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es are connected by an underground roauway, anu are an the same coal face, which is one mile and a quarter long, ree are ventilated by the same fan, which is set on top of an a hear mine No. 5; and for all practical purposes the three may b one mine with three openings.

Mine No. 3 is a shaft, 55 feet deep; equipped with very good machinery for hoisting and draining. First inspection was made September 8, when the ventilation was found up to the requirements of the law, with a very strong current of air passing through the face of the workings. This is considered a wet mine, as considerable water accumulates at the face of workings, which is drained out by a pump. Mines Nos. 4 and 5 only were working at date of this inspection.

Second inspection was made March 9. At this date only one mine (No. 3) was running, which rendered any test of the sanitary condition of the mines unsatisfactory, as only one-third of the usual number of miners were at work, to make use of the air considered sufficient for the three mines. A careful examination was made of all parts of the mine, and the road way between No. 3 and No. 4 was found in good condition, with the machinery, ropes, cages and safety-catches in very fair condition.

Mine No. 4 is located about one-fourth of a mile north of Mine No. 3. Shaft 70 feet deep; steam-power is used for hoisting. This mine has an underground connection with mines Nos. 3 and 5, and is working the same coal-face and ventilated by the same air-current. The ventilation was found satisfactory at both dates of inspection, and all other requirements of the law complied with. The roadways are high, wide and dry, and the mine considered in good condition.

Mine No. 5 is also a steam plant, located one-forth of a mile north of No. 4. Shaft 75 feet deep. The same description of the underground workings applies here as that given for Nos. 3 and 4. The fan is 12 feet in diameter; it is set near this plant, and was making about 80 revolutions per minute, on date of my visit. The air-current is divided into two parts, one of which passes to the west, and the other to the east workings, and after traversing the entire working-face of the several mines, it is forced out at the hoisting shafts. Good roadways are maintained between the mines, to afford an avenue of escape from either in case of accident. The roadways are high and dry, and the machinery, gates, cages and ropes in good repair.

Mine No. 9 is located one-half mile west of Richmond, and connected with the St. Joe branch of the Santa Fe railroad. Shaft 100 feet deep, and the only mine operated by this company where hoisting is done by horse-power; ventilation is produced by a furnace which was giving very good results at date of inspection. The mine is only operated in fall and winter, employing about 25 men.

Mine No. 12 located 13 mile west of Richmond, and connected with the St. Joe branch of the Santa Fe railroad. The shaft was sunk last summer and coal found at a depth of 125 feet. The company have

erected a brick engine house, and equipped the mine with first-class machinery. The pit-head and tipple house is well constructed for conveinence and economy. Every effort was made, neither money or labor spared to make this the best mine in the county. But unfortunately the shaft was sunk in a faulty place, where the coal was found very low and running irregular. Entries have been driven in all directions to test the coal with very poor satisfaction up to date of my visit March 9. I hope, however, that the thickness of the coal will soon come up to the standard, as this company deserves success for the enterprise it has displayed, and the large amount of money which it has expended in order to make it a first-class mine.

All coal from the mines of this company is consumed in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Minnesota. For a number of years $1 per ton has been paid for mining in this county, both summer and winter; but on March 1, 1894, the price of mining was reduced to 873 cents per ton-the lowest ever paid for mining in this section. The company employs about 400 men and boys.


Williams Coal Co., J. R. Williams, superintendent; F. M. Lamb, foreman. Mine located at Swanwick, a station 5 miles north of Richmond, on the St. Joe branch of the Santa Fe railroad. Shaft 95 feet deep; horse-power. This is the same seam of coal as that so exten sively mined in other parts of the county; but it is much more obstructed by faults, and runs more irregular. Ventilation is produced by a furnace located near bottom of hoisting shaft, and exhausting through an air-chamber partitioned off from side of main shaft. It was giving very fair results, and the mine found in very fair condition; but the cages and safety catches needed repairs, and the attention of the foreman was called to the matter. Two new hoisting-ropes had been put in the place of the old ropes which were condemned on former visit. Mine employs about 25 men, and the product is consumed at local towns along the line of railroad.

Production, 5337 tons.

