Sidor som bilder

Arkansas, inhabitants of Clark county-post, Greenville to Man


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On books of Treasury, against collecting and disbursing offi

[merged small][ocr errors]

On books of Register of Treasury

On books of the revenue, unsettled by collectors of customs

Baltimore, harbor of. See bill Ho. No. 1139.

Bankrupts, relief of parties interested in estates of persons bankrupt

See bill S. No. 305.

Bank-notes to be received for dues to Government

Banks in Wisconsin, situation of

46, 107


505, 703





of Racine and Iowa


See bill Ho. No. 1067.

Banks of the States

report of Secretary of Treasury concerning

President's views concerning

Returns of, made to Secretary of the Treasury
Amount of public money lost annually by
Secretary of Treasury to furnish blank returns

[ocr errors]

Of Boston-state of their indebtedness to Government
Public funds to be deposited in, but not to be used by
Bank of Indiana-on what terms it will pay pensions in

Statement of condition of

Citizens' Bank, of Louisiana, chosen a deposite bank
Compromise claims of United States against

See bill Ho. No. 1096.

Banks, deposite, amount of deposites due Government from, at

suspension, and now due

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Banks, deposite, public money lost annually by

branch at Mobile suspended specie payment, &c.

Bank of the State of Missouri, particulars as to its being made a
place of deposite
Bank of the United States, President communicates concerning
Banks in District of Columbia, to prevent abatement of suits in
which Bank of Columbia, in Georgetown, is a party -

See bill S. No. 265.

Barfleur and Ostend light-houses










- 117, 149


Barracks, marine, as to selection of sites for, at Charleston, Gos-
port, and Pensacola

estimate for, at West Point

Barret, Richard F., papers relating to claim of, directed to be

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Barton, Charles E., charges against Commodore Jesse D. Elliott 400, 518,

Bass harbor, buoys at. See bills S. No. 304, and Ho. No. 1139.
Bastrop, Baron, and others

[ocr errors]

Beaubien, J. B., his military reservation at Fort Dearborn, Chi-
cago, Illinois -

[ocr errors]

Beaufort harbor, buoys in, on Moses and Middle-ground shoals
Beet, sugar-see Fleischmann's memorial.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Big Sodus bay. See bills Ho. No. 1139.

Biennial Register, printing of to be let

[ocr errors]

Bill reported from the Committee of the Whole with amendments,
amended by the House before it acted on the amendments
Senate request return of

[ocr errors][ocr errors]








723, 724

Bills introduced on leave, notice and motions for, 17, 81, 257, 280, 283,

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157 A bill for the relief of the legal repre-
sentatives of the late Robert Farmer,


[ocr errors]

158 A bill for the relief of William Moor,
and for other purposes

159 A bill for the relief of Farish Carter
and the heirs of Charles Williamson,

160 A bill for the relief of Etienne (Stephen)
Lalande, deceased

161 A bill for the relief of Margaret Kings-

162 A bill for the relief of Henry L. Reviere
163 A bill for the relief of the legal repre-
sentatives of Daniel Warner, dec'd
164 A bill for the relief of Amelia Leach
165 A bill for the relief of Oliver Welch
166 A bill for the relief of the heirs of Fran-
cis Jarvis, deceased


167 An act to authorize the President of the
United States to cause to be issued to
Michael Armbrister, assignee of Us-
se Yoholo, a Creek Indian, a patent
for a certain reservation of land in
the State of Alabama


[Title amended, "An act for the re-
lief of Us-se-Yoholo."]

168 A bill for the relief of Milly Yates
169 A bill for the relief of Commodore Isaac

171 A bill for the relief of the representa-
tives of Henry Richardson

172 A bill for the relief of Spencer C. Gist
173 A bill for the relief of Benjamin Hewitt
174 A bill to provide compensation to James
Barron for the use of his invention
called "A ventilator of ships"
175 A bill to allow additional compensation
to William Easby -

186 A bill for the relief of Huldah Taylor
228 A bill for the relief of John B. Lasala,
of New York

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241 A bill for the relief of John Whitsett -
242 A bill for the relief of Jonathan Boon
244 A bill for the relief of William Marbury
245 A bill for the relief of Stephen Marsters
246 A bill for the relief of Willis Stephens
et ux.

247 A bill for the relief of Thos. T. Triplett
248 A bill for the relief of Reuben E. Gen-
try and others

249 A bill to authorize the settlement of the
accounts of the heirs of Jesse Cope-

253 A bill for the relief of Josiah Strong and
Samuel Remick


268 A bill for the relief of Peter Yarnall
and others

270 A bill for the relief of Henry Lynch
272 A bill for the relief of Saml. D. Walker
273 A bill for the relief of John H. Pease
274 A bill for the relief of Gilbert A. Smith
and others

275 A bill for the relief of Frederick Frey
and Company

279 A bill to allow such purchasers of the
public lands in the years 1818 and
1819 as omitted to take the credit
allowed by law, the same relief which
was extended to those who availed
themselves of the credit system

280 A bill for the relief of the heirs of John
Brahan, late receiver of public mon-
eys at Huntsville, Alabama

281 A bill for the relief of James M. Tuttle,
of Arkansas

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303 A bill for the relief of Samuel Hamble-
ton, a purser in the navy of the Uni-

ted States

304 A bill for the relief of Benjamin Hewitt
305 A bill for the relief of the representa-
tives of Benjamin Hodges, deceased

306 A bill for the relief of Cornelius Man-

307 A bill for the relief of the legal repre-
sentatives of William Tudor, jr.

325 A bill for the relief of Thomas Todd -
326 A bill for the relief of William Clarke
327 A bill for the relief of Zebulon Baxter
328 A bill for the relief of Mary Shroufe

[Note.-Title amended: "for the re-
lies of the heirs of Sebastian Shroufe,
late of Ohio, deceased."]

331 A bill for the relief of Thomas H. Per-

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

335 A bill for the relief of the legal repre-
sentatives of John Dawson, deceased
336 A bill for the relief of Daniel Parker
341 A bill to extend the privilege of draw-
back, and to abolish distinctions in
ports of entry

312 A bill for the relief of Marcus Quincy
and William Gorham

[ocr errors]

343 A bill for the relief of William Culver
344 A bill for the relief of George Innes
346 A bill for the relief of the heirs and le-
gal representatives of Peter Alba
347 A bill for the relief of the legal repre-
sentatives of Henry Duchuquette,
William Hebit, dit La Compte, J.
B. Dubois, and Charles Sangunette
348 A bill for the relief of Hiner Stigermire
349 A bill to grant to the Mount Carmel
and New Albany Railroad Company
the right of way through the public
lands of the United States -

350 A bill for the relief of Mary Tucker

351 A bill for the relief of James P. Carlton

352 A bill for the relief of the heirs and le-
gal representatives of James Wilson,
of Alexandria, D. C.
357 A bill for the relief of John and Sam-

uel Rowe, heirs and legal represen-
tatives of Ludwick Rowe, dec'd
358 A bill for the relief of Poas Hadgo


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