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Scriptures, what I am bold to say, | ject which ought to be close to the however your prejudices may rise heart of every Christian, which he against it, your judgment cannot gain- should bring before God as one of the say at present, whatever plausible ar- heaviest sins of our country, beseechgument you may derive by and by ing forgiveness for our rulers, praying from it: but the fair and honest expo- for amendment on the part of our lesition of these chapters, your judg- gislature, and imploring our merciful ment cannot now gainsay; and that God to withhold the blow which we fair and honest exposition is, that all deserve for our oppression of the poor these gifts and graces should have been African stranger, whom we have carcontinued in the Church, and should ried to our Colonies, and made to have been in the Church now. drudge as a beast of the field? O my brethren, the evils which lie on us upon this account are innumerable. I believe that even this blessed subject of Christian feeling, with this earnest petitioning both of God and man against slavery-this very subject will now be made, and is now made, an instrument in the hands of the devil, by causing Christians to league with the infidels and the liberals, because those infidels and liberals cry for liberty against oppression and slavery. The Christian who sighs against that oppression joins them in the cry; and Christians have been betrayed into an expression of approbation on the side of liberalism in writing their petitions against Colonial Slavery.

This is a very important subject. If these things be so-if this be the true picture of what the Church should be, look at what she is; and you find a readiness for the judgments which we pronounce to be coming on her-a readiness to have all the outward prosperity with which the Lord has blessed her taken away from her. For she has forgotten her inward strength; through unbelief she has grieved the Holy Spirit: so that there is paralysis in her heart. And who shall keep her hands steady when her heart is paralysed? Who shall keep her outward benefits when her inward support is gone? Who shall keep houses over her head, and lands for her to feed upon, when the Spirit is gone, and faith and love Now, I would suggest this to you, are gone from her heart? She is in that it should be said by us, and that decrepitude, she is in old age: and in- it should be avowed and maintained stead of the beautiful description of by us, that the duty of a man upon the infancy of the Church being ap- Christian principles is, submission to plicable to her, the description of the the power that governs in every thing Prophets of the decrepitude of Jeru- short of sin against God, whether that salem, when she was ready to be cast power be the despotism of Nero, or off, are much more applicable-not in the cruelty of a slave-driver. On this country only, but throughout Christian principles submission is man's Christendom. Take this description duty; but then we should earnestly of the prophet Ezekiel :-"In thee and respectfully exhibit the baseness, have they set light by father and mo- as well as the sin and the danger, of ther in the midst of thee they have any power who calls itself Christian, dealt by oppression with the stranger: ruling on the principles of Nero, and in thee have they vexed the fatherless expecting the people to submit on the and the widow." How this has been principles of Paul. If Christianity be done, my brethren! Here I speak appealed to by governors as inculcating much more closely to what you must submission, it should, on the other feel to be the experience of the coun- hand, be acted upon by them, and good, try, than when I describe the love that here and hereafter, should be the parais to be found in the Church. There- mount object of the rulers. If Chrisfore I say the decrepitude of Jerusalem tian principles be discarded by the is more applicable to the Church now, rulers, what can we expect, but that than the beautiful description of the the people will act also on natural infant Church. Have they not set principles. We would regret even light by father and mother? Is not that: we would hope they would show insubordination in families proverbial? a more excellent way. Have they not dealt oppression to the the ruler reason to expect who disstranger? Need I instance that sub-cards Christianity from his principles

But what has

of action, but that they will also discard it from their principles of action? The slave will feel that he owes no allegiance to him who stole him from his home, or who bought him or his ancestors and in the progress of instruction, which cannot be resisted, the slave will hear of the acts of Hampden, and Russell, and William Tell, and Washington: he will hear of them; and it is in unison with all past experience, that some swarthy vindicator of his race will arise, and by some daring act dash for ever the fetters of thraldom from his African countrymen. Let us entreat from our legislators that they will avert that cup of suffering, that deluge of blood which will probably flow if they take not the quiet and peaceable course for getting rid of this evil. That slavery must end is certain whether it shall end peaceably, or whether it shall end tragically, seems, under God, to be at this moment in the hands of the British Parliament.

Let me add on this subject, that should Christian principles be acted upon by the slave-should he return good for evil, and continue to submit on Christian grounds, though he be ruled in defiance of Christian grounds; then only consider, my beloved brethren, the fearful aggravation of guilt incurred in the sight of Him who is the protector of the desolate and the oppressed. Consider that he, who is the father of the fatherless, and the husband of the widow, is also the God of nations; and that he wields, as his ready instruments of righteous retribution, civil war, and sudden death, plague, pestilence, and famine, battle, and murder. Oh, fearful is the guilt hanging over those who insult

God by ruling in defiance of Chris| tianty, and insult man by expecting that those ruled by them shall act as Christians.


