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And, laftly, to finish his encomium of this first and univerfal philofophy, he honoured it with the exclufive name of WISDOM.

And though, in his celebrated Partition of the Sciences, Lord Bacon has made the diftribution of METAPHYSICS fomewhat differently from that of the old philofophers, he treats this FIRST PHILOSOPHY with the greatest respect and attention, calling it the general root or ftem out of which the other

Ut Phyfica tractat res naturales et corporeas quæ materia conftant et forma; fic Metaphyfica res incorporeas et materiæ expertes, quæ divinæ dicuntur. -Agit, primo, de Ente generatim ejusque principiis, effentia fcilicet et exiftentia et partibus, five de fummis generibus Entis et Categoriis, ut res fint five partes Entis; deinde, de Subftantia Spirituali five Spiritu, et, ultimatim, de Deo.Eft Scientiarum Univerfaliffima. Differit generatim per fupremas caufas et univerfales, primaque principia; unde nominata SAPIENTIA et PRIMA PHILOSOPHIA. Du Val. Synopf. Doct. Peripat.

Primus Philofophus res fpeculatur quatenus abstractæ funt, ab omnique nexu liberæ. Philofophia autem Prima ea eft quæ etiam Sapientia dicitur, cujus ambitu omnes disciplinæ cinguntur. ἡ πολυύμνητος σοφία, ἂν καὶ αὐτὴν ἁπλῶς ἐπισήμην κλητέον, καὶ μάλισα ἐπισήμην, ut inquit Themift. in 1 Pofter. Ipfa enim tenet et fpeculatur primarias rerum caufas. Budæi Comment. in Ling. Gr. Η σοφία περὶ τίνας αἰτίας καὶ ἀρχάς ἐσιν ἐπιςήμη.

Ariftot. Metaph. lib. i. cap. 1. general

parts of learning fhoot into feparate branches, viewing it in hopeful profpect, when more maturely cultivated, as fupplying a collection of Axioms and Univerfal Propofitions appropriated to no particular fcience but of more general application, confidering it as the Parent of them all, declaring it tranfcendent, and calling it with Plato THE SCIENCE OF THINGS DIVINE AND HUMAN.*

Mr. Locke has taken the most useful part of this fruitful field of ancient erudition, which forms the most difficult as well as the fublimeft fubject of investigation, and has defcended, with peculiar genius and ability and a native ftrength of mind, to the analysis of the Human Understanding. And, if this great philofopher had followed the example of the learned Cudworth in his Intellectual Syftem, and built his work upon the foundation of the ancient metaphyficians, he would have added much to its merit and perfection, and have greatly enhanced that fame, which it has already made immortal.

* De Augm. Sc. lib. iii. cap. 1. See Plato in Thæet. and Cic. 2. Tufc. Quæft.

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The object of this Universal Science or Philosophy of MIND, the feat of all learning. and the ftorehouse of all TRUTH, is both the firft in dignity and the largest in comprehenfion. It is a study both deep and difficult; a study which has been too much conducted on falfe principles founded only in imagination, too long perverted and obfcured by the subtleties of logic, and too often terminated in fomething more injurious to Truth than mere refinement and fpeculation. When founded, however, on juft obfervation and found reflection, and conducted by rational investigation, it is a study which paves the way to a more scientific and fuccessful cultivation of all the other parts of knowledge.'

Waving, for the prefent, the further purfuit of this fundamental Science, in its ufe or in its abuse, through the volumes of ancient and modern metaphyficians, and without defcending to a more minute parti

1 Τὸ μὲν πάντα ἐπίσασθαι, τῷ μάλισα ἔχοντι τὴν καθόλα ἐπισήμην ἀναγκαῖον ὑπάρχειν. οὐτὸς γὰρ οἶδέ πως @ávтα тà ÚTоxεíμeva. Ariftot. Metaph, lib. i, cap. 2.


cular of the HUMAN MIND, that imperfect - emanation of the Divine, it will be fufficient for the purpose of these Lectures that its general functions have been diftributed into three different provinces-The THEORETIC, the PRACTIC, and the POETIC, Mind," which I fhall otherwife exprefs by the INTELLECT, the WILL, and the IMAGINATION.

- Πασα διάνοια, ή ΠΡΑΤΙΚΗ, * ΠΟΙΗΤΙΚΗ, OENPHTIKH. See Ariftot. Metaph. lib. vi. cap. 1. for the philofophical distinction between them.

Philofophia Theoretica eft, cujus finis eft Veritatis nuda folaque contemplatio.

Philofophia Practica, cujus finis eft Praxis, id eft Actio interna, libera, ex electione profecta, et ad Bonum directa.

Philofophia Poetica, cujus finis eft Poefis, id eft Effectio, feu Actio externa, Du Val. Synop. Doctrin. Peripat.

Plato divided the Mind into four Faculties or Affections ΝΟΗΣΙΣ, ΔΙΑΝΟΙΑ, ΠΙΣΤΙΣ, ΕΙΚΑΣΙΑ : Intelligentia, Cogitatio, Fides, Simulatio-correspondent to the diferent Degrees of Truth. Νοήσις ἐπὶ τῷ ἀνωτατῳ, Διάνοια ἐπὶ τῷ δευτερῷ, τῷ τρίτῳ Πισις, καὶ τῷ τελευ]αίῳ Eixaria. (De Repub. fub fine.) This Distribution is not however so well calculated to distinguish the several Kinds, as ПIETIΣ is common relating to all the kinds.

Lord Bacon makes his general Partition of Learning as it relates to the MEMORY, the IMAGINATION, and REASON. "Partitio Doctrinæ humanæ ea eft veriffima quæ fumitur

To each of these Faculties, in their operation upon their respective objects external or internal, TRUTH IN GENERAL divides into special relations; and the diftribution of its feveral PARTS, forming the whole circle of Learning divine and human, will be moft naturally and philofophically made, according as they range under one or other of these general provinces.

"ex triplici facultate animi rationalis quæ Doctrinæ fedes "eft. Hiftoria ad Memoriam refertur, Poefis ad Phan"tafiam, Philofophia ad Rationem. Neque aliâ cense"mus ad Theologica partitione opus effe." De Augm. Sc. lib. ii. c. r.

And in the 7th Book he refers Morality to the WILL under the conduct of Reafon.

This distribution of our great Philosopher and Reformer of Learning feems, alfo, to be imperfect; for REASON is the general Inftrument of the mind common to all its faculties, (and his words are ex triplici facultate ANIMI RATIONALIS,) and common alike to all the kinds of Truth or Learning.

I have, therefore, preferred the distribution of the Peripatetic to those both of the Academic and English Philofopher as being more proper and distinct, and also as comprehensive ; for under his divifion Διάνοια θεωρητική he claffes all those parts of learning which do not belong to the other two. Τρεῖς φιλοσοφίαι θεωρητικαί, μαθεματική, φυσι xn, Jeoλoyin. Ariftot, Metaph. lib. vi, cap. I.

And for the fame reafons I deem it much more juft and philofophical than Mr. Locke's Divifion of the Sciences in the Conclufion of his Effay,


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