While the greatest portion of St. Clair county is underlaid by the Coal Measure formation, yet very little mining is carried on in the county. The mines that have been operated during the past year are worked on a small scale to supply home consumption. The following parties have been operating mines, in various parts of the county, dur ing the past year:

J. W. Alexander is stripping coal near Appleton City, where it is consumed.

Bachelor Bros. are operating a strip-mine in the same locality, to supply home trade.

Ed. McDaniel is operating a strip-pit on the Donahue land, near Appleton City.

Jas. Allison is operating a strip-pit near Johnson City, to supply home demand.

L. G. Cherington operates strip-mines at Lowry City.

R. L. Crawford is operating strip-mine at Lowry City, to supply home demand.

Walker Bros. are stripping coal on Chris. Claus' land, and shipping over the Bailey road.

C. W. Nesbit operates a drift and a strip-pit, to supply the home market at Lowry City.

Wm. Dowers is stripping coal at Lowry City.

Dr. Bell operates a drift-mine, near Osceola, to supply home trade. Wm. Watkins operates a mine four miles northwest of Osceola; slope opening; coal 30 inches thick, and worked on the room and pillar plan, and hauled in wagons to Osceola, where it is consumed.

M. D. Gibson operates a mine on the Harry Lewis farm. Slope opening. Coal 30 inches thick, and worked on the room and pillar method. The coal is hauled in wagons to Osceola, where it is consumed.

W. A. Seymour is operating a mine four miles northwest of Osce ola, known as the Hoover bank. Coal 30 inches thick, and worked on the room and pillar plan, and consumed at Osceola.


Douthat & Vannice.-Mine located at Vista and connected with the K. C., Ft. S. & M. railroad. Shaft 55 feet deep; hoisting by horse. Formerly, all the coal mined at Vista was found in the hills and taken out through drifts and slopes, but this company sunk a shaft last fall and struck a three-foot vein of coal at the above-named depth. It is worked on the room and pillar plan, and 75 cents per ton is paid for mining clean coal. An air-shaft has been sunk, and the mine will be ventilated by a furnace. About 10 men are employed. The coal is consumed at Springfield, Clinton and other points along the line of the road.



Locust Valley Coal Co.-Mine located at Milan, and connected with the C. B. & K. C. R. R. Shaft 190 feet deep; equipped with first-class machinery for hoisting. The shaft is sunk between two railroads and is surrounded by every convenience. The machinery, ropes, cages, gates and safety-catches were found in good working order. First inspection of the mine was made December 6th, and 15 men were at work at this date, in the northwest entry, which entry was closed on my former visit, and all the work confined to that part of the mine. The roof was found stronger and harder and easier to secure than on the first opening up of the mine; the rock that was encountered near the bottom of the coal had become thicker as the work traveled westward. Having previously notified this company to sink an escape. ment-shaft, and finding on this visit that nothing had been done toward the commencement of work on same, the following letter was sent to the company:

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, January 2, 1894.

Locust Valley Coal Co., Milan, Mo.: GENTLEMEN-My predecessor insisted on your sinking an escapement-shaft at your mine, and I have done the same, but so far without avail. While I appreciate the generally depressed condition of business as atoning in a measure for your failure to obey our instructions, and personally would like to aid you in holding off until money matters become easier, yet you must know that I am dealing with the conditions that exist in the mine, and have nothing to do with conditions outside of the physical operations of the same, and however willing I might be to defer the enforcement of the law as an individual, yet I have no discretion in the matter as an official of the State. I am now compelled to insist on the immediate commencement and speedy prosecution of the work of sinking an escapement-shaft, otherwise you will compel me to resort to extreme measures.

Yours respectfully,


State Mine Inspector.

On the 14th of March I visited the mine again, and found only four men at work in the west entry. The rock in the coal had become so thick that the mine could not be profitably operated under the circumstances; the west entry was driven as a prospect entry to test how far the rock extended in that direction. I found that nothing had been done as yet in the matter of sinking an escapement-shaft, and the company would not consent to sink one, under the existing outlook, and asked for more time to test the extension of the trouble met with in the mine. From a practical view of the situation, I would willingly grant them time to prospect the mine further, as a large amount of

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