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The Center Creek Mining Co.'s mines are situated in Webb City. This company has the honor this year of being the largest producer in the zinc fields of Missouri, leading the procession with an output of 10,000 tons of that commodity. These mines have been large producers since their first discovery, and still continue so, but their output could be increased indefinitely if the prices of lead and zinc ores would make it a little more remunerative to the lessees and miners. At present there are 40 ore-producing mines located on this land, which give employment, directly and indirectly, to about 300 men. Valuation of this year's output is over $185,000.


This company owns a tract of land situated in both Webb City and Carterville, being, in fact, divided into two parts by the boundary line of the two cities. The mines on the property are very fine producers, the principal part of the product being zinc blende of very fine quality. All of their product is concentrated and cleaned at the mouths of the different shafts, which were connected with the railroad, and from there shipped to the different smelters. During the past year, the company has given employment to an average of 240 men per week, and shows as its product for that time an output of ore valued at more than $151,000.


The mines of this company are situated in the southeastern part of Carterville, and are the largest producers of that town-in fact, nearly the largest in the entire district, being second only to the Center Creek mines of Webb City. Their product this year was over 9300 tons of ore, valued at $177,000 the greater portion being zinc blende of a very fine quality. Ore is being taken out of about 25 shafts, which average 170 feet in depth, and give employment to about 250 men. All of the product is dressed and made ready for the market right at the mines. The company has a large amount of territory developed, which promises to increase very materially their already large product.


The mines of this company are situated in the city of Joplin, where they are also operating a large zinc smelter. They reduce not only the ore taken from their own mines, but a quantity mined on other

properties. There are 36 ore-producing mines on this property, and the ore is found at all the way from 30 to 165 feet below the surface. This is one of the big mines of this region, as the value of this year's output ($130,000) shows. The zinc, concentrates from these mines seem to be exceptionally clear and good, as the general manager, Mr. W. C. Wetherill, prides himself on the extra fine work of the mills.


The mines of this company are situated in and around the town of Granby, Newton county, where the company owns very large quantities of land. These mines have been worked for many years. Prior to the advent of railroads in that country, the product of these mines was hauled by wagon to points on the Missouri river for shipment.

Besides the mines around Granby, the company operates mines in Joplin and Oronogo, Jasper county, which are all doing well. Their output of $132,000 is divided between Granby, Joplin and Oronogo in the proportion of one-half, one-third and one-sixth respectively, in the order named.


This is a 40-acre tract of land owned in fee simple by W. H. Leckie and operated by Jacobs Bros., of Carthage, and C. O. Frye (superintendent) of Joplin, and is situated about one mile east of Joplin. This was formerly known as the old Pinkard mines, and was noted for its production of surface lead. Recent developments have proven the deposits of ore to be very large and continuous. These parties operate another 40-acre tract adjoining this one, which is as good-this latter, however, being shown in the tabled report under the name of Harrison & Spencer. The value of this year's product for the two properties is over $85,000, which is divided equally between the two.


The Margerum Mining Company's mine is located in the corporate limits of Oronogo, on the south side, and is properly within what is known as the "Center Creek bottom." Up to late in the year 1891, this particular locality was not looked upon as favorable to mining purposes, but a shallow deposit of lead was found, and the subsequent developments have proven very productive of lead ore. The property has been almost distinctively a lead producer, and carries the banner for the Southwest in the production of that commodity. The water is very strong in the mines, and during the past year three pumps, with a steam plant for operating same, have had to be put in.


This is one of Carterville's mines. The property contains 80 acres held under lease from Thos. Connor, and is now well developed with steam-hoisting and concentrating plants. Considerable attention has been given to underground explorations and the opening up of ore deposits, the main shaft having been extended 385 feet in the ore body, and proven it to be 42 feet thick. Under the administration of Mr. Louis Helm, its present manager, the property has become a good producer and seems to have a bright future, if one may judge from the amount of ore in sight in the different openings. This year's output is $28,000.


This property is situated in the southeastern part of Carterville, and contains 50 acres, 10 acres of which is owned in fee simple by Mr. E. N. Perry, and 40 acres operated under lease. . It is one of the mines located in the famous Carterville basin, which has produced so much in the last few years, and which is still the largest producer of zinc blende in the district. The property is well developed, and is a large and steady producer, mostly, however, being operated by miners under sub-lease. A concentrating plant has been built during the year, and the value of the ore output for the same period is over $70,000.


