Fixing Your Feet: Prevention and Treatments for Athletes

Wilderness Press, 19 juni 2012 - 392 sidor
Foot pain and injuries can thwart even the most experienced athletes. Foot expert John Vonhof discredits the conventional wisdom of "no pain, no gain," teaching instead how the interplay of anatomy, biomechanics, and footwear can lead to happy or hurting feet. With a focus on individual and team care, this fifth edition covers everything that an active person needs for immediate and long-term foot care solutions. Vonhof's advice comes not only from his own experience but also from many foot experts and endurance athletes. He offers numerous solutions for each problem, as there is no one best solution — different treatments work for different feet. This comprehensive resource covers footwear basics, prevention, and treatments along with clear diagrams, photos, and charts that demonstrate techniques and solutions. If it can happen to a foot, it's covered in this book.

Om författaren (2012)

An avid runner and fastpacker for more than 30 years, John Vonhof treats athletes' feet during ultramarathons and adventure races. He combines his work as a paramedic, orthopedic technician, and emergency-room technician with his passion to help athletes with their foot problems. He has patched feet during such races as Primal Quest, The Atacama Crossing ultra-marathon in Chile and the Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run. Vonhof maintains the popular website and a blog of the same name.

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