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better understanding of which the following eight Sections are given. Section I. Shewing that God may be known from the things of creation that God is one simple and unmixed essence; and that his several attributes are not adscititious. Section II. Shewing, that although God be one simple essence, he nevertheless consists of three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost:---and on that exalted mystery. Section III. On the necessity of confessing the truth of those divine things which are concealed from us: that God is an Almighty and free agent that the world is not eternal: that God does all things according to his own wisdom and that he created. the world out of nothing. Section IV. Shewing that there are unmixed existences, endued with intelligence and volition that they are imperishable, and many in number: that, in a state of obedience, these are angels; of disobedience, devils. Shewing also, the great variety of earthly bodies created by God. Section V. On the independent existence of the human soul, and how it is compounded with the body. Section VI. On the dependence of the creature on the Creator. On the council discoverable in the disposition of earthly things. And on the falsehood of the principles of astrology. Section VII. On the creation and fall of man : on the cause of our

adversities, and irregularities, which is original sin. Section VIII. On God's providence,-why he suffers adversities to exercise mankind, and why, notwithstanding his power, he does not restrain them from sin and on the remedy proposed to sinners.

باب سيوم در خدائيت عيسي کریستس صاحب ما این





نه فصل است فصل اول در آدم فصل دوم در اسباب واغراض كه براي آن

براستي وهم



آنکه باید که خدا آدمي شد فصل سیوم در

شود نه فرشته و باید که فقیرانه زندگاني کند و در محنتها گذراند نه در لطافت و بزرگانه فصل چهارم در آنکه خدا آدمي شده چند جفاها کشید و بچندان خواري ومذلت

سبب همه

آنکه مصلوب شده فصل پنجم در عيسي چیزهاست و چرا پیش ازین در دنیا نیامد و در اطراف آنکه چرا بعضی ها کمراه عالم نکشت فصل ششم در میشوند و حال آنکه از آن گروه اند که اعتقاد مسیح دارند و در آنکه نیکان چرا محنتها میکشند و در آنکه واجبست



مردم ریاضت کشند و در معجزات مسیح فصل هفتم داشتن و عزیز گرفتن صورت حضرت عيسي و دیگران و در فواید اینها که بما باز میکردند و در حرمت نشانیها که از اولياي خدا مانده باشند فصل هشتم در آنکه انجيل ودیگر کتابهاي مقدس که عیسویان دارند همان کتب است که از جانب آنکه تحریف وتغیر در آن رفته خدا نوشته شده اند


باشد فصل نهم در بیان آنکه انجیل بقران منسوخ نشده است و در آنکه چرا دين موسي بانجيل منسوخ کشت.

Chapter III. On the Divinity of Jesus Christ our Lord, containing nine Sections. Section I. I, Shewing that Jesus is truly God and man. Section II. Shewing the reason and ends, why God became man. Section III. On the necessity of God, and not of an angel, becoming man : and, that he should live in a state of poverty and affliction, not of pomp and pleasure. Section IV. On God's becoming man; why, suffering pains, contempt, and reproach, he was crucified. Section V. Shewing that Jesus was the cause of all things, why he did not come earlier into the world, and did not traverse its different regions. Section VI. Shewing why some are in error, although professing a faith in Christ: why the good are subject to difficulties; and on the necessity of practising abstinence. Also, on the miracles of Christ. Section VII. On retaining and reverencing the image of Jesus and others and on the advantages derived from them. Also on the reverence due to the reliques of the Saints. Section VIII. Shewing, that the Gospels and other sacred books in the hands of the Christians, are the same with those first written by the inspiration of God, and that they have undergone neither change nor cor

ruption. Section IX. Shewing that the Gospel has not been abrogated by the Koran and why the religion of Moses was abrogated by the Gospel.

باب چهارم در احکام دین انجیل و در فرق احكام دين عيسي محمد این هشت فصل است فصل اول در واحكام دين ده حکم دین خدا و در معقولیت آنها فصل دوم در تفاوت دین قرآن و انجیل در باب جنك وقتل وتاراج فصل سیوم در تفاوت دین قرآن و انجیل در عصمت وعفت فصل چهارم عمادا ودیگر احكام عیسویان فصل پنجم در نماز ودیگر احکام دین محمدیان فصل ششم در تفاوت فضيلت عيسي با محمد فصل هفتم در باب معجزات محمد فصل


محمد ودين عيسي هشتم در کیفیت رواج دین

Chapter IV. On the precepts of the religion of the Gospel; and on the difference between the precepts of Christianity, and those of Mohammedanism, containing eight Sections. Section I. On the ten commandments of God's religion, and on their meaning. Section II. On the difference between the religion of the Koran, and that of the Gospel, as it respects war, slaughter, and plunder. Section III. On the difference between the religions of the Koran and the Gospel, as it respects chastity and purity. Section IV. On baptism and other Christian rites. Section V. On the prayers and other observances of Islamism.

Section VI. On the excellency of the character of Christ, when compared with that of Mohammed. Section VII. On Mohammed's miracles. Section VIII. On the propagation of the religions of Mohammed and Jesus.

باب پنجم پنجم در تاییداتي که در دین حق عیسویان یافته میشود براي بندگي خداي ودر تفاوت آن بدينها دیگر این هشت فصل است فصل اول در بهشت و دوزخ در بعث مردکان و در احوال اینها در بهشت و دوزخ و در عنايتها که زندگان بمردکان میکنند فصل دوم در باز پرس هرکدام بطريق خاص وعام وطور بعث اجسام ودر آمدن مسيح براي دادي همكنان فصل سیوم در انچه میگویند محمدیان در باب بهشت فصل چهارم در معاونت اعتقادیات عیسویان فصل پنجم در امداد عملیات عيسويان فصل ششم اختلاف مراتب متصدیان دین عیسویان و در باب تارکان دنیا فصل هفتم در کدخداني عيسويان ودر مدد


. Chapter. فقرا فصل هشتم خلاصه تمام کتاب


On the assistances to be found in true Christianity, as to the services of God; and on the difference between this and other religions. This contains eight Sections. Section I. On Paradise On the resurrection of the dead; and Hell. and on the situation of those in Paradise and Hell. Also, on the favours which the living may Section II. On the exconfer on the dead.

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