Sidor som bilder

From the State of




Heman Allen, Horace Everett, Isaac Fletcher, Hiland Hall, William Slade.

John T. Andrews,

Bennet Bicknell,

Samuel Birdsall,

John C. Brodhead,
Isaac H. Bronson,

Churchill C. Cambreleng,
Timothy Childs,
John C. Clark,
Edward Curtis,

John I. De Graff,
John Edwards,
Millard Fillmore,

Henry A. Foster,

Albert Gallup,

Abraham P. Grant,

Hiram Gray,

Ogden Hoffman,

Thomas B. Jackson,

Nathaniel Jones,

Gouverneur Kemble,

Arphaxed Loomis,
Richard P. Marvin,
Robert McClellan,
Charles F. Mitchell,
Ely Moore,
William H. Noble,

John Palmer,

Amasa J. Parker,

Luther C. Peck,

Zadock Pratt,

John H. Prentiss,

David Russell,

Mark H. Sibley,

James B. Spencer,

William Taylor,

Obadiah Titus,
Abraham Vanderveer.
A Henry Vail.

John B. Aycrigg,
William Halsted,
John P. B. Maxwell,

Joseph F. Randolph,

Charles C. Stratton,
Thomas Jones Yorke.

[Dec. 3.

From the State of—


William Beatty,
Richard Biddle,

Andrew Buchanan,
Edward Darlington.

Edward Davies,
Jacob Fry, jun.

Robert H. Hammond,

Thomas Henry,

Edward B. Hubley,

George M. Keim,

John Klingensmith, jun.
Henry Logan,

Charles McClure,

Thomas M. T. McKennan,

Mathias Morris,

Samuel W. Morris,

Charles Naylor,

Lemuel Paynter,
David Petrikin,
Arnold Plumer,
David Potts, jun.
Luther Reily,

John Sergeant,

Daniel Sheffer,

[blocks in formation]

From the State of






Jesse A. Bynum,

Henry W. Connor, Edmund Deberry, Micajah T. Hawkins, James J. McKay, William Montgomery, Abraham Rencher, Samuel T. Sawyer, Augustine H. Shepperd, Charles Shepard, Edward Stanly,

Lewis Williams.

William K. Clowney,
Franklin H. Elmore,
John K. Griffin,
R. Barnwell Rhett.
William C. Dawson,
Thomas Glascock,

Seaton Grantland,

Charles E. Haynes,

Jabez Jackson,

George W. Towns.

John Calhoon,

William J. Graves,

James Harlan,

Richard Hawes,

Richard H. Menefee,

John L. Murray,

John Pope,

Edward Rumsey,

William W. Southgate,

Joseph R. Underwood,

John White,

Sherrod Williams.

John Bell,

William B. Campbell,

William B. Carter,
Richard Cheatham,
John W. Crockett,

Abraham P. Maury,

Abraham McClellan,


Ebenezer J. Shields,

William Stone,

Hopkins L. Turney,

Joseph L. Williams,

Christopher H. Williams.

James Alexander, jr.
John W. Allen,
William Key Bond,
John Chaney,

From the State of

OHIO (Continued.)






Charles D. Coffin,
Thomas Corwin,
Patrick G. Goode,
Alexander Harper,

Daniel P. Leadbetter,

Samson Mason,

Calvary Morris,

Joseph Ridgway,
Matthias Sheplor,
Taylor Webster.
Henry Johnson.
(George H. Dunn,
John Ewing,
William Graham,
William Herod,
James Rariden,

Albert S. White.

Thomas J. Word.

Zadok Casey,
William L. May,
Adam W. Snyder.
Reuben Chapman,

Dixon H. Lewis,

Francis S. Lyon,


Joshua L. Martin.

Isaac E. Crary.

Several new members appeared, were sworn to support the constitution of the United States, and took seats in the House, viz:

From the State of New York-Cyrus Beers, in the place of Andrew D. W. Bruyn, deceased; and Harvey Putnam, in the place of William Patterson, deceased.

From the State of Ohio-Joshua R. Giddings, in the place of Elisha Whittlesey, resigned; and Henry Swearingen, in the place of Daniel Kilgore, resigned.

From the State of Alabama-George W. Crabb, in the place of Joab Lawler, deceased.

The delegate from the Territory of Florida, Charles Downing, also appeared, and took his seat.

The delegate from the Territory of Wisconsin, George W. Jones, appeared and took his seat.

Mr. Crary informed the House that James Duane Doty was in attendance, and claimed to be sworn in as the delegate in this House from the Territory of Wisconsin; and, at the same time, presented the credentials of the said James Duane Doty; which were read at the Clerk's table. And, thereupon, Mr. Crary moved that the said James D. Doty be qualified accordingly.

Objection being made by George W. Jones, who claimed to be the sitting delegate from the Territory of Wisconsin.

A motion was made by Mr. Mercer, that the further consideration of

the subject of the right to a seat in this House as the delegate from the Territory of Wisconsin be postponed until Thursday next; which motion was agreed to by the House, and the subject was postponed accordingly. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Dickins, their Secretary:

Mr. Speaker: I am directed to acquaint the House of Representatives that a quorum of the Senate is assembled, and ready to proceed to business. The Senate have passed a resolution for the appointment of a committee on its part, to join such committee as may be appointed on the part of the House of Representatives, to wait on the President of the United States, and inform him that a quorum of the two Houses is assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any communications he may be pleased to make; and the Senate have appointed Mr. Wright and Mr. Young of the committee on its part. And then he withdrew.

The Speaker laid before the House the following communication, viz :


Washington, December 3, 1838.

SIR: The painful duty is devolved upon me of informing you, and, through you, the House of Representatives of the United States, of the death of Walter S. Franklin, Esq., Clerk of the House. He died on the 20th of September last, at Lancaster, in Pennsylvania.

In making this communication, I cannot omit to embrace the opportunity publicly to express the deep regret of every officer of the House at the loss the public and themselves have sustained in the death of Mr. Franklin.

With much respect, sir, your obedient servant,

Hon. J. K. POLK,

Chief Clerk of the Office,

and acting Clerk House of Representatives.

Speaker House of Representatives.

The said communication being read

Mr. Petrikin moved the following resolution :

Resolved, That the principal assistant clerk act as Clerk of this House until a Clerk be chosen by the House to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Walter S. Franklin.

A motion was made by Mr. Milligan to amend the said resolution, by striking out all thereof after the word Resolved, and inserting as follows: "That the House do forthwith proceed to the election of a Clerk."

A motion was then made by Mr. Dromgoole, to amend the amendment proposed by Mr. Milligan, by adding, "and that the election be made viva voce.

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And, on the question that the House do agree to the amendment moved by Mr. Dromgoole,


It passed in the affirmative, { Nays,

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The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, Those who voted in the affirmative are

Mr. Hugh J. Anderson

John T. Andrews

Charles G. Atherton

Mr. Linn Banks
William Beatty
Cyrus Beers

Mr. Andrew Beirne

Bennet Bicknell
Samuel Birdsall

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