The Richland Mining Co.'s mines, of which Mr. J. M. Waugh is superintendent and manager, are situated in the city of Carterville. Nine shafts are being worked, producing this year $38,784 worth of ore, almost all lead. This is owing to the fact that the remuneration received from lead ore has been greater than that received from zinc, and the consequent continuous working of the lead prospects.

A concentrating plant has been put up within the year, and the prospects are that for the coming year the company will have a very materially increased production to report.


The Rex Mining Co. have their mines situated some two miles east of Joplin, where they have 1000 acres of fine mining land. They are making a splendid output, this year's valuation of their ores ($156,000) being the largest in Joplin, and nearly the largest in the entire southwestern district. They are comparatively new mines, and the possibilities of future production great, as energetic men are now pushing development. expecting reward in the increased prices of ores.


company have large and well-equipped concentrating plants on their premises, and with these and its mines gives employment to about 300 The mines are worked on the royalty system, so prevalent in


the whole district.


The tract of land operated by this company contains 40 acres located in the southern part of the city of Joplin. For the first three years its development was confined to a small area, but during 1893 considerable new development was made which opened up new and productive ore bodies, and the property is now a large and steady producer of both lead and zinc. During the year, the company has put up a new concentrating plant, replacing the one burnt down, sunk a new ventilating-shaft, and put down three drill-holes to a depth of 150 feet.


The Troup Mining Co.'s property is located in the southeastern corner of Carterville, and has been a very productive piece of land since the first discovery of the ore deposits, which are found at a depth of 150 to 200 feet. Last year's production was not up to the average, owing to the general depression in the mining business, but it may be of interest to know that the value of their output for the last three years has been $269,000, and if we are to judge from the developments being made, the property will excel all its former efforts in the near future.


The Victor Mining Co.'s mine is one of the several large producers situate in the Carterville basin, in the town of Carterville. The one shaft on the property is down to a depth of 220 feet, and the company gives employment to 35 men. The mine is a large and steady producer, as is shown by the fact that the output for the past fiscal year is valued $47,536, and promises in the near future to exceed this amount, as developments are being pushed steadily for this purpose.


The mines of this company are situated east of Joplin, but within the corporate limits of that city. The property has been worked for many yeers in a desultory manner by different companies and individuals, but latterly have been consolidated into one company, and under the present management, is being worked in a more systematic manner and with better results. Their sales for the past fiscal year amount to over $69,000. The lease system and royalty prevail here, as they do ' over the district.



These two properties, of which Mr. Otto Schmook is superintendent and agent, are situated at Aurora, Lawrence county, and are both doing well. The ore-producing shafts, of which there are twelve, being operated by the two companies, are down to an average depth of 100 feet, and give work to about 60 miners and 80 other employes.

The valuation of the output of Campbell & Co. is $47,000, principally jack ore; that of the Schmook Co. is $35,000, consisting mostly of lead and silicate of zinc ore. What is said of the other mines in this section as to the low grade of the silicate ores is true of these properties also.


The mines of this company are situated near Aurora, and constitute another of Lawrence county's big producers. They have seventeen ore-producing shafts being operated at present, which are all well located and doing well, and every prospect of continuing to do so. This year they have turned out 1200 tons of jack, 2895 tons silicate of zinc and 381 tons of lead ore, making a total valuation of over $59,000. The preponderance of silicate ores in this section makes the price of zinc ore lower than in the other portions of the southwest.


The mines of this company are located in Aurora also, and make a fair showing with their varied product. Their out put this year is 145 tons silicate of zinc, 1041 tons zinc blende, 307 tons galena (lead) and 84 tons dry bone (lead), making a total valuation of over $34,000. There are 13 shafts on the property which will only average 60 feet in depth but are well located and will, no doubt, make fully as large a return the coming year. This property is worked entirely by lessees.


The mines of this company are located near Aurora, Lawrence county, and are the largest producers this year in that county, producing 566 tons of jack, 1563 tons silicate of zinc, and 477 tons of lead, all valued at more than $64,000. They are working 40 men in their seven shafts, and judging from developments now being made, may reasonably expect a considerably larger return for the coming year. The silicate ores from this section being of lower grade than blende ores, makes the average prices of zinc ores in this section much lower than it is in sections producing the blende.

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