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which Inductive Reasoning draws the general conclufion, the more certain will the Axiom be, as standing upon a wider and firmer bottom; but, however numerous and extenfive, they must of neceffity come short of the number and extent of Nature, which, in fome cafes, by its immenfity will defeat all poffibility of their co-extenfion, and, in others, by its diftance lies out of the reach of their immediate application. In order, therefore, to make his Law of general use, and to ftretch it over the whole extent of Nature, the Philofopher is obliged to have recourfe to ANALOGY, by which he can lengthen out his Inductions, which are properly confined to the number of Experiments and Observations actually made, to all other particulars of the fame kind, concluding the Axiom to hold good of all," and that not

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Reg. 2. Effectuum Naturalium ejufdem generis exdem affignandæ funt Caufæ, quatenus fieri poteft.

Reg. 3. Qualitates Corporum quæ intendi et remitti nequeunt quæque omnibus corporibus competunt in quibus experimenta inftituere licet, pro qualitatibus corporum univerforum habendæ funt,

Nam Qualitates corporum non nifi per experimenta innotefcunt; ideoque generalia ftatuendæ funt quotquot


only for the prefent, but also for the future, till it either be farther confirmed and rectified, or elfe contradicted, by better Experiments and a more extenfive and complete Induction."

This is that just and philofophic METHOD OF REASONING which found Logic prescribes in this, as well as in other parts of Learning, by which, through the flow but certain road of Experiment and Observation, the mind afcends from Appearances to Qualities, from Effects to Caufes, and, by a fair INDUCTION from many particular fubjects extended by ANALOGY, forms GENERAL PROPOSITIONS concerning the powers and properties of Physical Body.

cum experimentis generaliter quadrant.-Non a Naturæ ANALOGIA recedendum eft, cum ea fimplex effe foleat et fibi femper confona.-Et hoc eft fundamentum Philofophiæ totius.

Reg. 4. In Philofophia Experimentati Propofitiones ex phænomenis per Inductionem collectæ, non obftantibus contrariis hypothefibus, pro veris aut accurate, aut quam proxime haberi debent, donec alia occurrerint phænomena per quæ aut accurationes reddentur, aut exceptionibus obnoxiæ. Newtoni Princip. lib. iii.


WHEN the SECONDARY PRINCIPLES, which constitute the Laws of Physics, are thus Inductively and Analogically established, the proper ufe of SYLLOGISM, in fubjects of Natural Philofophy, is very fimple, and confined within a narrow circuit. This is only to reduce the particular Phænomena that occur under the General Propofitions, for the truth of which they will account by communicating their own, and present us at once with new and useful inventions :" All which is, indeed, properly and effectually done by a mere Superinduction of the Principle, or by the application of the general Law to the particular instances to which it belongs; and that without the formality of a fingle Syllogism, which in the opinion of the father of Philofophers, is not only useless but injurious in fubjects of philofophical difsquisition.*

w Axiomata recte inventa tota agmina operum fecum trahunt; atque opera non fparfim fed confeftim exhibent. Baconus De Augm. Sc.

* Nos demonstrationem per fyllogifmum rejicimus, quod confufius agat et naturam emittit e manibus. Tametfi enim nemini dubium effe poffit, quin, quæ in medio


After the General Propofitions are constructed, men who are born with Definitions in their mouths, and bred up in the formalities of Mood and Figure, may, indeed, entertain themselves and others by playing at Sophifms and Syllogifms, as children do at Hide and Seek: but, as from the latter we do not expect much useful work, fo from the former we may despair of receiving either additional Principles or new Inventions. This idle game has been uselessly played for many ages. " Their mafter of the Lycæum fyllogized before them to little purpose, befides that of

termino conveniunt, ea et inter fe conveniant; (quod eft mathematicæ cujufdam certitudinis:) nihilominus hoc fubeft fraudis, quod fyllogifmus ex propofitionibus conftet, propofitiones ex verbis, verba autem notionem tefferæ et figna fint. Itaque, fi notiones ipfæ mentis (quæ verborum quafi anima funt et totius hujufmodi ftructuræ ac fabricæ bafis) male ac temere a rebus abftractæ et vagæ, nec fatis definitæ et circumfcriptæ, denique multis modis vitiofæ fuerint, omnia ruunt. Baconus De Augm. Sc. Præf.

Si quis in omnem illam librorum varietatem, qua artes et fcientiæ exultant, diligentius introfpiciat, ubique inveniet ejufdem rei repetitiones infinitas, tractandi modis diverfas, inventione præoccupatas; ut omnia primo intuitu numcrofa, facto examine, pauca reperiantur. De Augm. Sc. Præf.

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promoting perpetual difputation, and that of checking all ufeful and experimental enquiry, arrogating an implicit obedience to a false philosophy by a species of tyranny hitherto unexampled in the annals of mankind. And, if it would not spoil their diverfion by fhocking their devotion to the Logic of that gratuitous and hypothetical reafoner, I would beg leave to lay before them what a true philofopher and logician thought of their employment. Let men know this as a certain truth, that all fubtlety of difputation and discourse of reason, if it be only applied after Axioms are invented, is 'too late and indeed prepofterous; and that the true and proper time for subtlety, or at least the principle time, is that which is employed in making Experiments, and from them in forming Axioms. For that other fubtlety only mocks and catches at nature,

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z Et de utilitate aperte dicendum eft; fapientiam iftam, quam a Græcis potiffimum haufimus, pueritiam quandam fcientiæ videri, atque habere quod proprium eft puerorum ; ut ad garriendum prompta, ad generandum invalida et immatura fit. Controverfiarum enim ferax, operum effoeta eft. Ibid. in eodem loco.

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