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By Mr. Palmer: The petition of Levi M. Roberts.

By Mr. White, of Indiana: The petition of Madison Collins.
By Mr. Slade:-

The petition of Gideon Sheldon.
The petition of Harvey Reynolds.
The petition of Eliphalet Spafford.
The petition of John H. Lincoln.

By Mr. Bronson: The petition of William Butterfield.

By Mr. Williams, of Kentucky: The petition of Fielding Pratt.
By Mr. Aycrigg:-

The petition of Thomas Baker.

The petition of Moses Smith.

The petition of the widow of William H. Addison.

The petition of John McCarty.

The petition of Isaac W. Taylor.
The petition of William White.
The petition of Nimrod Sparks.
The petition of Stephen Morrill.
The petition of Rufus Parker.
The petition of James Singleton.
The petition of Benjamin Wood.
The petition of John Hibbert.
The petition of Richard Reynolds.
The petition of Betsey Warner.
The petition of Burnet Burdsall.
The petition of Jacob Brindle.

The petition of James Frazier.

By Mr. Robertson: The petition of Isaiah Parker.
By Mr. Mercer: The petition of Barton Hooper.
By Mr. Giddings: The petition of Ephraim Shaler.

By Mr. McClellan, of New York: The petition of Nathaniel Davis.
By Mr. Stuart: The petition of William Wingfield.

By Mr. Evans: The petition of David Rollins.

By Mr. Johnson, of Virginia :

The petition of Neil Shannon.

The petition of Captain John Patton.

The petition of John Thompson.

By Mr. Jones, of Virginia: The petition of John F. Wiley.

By Mr. Carter :

The petition of Thomas Collins.

The petition of Isaac Justis.

The petition of Joseph M. Rhea.

The petition of Jacob Hendrick, James Simmons, David McNair,

and others.

By Mr. Brodhead: The petition of James Ivory.

By Mr. Pratt: The petition of James Freyer.
By Mr. Howard: The petition of Leonard Joines.
By Mr. Underwood:-

The petition of Anthony Long.

The petition of Samuel M. Asbury.

By Mr. Kennedy: The petition of Samuel B. Hugo.

By Mr. Mason, of Virginia: The petition of Hugh McDonald.
By Mr. Worthington: The petition of David R. Whiteley.
By Mr. Taylor:

The petition of Doctor Sylvester Nash.

The petition of Daniel Pratt.

By Mr. Toucey:

The petition of Elijah Blodget.

The petition of Stephen Appleby.

By Mr. Kennedy: The petition of Richard Hall.
By Mr. Palmer :—

The petition of Levi M. Roberts.
The petition of Robert Whitlett.

By Mr. Allen, of Vermont :

The petition of Myron Chapin.
The petition of Wright Hurlbut.
The petition of Jared Winslow.

By Mr. Fillmore: The petition of John E. Wright.

Under the general order of this day, the petitions of the undermentioned persons were referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals:

By Mr. Mercer: The petition of Lewis Carberry, T. H. Cloud, and others, proprietors of certain lands bordering on the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, within the District of Columbia.

By Mr. Mercer: The petition of the president and directors of the Falmouth and Alexandria Railroad Company.

By Mr. Mercer: The petitions of inhabitants of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, praying the aid of the General Government towards the construction of the western section of the Ohio and Chesapeake canal.

By Mr. Marvin: Petitions for the improvement of Allegany river from Pittsburg to Olean.

By Mr. Downing: The petition of inhabitants of Florida, for a canal from St. John's to Saint Sebastian's.

By Mr. Downing: The petition of "the Lake Winico and St. Joseph Canal and Railroad Company."

By Mr. White, of Indiana: A resolution of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, for the survey of a harbor at Indiana city. Under the general order of this day

Mr. Downing presented the petition of William Steele; which was referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims: also,

The petition of Colonel James Gadsden, for a railroad from the Atlantic to the Gulf of Mexico; which was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

. Mr. Hoffman presented the petition of Patrick Green; which was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

Mr. Mercer presented the memorial of Thomas Ap Catesby Jones; which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs: also,

The petition of Joseph Harris and William Lanphier; which was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.

Mr. Mason, of Virginia, presented the petition of John Delgarn; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Mr. Taliaferro presented the petition of the heirs of Doctor Lawrence Brooke; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Russell presented the petition of Abraham Wright; which was referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.

Mr. Slade presented the petition of Joel Beaman; which was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

Mr. Bronson presented the petitions of inhabitants of the State of New York, praying for the construction of a harbor at the mouth of Big Sandy creek; which petitions were referred to the Committee on Commerce.

Mr. Bouldin presented the petition of John R. Cooke; which was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

Mr. Mercer presented the petition of citizens of Fairfax county, in the State of Virginia, for a gravel-road; which was referred to the Committee for the District of Columbia.

Mr. Henry presented the petition of citizens of Beaver county, Pennsylvania, for a national armory at the falls of Beaver river; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Mr. Marvin presented petitions of inhabitants of New York, for the improvement of Silver-creek harbor, in the State of New York;

Also, petitions of inhabitants of New York, for the improvement of Van Buren harbor, in the State of New York.

Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the Committee on Com


Mr. McClellan, of New York, presented the petition of James Barron; Also the petition of the widow of Lieutenant Colonel John M. Gamble. Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

Mr. Harrison presented petitions of inhabitants of Missouri for the establishment of a new land district south of the Missouri river, in the State of Missouri; which were referred to the Committee on the Public Lands. Mr. Carter presented the case of the heirs of General Nathaniel Taylor; which was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.

