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danger, and a devil dread your doom. There is no safety for a sinner but beneath the wing of mercy; to that wing you are invited, before you in the gospel it is spread, and you are urged to flee to it as the hope set before you, to shelter beneath it from the wrath that is to come. If found out of Christ, God will rule you with a rod of iron, and at last dash you to pieces as a potter's vessel: that is, he will destroy your hopes, confound your projects, and fill you with everlasting misery and woe.

O flee to Jesus, he will be merciful to your unrighteousness; he will have mercy upon you, and abundantly pardon!

But is my reader a VESSEL OF MERCY? O then rejoice and be exceeding glad; your state is a happy state, your prospects are unspeakably glorious! Be mindful of your obligations to your God and Saviour; he bought you with his own blood, that you may serve him in righteousness and holiness all the days of your life. For your life he gave his own, and for your comfort he gave his word: he invites you to walk in fellowship with him, and expects you to glorify him in your body, soul, and spirit which are his. O love not the world, it is his enemy; trifle not with sin, it goes

to his heart; listen not to satan, he in-
tends to beguile you: believe your Sa-
viour's word, adorn your holy profession,
and walk humbly with God. Often medi-
tate upon the question, "Who made thee
to differ from another?" Often admire the
grace which put you among the children,
and wrote your name in the Lamb's book
of life. Often anticipate the period when
mercy shall put a crown of glory upon your
head, and the joy you will feel in casting it
at your Saviour's feet. Depend upon mercy
to keep you from fainting, to supply all
your needs, to relieve your distresses, and to
fill with all the fulness of God; let mercy
be your satisfying portion and your delight-
ful song in the house of your pilgrimage.
Look for the mercy of our Lord Jesus
Christ unto eternal life; he will soon come
a second time without sin unto salvation;
and then he will collect all his vessels of
mercy together, and so shall they be for
ever with the Lord.

'Tis mercy buries all complaints.
Gives pleasures ever new,

O how she triumphs o'er the saints,
And makes them triumph too!



THE church of Christ is essentially distinct from the world; it is not of the world even as Christ was not of the world. John xvii. 14-16. It was chosen out of the world, John xv. 19: redeemed from among men, Rev. v. 9; xiv. 4: and is called into fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. i. 9. The Father chose it before the foundation of the world, Ephes. i. 3. 4: the Son redeemed it in the fulness of time, Gal. iv. 4, 5: the Spirit washes, sanctifies and justifies it in the day of his power, 1 Cor. vi. 11 and every member is called upon to come out of the world, and to be seperate from it. 2 Cor. vi. 17, 18. The church is to be a witness for God, the representative of Christ, the temple of the Holy Ghost. For this purpose she was chosen, and to to this end all spiritual blessings were given to her. Her union with the world is a violation of God's command, contrary to a scriptural profession of Christ, and grievous in the eyes of the Holy Ghost. The whole church is the one body of Christ but it is large and scattered through the


earth; and therefore in every place where the gospel is preached, and sinners are converted, they should be united together as a church of Christ. Not united to the world forming a worldly establishment, but united together as a temple for the living God. There are many such churches in the world, they are all one in Christ, and will ultimately all be joined together in one vast congregation. Every union of persons professing religion, is not a church of Christ; the marks of a true church may be gathered from the word of God, and some of them will now be produced.

kingdom of Christ Except a man be Spirit, he cannot

A church of Christ must be composed of spiritual persons, for the is a spiritual kingdom. born again, born of the lawfully enter into this kingdom of God; for that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and they that are in the flesh cannot please God; (Rom. viii. 8,) but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John iii. 5—7. The church is a spiritual house, a holy priesthood appointed to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. It is the household of faith, or a family of believers. Without faith it is impossible to please God, every unbeliever

and procured her eternal redemption a fountain of pardon for the guilty justification to the condemned.—... cleansing to the filthy; it is a river c to the troubled, a war into the holl the bewildered, and a purging drang the six diseased soul; it sanctifies t her, brings near the distant, and so ruined and adore. Invaluable bloc shall its virtues ever fil? its effic lost? or the design with which it w be frustrated? Impossible! Imparti te sets the blood bought prisoners sovereign mercy guides them to the gr trone, eternal love bestows the so partion, essential holiness smiles upor and sexs their peace, promised wisd gra & guide their feet, discrimi MSPs their every want, at male As stands engaged the dosed à turen. Thus Jes" de can of his soul and is sat Kair, what are your views of the des a they scriptural, spiritu mansa? Are you resting on it i ma? là your pica before (over? Is the ground of your

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wy? Are you us

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