To you that are ruled I would further say, Let it be our privilege, beloved brethren, whatever may become of us, having learned the more cellent way of submission, to imitate the conduct of the Christians in the reign of Nero, and rather lay our heads on the block than conspire against the ruler in any rebellion of men. Be patient and quiet for the truth's sake; be steady for truth; and if for truth you incur danger, bear the penalty; let your sufferings be passive; endure, but act not. Endure whatever persecutions may come for the truth. Keep in your places, and act not. Your safety lies in sitting still; in enduring, not acting. active in business, diligent in the sphere God has given you, waiting till the persecution comes for the sake of truth then bear it in the strength of the Lord, and the peace of God shall be with you.


I have thus been led to speak freely to you, as in the presence of God, without reserve-freely, in the spirit of love, without weighing my words; but speaking from my heart. I fear not, but I know some of my brethren fear, the misrepresentations of wicked men as to what may drop from my lips. I know that in the mercy and goodness of God I desire your salvation-that I desire your edification in love; and I do not fear the representations of wicked men, who make a man an offender for a word. Therefore speak I freely from an honest heart, desiring your good. May the Lord do good to you in his mercy.

London: Published for the Proprietors, by T. GRIFFITHS, Wellington Street, Strand; and Sold by all Booksellers in Town and Country.

Printed by Lowndes and White, Crane Court, Fleet Street.

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Psalm, cxix. 108.-" Accept, I beseech thee, the free-will offerings of my mouth, O Lord, and teach me thy judgments,”

our Heavenly Father-that at once causes us to draw nigh to him, and prevails with him to draw nigh to usthat encourages and invites, and enables us in all things to make our requests known unto God: are we worthy of such a privilege? are we deserving of such a distinction? Are we fit to enter into communion with our Maker? Have we any claim that our prayers should be heard, and accepted, and answered by him, excepting what we derive from his own free promise and voluntary engagement? Or take the volume of the Scriptures-that treasury of heavenly wisdom-that depository of the revealed will of Godthat unerring guide through things temporal to things eternal-that which, when duly and regularly consulted, becomes a light to the feet, and a lantern to the paths of those who would otherwise walk in darkness ;are we worthy to be put in trust with the pure word of God-to study it under the teaching of the Divine Spirit

WHEN Christians in the present day, and among our own congregations, are most urgently, and most constantly, invited to honour their Redeemer by obeying his departing precept, "This do in remembrance of me"-when they are from time to time reminded, that the symbols of his precious body and blood are not only openly exhibited, but freely proffered to all who are willing to partake them-when, too, it is impressed upon them, that the whole of their previous education in the knowledge of the Gospel has been, or should have been, a kind of preparation for the holy ordinance of the Sacrament; they too often continue to hold back, sheltering themselves under the hackneyed, and sometimes insincere excuse, that they are not worthy. But it altogether escapes these persons, that the same excuse might be alleged for the omission of every religious observance whatever. Take prayer for example the precious privilege of drawing nigh to God as a reconciled Father in Christ Jesus of urging at to find in it the gem of great price, his throne of grace a plea which he the treasure of inestimable value, has pledged himself never to reject the wisdom unto salvation? Or are of confiding to him all our necessities, we worthy to enter into the house of trials, wants, and distresses, under the God on the Sabbath-day, to join in guidance of that Spirit who will not the common offering of prayer, the only teach us what to pray for as we general ascription of praise-to assoought, but will himself make inter-ciate ourselves with the most eminent cession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered: take prayer that brings us daily within the notice of


and experienced saints in the same supplication for God's mercy, the same expression of reliance on his promises,


vah, even while he presumed to ask it. The man after God's own heart would not even prefer his prayers to his God without accompanying them with a petition that they might find favour in his sight:-" Accept the free-will of

O Lord; and teach me thy statutes." Here then, Christians, is an example for us all; an example more especially for those who design to unite this day in the most solemn ordinance of our common faith. But how shall all be enabled to examine and to profit by it? Only by Thy help, most gracious Spirit, without whose present light and influence the fervour of a Paul, the eloquence of an Apollos, would be altogether in vain. Prepare our hearts, then, for the reception of thy truth: let us experience this day, that the entrance of thy word giveth lightthat it giveth understanding to the simple: and may we have grace henceforward to say with the Psalmist, from our own blessed experience, "Thy testimonies are wonderful; therefore doth my soul keep them: thy word is very pure; therefore thy servant loveth it."

the same assurance of eternal life | undeserving of acceptance with Jehothrough the atoning blood of Christ? Surely we can have no answer to these questions, but that of the Patriarch Jacob-"I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which thou hast shown unto thy servant." If therefore Christians were, in every in-ferings of my mouth, I beseech thee, stance, to act consistently with the principle on which they pretend to act with reference to the Holy Sacrament, they would desist from prayer, because they are not worthy to be heard; and cease from reading the Scriptures, because they are not worthy of the exceeding great and precious promises which are here revealed; and absent themselves from the house of God altogether, because they are not worthy to mingle their petitions with those of the great congregation, which comprehends the true and spiritual members of the body of Christ. But they do not act thus, because they feel, and feel justly, that in so doing they would virtually abjure all hope, and all prospect of obtaining the inheritance of the Saints in light. Why, therefore, I may ask, are they to carry their groundless, if not insincere scruples, to that ordinance which appeals to their observance with all the force of a positive, unlimited command? If they are worthy to pray-to read the Scriptures to attend the house of Godwhy are they not worthy to assemble around the table of the Lord, to receive the lively symbols of the body and blood of Christ?

