L.B.cont. PREFACE. YET one more Index to a Series of NOTES AND QUERIES has to be ushered into the world by an Editor who can no longer appeal for indulgence as a novice. Ninetysix volumes, with their treasures of erudition on every conceivable subject, are now at the full command of those prudent or fortunate enough to possess, or have access to, a set of Indexes, and the close of next year will make the tale up to a hundred volumes, and bring with it necessarily the jubilee of the periodical. The Editor may not now say, as in the first Preface for which he is responsible, that many names that figured in the earliest volume can be found in the latest. The chain of sequence is, however, maintained, and the descendants of those by whom the paper was first commended to the public are still among its staunch and valued allies. Manifold as are the changes imposed upon periodicals as upon individuals, no very marked alteration seems apparent in NOTES AND QUERIES after almost half a century of existence. The subjects discussed are still those dearest to the historian, the antiquary, the herald, the genealogist, the philologist, the man of letters. The base is enlarged, the range of subjects is wider, and in some branches of learning knowledge has replaced conjecture. Of the two great undertakings with which NOTES AND QUERIES has been closely associated, the 'Dictionary of National Biography' and the 'Historical English Dictionary,' one is rapidly nearing completion. Signs, however, of research and exploration in its interest are still numerous. The Historical English Dictionary' meanwhile is at the height of its activity, and in the solution of some, at least, of its problems NOTES AND QUERIES has a share. To these philological investigations have, moreover, to be added others undertaken on behalf of the Dialect Dictionary,' which, though a work of private enterprise and dependent mainly on the devotion of one man, is, at least, much called for and of national moment. A close student and lover of NOTES AND QUERIES-and who that reads these lines is other?-might, with the exercise of a little patience and ingenuity, detect from its columns what works, unannounced as yet, are in course of compilation, and might then, to some extent, anticipate the literary treasures coming years have in store. It has never been the fashion in NOTES AND QUERIES to pause and count up losses. That such will be felt in a period of six years is, as all men know, inevitable. It is pleasanter, however, as well as more profitable, to rejoice in the number of eminent scholars who still lend their aid, keeping alive its traditions and glories, and constituting it an encyclopædia of information which none can afford to neglect. There are certain formulas that must be observed in Prefaces, which consequently bear a strong resemblance to one another. At whatever risk of repetition, however, the Editor must state that he is not so presumptuous as to thank the many distinguished writers to whom NOTES AND QUERIES owes its sustained reputation and authority. However much he may personally benefit by the exceptional opportunities afforded him, he knows it is not to himself contributions are sent. Loyalty to NOTES AND QUERIES has always involved affection, and while none rejoices more than he in this state of things, or is more anxious to maintain it, the most he dare personally do is to congratulate his friends, contributors, and allies upon their fidelity to the flag. JOSEPH KNIGHT. 11, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C., May, 1898. GENERAL INDEX. EIGHTH SERIES. - Vols. I. to XII. VOL. I. JANUARY TO JUNE, 1892. II. JULY TO DECEMBER, 1892. III. JANUARY TO JUNE, 1893. IV. JULY TO DECEMBER, 1893. ANONYMOUS WORKS. BIBLE. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED. CHRISTIAN NAMES. COINS. EPIGRAMS. VOL. V. JANUARY TO JUNE, 1894. | VOL. IX. JANUARY TO JUNE, 1896. VI. JULY TO DECEMBER, 1894. VII. JANUARY TO JUNE, 1895. VIII. JULY TO DECEMBER, 1895. X. JULY TO DECEMBER, 1896. XI. JANUARY TO JUNE, 1897. XII. JULY TO DECEMBER, 1897. PARALLEL PASSAGES. PROVERBS AND PHRASES. QUOTATIONS. SHAKSPEARE. SONGS AND BALLADS. TAVERN SIGNS. Abano (Peter de), Hebrew words used by, i. 314 Academy of France, ix. 67 Abarbanel, Jewish family name, v. 229; vi. 237, 298 Acclimatization, experiments in, ix. 69, 277, 513 Abbé, or Abbot, i. 403; iii. 375 Account books, words and phrases in, viii. 388 Abbey, mistake about, i. 490 Accountants, professional, vi. 448, 498 Abbey churches, double, iii. 188, 257, 349, 378, 451; Accounts, mediæval, xi. 48, 232 Abercromby (Sir Ralph), picture of his death, viii. 487 Achon, reference to, vi. 367 Aberdeen, its church of the Grey Friars, iii. 386 Acland (Lady Harriet), mezzotint engraving, i. 106, 159 Aberdeen University graduates, ii. 453 Acre, Austrian flag at, iii. 427, 497; iv. 50, 137 Aberdeen (Lord), his descent from John Knox, vii. 69 Actors who have died on the stage, x. 314 |