TONE OF MEDITATION. (See Tone Drill No. 135.) The [The tone of Meditation is always linked with some other (usually Argument) and indicates to the listener self-communion. speaker is subjective. He is thinking aloud.] Cato's Soliloquy. JOSEPH ADDISON. It must be so-Plato, thou reasonest well! Or whence this secret dread, and inward horror "Tis Heaven itself that points out a hereafter, Here will I hold. If there's a Power above us Through what new scenes and changes must we pass? Hamlet's Soliloquy on Life and Death. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. To be, or not to be: that is the question: And by opposing end them. To die: to sleep; To sleep! perchance to dream! ay, there's the rub; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, TONE OF CONVICTION. (See Tone Drill No. 55.) [The tone of Conviction aims not so much to prove as to proclaim what the speaker feels to be inevitable or absolute. In it, often, is the note of the seer. Assertion asserts aggressively, Conviction asserts calmly.] The Human Race Progresses. GEORGE BANCROFT. The irresistible tendency of the human race is to advancement, for absolute power has never succeeded and can never succeed in suppressing a single truth. An idea once revealed may find its admission into every living breast and live there. Like God, it becomes immortal and omnipresent. The movement of the species is upward, irresistibly upward. The individual is often lost; Providence never disowns the race. No principle once promulgated has ever been forgotten. No "timely tramp" of a despot's foot ever trod out one idea. The world cannot retrograde; the dark ages cannot return. Dynasties perish, states are buried, nations have been victims of error, martyrs for right; humanity has always been on the advance, gaining maturity, universality and power. Yes, Truth is immortal; it cannot be destroyed; it is invincible; it cannot long be resisted. Not every great principle has yet been generated, but when once proclaimed and diffused, it lives without end in the safe custody of the race. States may pass away, every just principle of legislation which has been once established will endure. Philosophy has sometimes forgotten God, a great people never did. The skepticism of the last century could not uproot Christianity because it lived in the hearts of the millions. Do you think that infidelity is spreading? Christianity never lived in the hearts of so many millions as at this moment. The forms under which it is professed may decay, for they, like all that is the work of man's hands, are subject to changes and 1 chances of mortal being, but the spirit of truth is incorruptible; it may be developed, illustrated and applied; it never can die, never can decline. No truth can perish, no truth can pass away; the flame is undying, though generations disappear. Wherever moral truth has struck into being, humanity claims and guards the greatest bequest. Each generation gathers together imperishable children of the past, and increases them by new sons of light alike radiant with immortality. The Right. VICTOR HUGO. Your Ah! Whether you will or no the past is passed law is null, void and dead, even before its birth; because it is not just; because it is not true; because, while it goes furtively to plunder the poor man and the weak of his right of suffrage, it encounters the withering glance of a Nation's probity and sense of right, before which your work of darkness shall vanish; because in the depths of the conscience of every citizen, of the humblest as well as the highest-there is a sentiment sublime, sacred, indestructible, incorruptible, eternal, the Right. This sentiment, which is the very element of reason in man, the granite of the human conscience, this Right, is the rock upon which shall split and go to pieces the iniquities, the hypocrisies, the bad laws and bad governments, of the world. There is the obstacle, concealed, invisible,-lost to view in the soul's profoundest deep, but eternally present and abiding, against which you shall always strike, and which you shall never wear away, do what you will! I repeat it, your efforts are in vain. You cannot deracinate, you cannot shake it. You might sooner tear up the eternal Rock from the bottom of the sea, than the Right from the heart of the people. Richard's Trust in Heaven. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Discomfortable cousin! know'st thou not The cloak of night being pluck'd from off their backs, Not all the water in the rough rude sea Can wash the balm off from an anointed king; For every man that Bolingbroke hath press'd |