the banks of his Potomac, he lies in glory and peace.
Sida 24 - Population advances westward with a rapidity, which numbers may describe indeed, but cannot represent, with any vivacity, to the mind. The wilderness, which one year is impassable, is traversed the next by the caravans of...
Sida 8 - ... which can bind the generations of man together ; a future, which our own characters, our own actions, our own principles, will do something to stamp with glory or shame ; it is then that the inquiry becomes practical, momentous, and worthy the attention of every patriotic scholar. We then strive, as far as it is in the power of philosophical investigation to do it, to unfold our country's reverend auspices, to cast its great horoscope in the national sky, where many stars are waning, and many...