The Works of the English Poets: Virgil, trans. by DrydenH. Hughs, 1779 |
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The Works of the English Poets: Virgil, trans. by Dryden Samuel Johnson Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1779 |
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Æneas Æneid almoſt alſo anſwer arms Auguſtus becauſe beſt betwixt buſineſs Cæfar Cafaubon caſt cauſe cloſe courſe defire deſign eaſe Engliſh Ennius Ev'n eyes faid falſe fame fate fatire fatyrs fear fide fight firſt flain foes fome foul fuch give gods Grecians hand haſte heaven honour Horace houſe inſtructive juſt Juturna Juvenal laſt Latin leaſt leſs Livius Andronicus lord Lordſhip Lucilius maſter Menippus moſt muſt numbers o'er obſerved Pacuvius paſs Perfius perfons pleaſe pleaſure poem poet poetry praiſe preſent Quintilian raiſe reaſon refuſe reſt Roman Rome ſame ſatire ſay ſcarce ſecond ſecure ſee Sejanus ſenſe ſet ſeveral ſhall ſhame ſhare ſhe ſhews ſhield ſhining ſhort ſhould ſky ſome ſpeak ſpear ſpoils ſpread ſtage ſtand ſtate ſtill ſtore ſtreets ſtrength ſtrife ſtudied ſubject ſuch ſword thee theſe thoſe thou tranflation Trojan Turnus uſe Varro verſe vices Virgil whoſe wife words
Populära avsnitt
Sida 128 - I had intended to have put in practice (though far unable for the attempt of such a poem) ; and to have left the stage, to which my genius never much inclined me, for a work which would have taken up my life in the performance of it. This, too, I had intended chiefly for the honour of my native country, to which a poet is particularly obliged.
Sida 281 - Look round the habitable world, how few Know their own good, or knowing it pursue.
Sida 299 - Intrust thy fortune to the powers above ; Leave them to manage for thee, and to grant What their unerring wisdom sees thee want : * In goodness, as in greatness, they excel ; Ah, that we loved ourselves but half so well...
Sida 84 - Within the space, an olive tree had stood, A sacred shade, a venerable wood, For vows to Faunus paid, the Latins
Sida 194 - Neither is it true, that this fineness of raillery is offensive. A witty man is tickled while he is hurt in this manner, and a fool feels it not.
Sida 193 - How easy it is to call rogue and villain, and that wittily! but how hard to make a man appear a fool, a blockhead, or a knave, without using any of those opprobrious terms!
Sida 282 - The beggar sings, ev'n when he sees the place Beset with thieves, and never mends his pace. Of all the vows, the first and chief request Of each is to be richer than the rest: And yet no doubts the poor man's draught control, He dreads no poison in his homely bowl; Then fear the deadly drug, when gems divine Enchase the cup and sparkle in the wine.
Sida 52 - He tries his goring horns against a tree, And meditates his absent enemy; He pushes at the winds; he digs the strand With his black hoofs, and spurns the yellow sand Nor less the Trojan, in his Lemnian arms...
Sida 284 - Add now the imperial eagle raised on high, With golden beak, the mark of majesty ; Trumpets before, and on the left and right A cavalcade of nobles, all in white : In their own natures false and flattering tribes, But made his friends by places and by bribes.
Sida 351 - Be wise and free, by heaven's consent and mine. But thou, who lately of the common strain Wert one of us, if still...