The fact is, that this excuse, in a great majority of instances, is nothing better than a mere subterfuge. Men say they are not worthy, because they have no desire to become so; because they fear, that, by this act, they will be constrained to take upon themselves a more strict and severe profession of religion; because after partaking of the Holy Sacrament they will not dare to live as they have lived, and to sin as they have sinned; but they must henceforth be more moderate in their indulgences, more guarded in their conversation, more circumspect in all their conduct. If the plea of unworthiness were really felt, they would be encouraged by the example of the Sacred Writer in our text, who virtually acknowledges, by the very wording of his prayer, that he was

FIRST, What are we to present to God? "The free-will offerings of the mouth." SECONDLY, The means by which we are to seek for their acceptance - by beseeching God.” THIRDLY, What is to be the object of our further petitions, when we have thus prayed for the acceptance of our very prayers? "Teach me thy statutes."

First, WE ARE TO FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF THE PSALMIST, IN PRESENTING to God the free-WILL OFFERINGS OF OUR MOUTHS-that is, voluntarily, and without constraint of others, to draw nigh to his throne of grace, in the act, and in the attitude, and with the words of prayer. But it may be asked, Did the Psalmist do no more than this? Did he only present the offerings of his mouth? Was not his heart also engaged in the duty of devotion? Did he not present that of which himself said, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise?" On most occasions, unquestionably, he did: but this passage appears to have been recorded by the Divine Spirit expressly for the com

fort and satisfaction of those less privileged believers, who have been striving perhaps for years, and perhaps cannot even yet, as they would, give their hearts to God. It is no uncommon thing to hear a sincere and simpleminded Christain complain, that he has tried over and over again to comply with the requisition of God by the mouth of Solomon-" My son, give me thine heart;" but that some potent though secret spell has always prevailed to charm it back again within the magic circle of the world. He has never omitted the duty itself of prayer, to which he has clung as the mariner to the last fragment of the wreck by which alone he hopes to reach the shore but he has gone to it without hope, persevered in it without interest, and left it, as he apprehends, without improvement. He has not yet found the way of wisdom to be a way of pleasantness: he would fain have advanced in it; but something has ever held him back: his heart is not with the world-yet it is not with his God: he cannot rest satisfied with the poor perishable treasures and enjoyment of earth-yet he wants vigour of faith, and firmness of purpose, and ardour of love to fix and fasten his affections on the eternal realities beyond.

What then, he will anxiously ask of the minister of Christ-what is my duty? I cannot bring my heart; I have hitherto striven to bring it, but in vain what then shall I bring? We reply in the words of the text, "Bring the freewill offerings of thy mouth :" and if this be not sufficiently explicit, the prophet Hosea may admonish such a Christian as he did backsliding Israel -"Take with you words, and return unto the Lord" and if the example of the Psalmist, and the precept of the Prophet, be not enough, even when united, to assure the dejected and dispirited believer, we will add to them the exhortation of the Apostle-" By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually-that is, the fruit of our lips-giving thanks to his name." Surely it must be evident from these concurring passages, that he who cannot bring what he would, must bring what he can. As under the Levitical dispensation, a turtle dove was accepted from him who could not afford a lamb; and again,

an offering of still inferior value from the man whose means were inadequate even to the purchase of a turtle doveso he that cannot offer the heart, may at least bring with him words; he may recognise the duty, appreciate the importance, devote himself to the exercise of prayer, and supplicate instantly and perseveringly for that grace which shall cause it to become an exercise of the heart. And as the sacrifice, whatever might be its value, was to be repeated as often as the sin for which it was a trespass offering; so may the act of adoration be repeated, however comparatively little the heart be interested, as often as the man feels, from whatever cause, that he has need to pray. And continuing in this practice, it is not possible that he should fail to attain his object in the end. "Heaviness may endure for a night; but joy cometh in the morning" and "unto the upright there ariseth light, even in the darkness." "Wait on the Lord-be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.”

And O, if he require additional encouragement to continued and unremitting exertions beyond those promises which the Old Testament believers enjoyed, let him only consider the words of the Apostle just quoted: "By Him let us offer the sacrifice of praise." By Him? By whom? By One whom David the King and Hosea the Prophet desired to see, but saw not-by One who is himself at once the Teacher, the Example, the Advocate and the Object of prayer; who is equally able and willing to bestow upon us all that we ask, and who has pledged his immutable faith, that whatever we ask in his name, believing, we shall receive. With such a plea as this-with the blood of Christ that cleanseth from all sin-with the righteousness of Christ, that challenges and endures the piercing scrutiny of God himself-with the certainty that He sits at the right hand of the Father to make intercession for us, shall the believer who ardently desires to pray hesitate to approach the throne of grace with hope and confidence, though as yet he can approach it only with words? Not if he will learn his duty and his encouragement from the Scriptures. Only let him find out his deficiency:

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