Mr. Howard presented the case of John McColgan; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce.

Mr. Howard presented the case of Joseph Clackner; which was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

Mr. Howard presented the petition of Victor Sciata; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Harrison presented the petition of Richard Brannin; which was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.

Mr. Cushman presented the claim of the State of New Hampshire for a reimbursement of expenses incurred in maintaining jurisdiction of a portion of its territory, known as the "Indian-stream settlement;" which claim was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Tillinghast presented the memorial of citizens of the State of Rhode Island, praying for the construction of a harbor on Block-island; which memorial was referred to the Committee on Commerce.

Mr. Noyes presented the petition of Robert Ramsay; which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

Mr. Mallory presented the petition of Sarah M. Gates, widow of Captain Lemuel Gates.

Mr. Fairfield presented the petition of John Marche, and

The petition of Thomas Dyer;

which petitions were referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

Mr. John Quincy Adams presented the memorial of merchants of Plymouth, in the State of Massachusetts, for a custom-house at Plymouth; Also, the memorial of citizens of Hingham, in the State of Massachusetts, for the improvement of Hingham harbor; which memorials were referred to the Committee on Commerce.

Mr. Downing presented the case of James Minnie; which was referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.

Mr. Toland presented the petition of inhabitants of Pennslyvania, for the execution of criminals sentenced to death in prison yards; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Under the general order of this day, the undermentioned petitions were referred to the Committee on Commerce :

By Mr. Downing:

The petition of citizens of Florida, for a marine hospital at St. Jo-
seph's, in Florida.

The petition of citizens of Florida, for improving the harbor of St.
Augustine, in Florida.

The petition of the Legislature of Florida, for a survey of the
harbor of St. Augustine, in Florida.

The petition of the city council of St. Augustine, relative to the improvement of the bar at St. Augustine.

The petition of a committee on behalf of the citizens of St. Joseph's, for a buoy in the middle of the channel of the bay of St. Joseph's, in Florida.

The petition of a committee on behalf of citizens of Franklin
county, in the Territory of Florida, for a port of entry at that

The petition of the Legislature of Florida, for a marine hospital at
St. Joseph's.

The petition of William A. Whitehead.

The petition of Francis Wathington.

By Mr. Toland: The petition of Robert Milnor and John Thomson. By Mr. White, of Indiana :

The petition of masters and owners of vessels on lake Michigan, for a harbor at City West.

The petition of the General Assembly of Indiana, for the improvement of the harbor at Michigan city.

Under the general order of this day, the petitions of the undermentioned persons were referred to the Committee on the Public Lands:

By Mr. Harrison :—

The petition of Harrison Snead.

The petition of Tarlton Ellege and James White.

The petition of Cornelius Campbell.

The petition of James Butler and others.

The petition of Thomas C. Copes.

The petition of James A. Clark.

The petition of William C. McPherson and others.

The petition of Lucy Johnson, late the widow of George Gooding. The petition of citizens of Ray county, Missouri, for a new land district, to embrace the counties of Clay, Clinton, Ray, and Carroll, in said State.

The petition of citizens of Missouri, residing on French and Spanish claims, for pre-emptions.

[blocks in formation]

The petition of citizens of Missouri, for a new land office at Potosi,
or for the removal of the land office in the Jackson district.
The petition of the Legislature of Missouri, for a grant of five
hundred thousand acres of land.

The petition of citizens of St. Charles, in Missouri, for the drain-
ing of certain inundated lands.

The petition of members of the Legislature of Missouri, for the improvement of Salt river.

The petition of the Legislature of Missouri, that the money collected by rents from the lead-mines may be returned to the counties in which the lead was obtained.

The petition of the Legislature of Missouri, praying that the counties of Pettis, Salina, and Benton may be attached to the Lexington land district.

The petition of the Legislature of Missouri, that the proceeds of the seminary lands may be appropriated to the use of primary schools.

The petition of citizens of the State of Missouri, for a new land district at Jefferson city.

The petition of citizens of the State of Missouri, for a land office at Boonville, in Cooper county.

By Mr. Snyder :

The petition of Peter Samuel Jaccard.

The petition of Isaac Miller and Philip Catner.

The petition of William B. Livesay.

The petition of George Kender, Jubilee Pasey, and Joel Whitesides.
The petition of Robert Clark.

By Mr. Downing:

The petition of Richard C. Allen.

The petition of John Garnier.

The petition of John A. L. Norman, (for the Dade institution.) An engrossed bill (No. 891) entitled "An act making appropriations, in part, for the support of Government for the years 1838 and 1839," was read the third time, and passed.

Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in the said bill.

Bills from the Senate of the following titles, viz:

No. 13. An act for the relief of Elisha Town;

No. 14. An act for the relief of Erastus Fairbanks and Thaddeus Fairbanks;

No. 15. An act for the relief of Thomas Sumpter;

were severally read the first and second time, and referred

No. 13, to the Committee on Patents;

No. 14, to the Committee on Patents;

No. 15, to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

The resolution from the Senate, for the appointment of a joint committee to direct the expenditure on the Library of Congress, was read, considered, and agreed to; and

Mr. Pope, Mr. McClure, and Mr. Cleveland were appointed of the committee on the part of this House.

On motion of Mr. Whittlesey,

Resolved, That the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions be instructed

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