Sidor som bilder

Not so with man! hiz flame ov luv,
true tu the sourse from hwens it sprung,
stil seeks its esens from abuv,

and glowz with leif for ever yung.
The kloudz and frounz ov angri skeiz,
the cheks that wintri sorowz giv,
ar helps, bei hwich its fervorz reiz,

ar deths, bei hwich its plezhurz liv.

Wun ov Clowes's most remarkabel trakts or treatisez woz publisht in this year, nameli, thát on "Seiens." It deskreibz the berth ov Seiens, from the afekshon ov nóïng; its growth, ekstent, degreez and jenera; its asént and piurifikashon; its use and abiús; tu whom it belongz; its order and disorder; its blesing and kurs, and its glorifikashon. It treats ov vain seiens; ov fols and true seiens; borowd seiens and proper seiens; ov living seiens and ded seiens; and on the end ov seiens.


Everithing iz living or aleiv hwich haz konekshon with the leif ov GOD, hwich iz luv and chariti; and everithing iz ded hwich iz separated from thát konekshon."

"The berth or begining ov seiens iz from GOD, bekauz it iz from thát afekshon hwich GoD inspeirz, kontiniuali and everi moment, intu the meind ov man. And az the begining ov seiens iz thus eternal and divein, so leikweiz iz its end; bekauz hwotsoever kumz from God must needz kum for the akomplishment ov Hiz purpos or intenshon, and the purpos or intenshon OV GOD must needz be divein and eternal. But the purpos or intenshon ov GOD, in all kasez, iz manifestli this, tu komiunikate blesednes tu all Hiz kreatiurz, akording tu the degree in hwich they ar kapabel ov reseeving it, konsekwentli tu kondúkt them tu konjunkshon with Himself, sins no kreatiur kan be blest but akording tu the degree ov thát konjunkshon. The end ov seiens, then, iz evidentli tu lead man tu konjunkshon with hiz GOD, and in so doing tu make him an anjel, kapabel ov enjoiing everlasting hapines in the kingdom ov heven."

The steil ov this treatis iz wunderfuli eazi, az if the mater had flowd, without interrupshon or efort, from begining tu end; and such woz the fakt: it iz wun ov thoze remarkabel produkshonz ov the reiter'z pen, hwich, he sez, wer riten without eni ekzershon ov hiz own meind. The prezent instans, houever, and wun tu be notist hereafter, difer from the sermonz and sum uther reitingz in the maner ov their komiunikashon. The serkumstansez in the prezent instans, az stated bei the reiter, wer theze: He woz reiding on horsbak between York and Mar

ket Weighton, hwen a buk woz sudenli prezented tu hiz mental vizhon. He red it through before he reacht hiz ín. On aleiting, he had onli teim tu reit doun the hedz ov the diferent sekshonz, and woz then obleijd tu kontiniu hiz jurni tu Hull, hwere he hoped tu komít the hole tu paper before it faded from hiz memori. He had, houever, no oportiuniti ov doing so til a konsiderabel teim afterwardz; hwen the subjekt rekúrd tu hiz meind so klearli, that he woz abel tu reit out the buk, wurd for wurd. Such woz the authorship ov the "Treatis on Seiens."

The sumer ov 1810 found him at Plas-newydd, in Denbighshire, from hwich plase he rote, on the 19th June, tu the ladi alredi so often adrest :

"The multiplisiti ov biznes and engajements, in hwich ei alwayz feind meiself imérst diuring mei rezidens in Manchester, haz hithertu prevented mei repleiing tu your veri interesting favor of Februari 24. Beïng nou remoovd from that rejon ov busel, intu a sitiuashon hwich leavz me more at mei own dispozal, ei avail meiself ov the erliest oportiuniti ov thanking you for your frendli komiunikashonz and keind invitashon." then eksplainz that he iz unekwal tu a jurni so far az hiz frend❜z abode, and that, being rekomended worm sea-bathing, "az the onli meanz for sekiuring tu hiz ekzausted and feebel konstitiushon the small remnant ov its pouerz and vigor," he haz rezorted tu Plas-newydd for that purpos. He then kontiniuz :—


"The akount ov your vizit tu Windsor charmz me, and ei feel partikiularli obleijd bei your being so miniút on the subjekt. Ei am deleited also with the piktiur ov your own dear famili, hwich ekseits a dezeir tu see you almost too strong for mei weak nervz tu suport, under the eidea that it kanot be gratifeid. But ei endevor tu submit tu the aranjements ov thát Mersiful Providens, hwich kompelz even our infermitiz tu fulfil its own grashus purposez, and hwich, from the disapointment of our own fond wishez, frekwentli openz the soursez ov our piurest joiz.

"Nekst Munday ei propoze seting out tu join the parti at Hawkstone; and on mei return from thát plase on Saterday, hope tu remain stashonari here for two munths longer.”

The year 1810 iz memorabel for the foundashon ov the London Soseieti for Printing and Publishing the Reitingz ov Swedenborg. (1) The Manchester Soseieti woz establisht in 1782.

1. It iz nou nón az the Swedenborg Soseieti, British and Foren, in Bloomsbury Street.

Both ov them had the harti suport ov John Clowes. At the fifth Hawkstone Meeting in 1810, reports wer reseevd from both theze Soseietiz, thát ov the London Soseieti being brought bei a Depiutashon introdiúst bei the folowing leter tu the Prezident: "London, 27 June, 1810.

"Ser,-Messrs Jones, Presland, Jones and Parry, memberz ov the Komíti ov this Soseieti, wil herewith hav the onor ov prezénting you, for the informashon ov the Hawkstone Meeting, with kopiz ov the Report ov the ferst Aniual Meeting ov this Soseieti, beïng apointed for that purpos bei vertiu ov a rezolushon ov the sed Aniual Meeting. The Soseieti avail themselvz ov this oportiuniti tu ashure the jentelmen meeting at Hawkstone ov their sinsere esteem and afekshon, and tu ekspres their ardent hopes that the great kauz they all hav at hart wil be materiali promoted bei their ekzershonz.

"Wormli partisipating in theze sentiments, ei am, ets.,

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The Hawkstone Report ov thát year rekordz the abuv in its proseedingz, with a rezolushon heili aprooving the niu Institiushon and ekspresing the thanks ov the Meeting for the Report and the Depiutashon bearing it. The Meeting also rekorded their "veri ernest dezeir that everi fiutiur Aniual Meeting at Hawkstone may be atended bei viziterz from everi Soseieti in the United Kingdom, for enkurejing harmoni and unanimiti, and forming a barier agenst the enkroachment ov eroniüs perswazhonz in the New Church."


Forther Korespondens-1811-1814.

Clowes woz nou in hiz siksti-eight year, and hiz temperet habits, tho they proloŋd hiz leif and seemd its enjoiment, kud not holli prevent the infermitiz ov inkreasiŋ yearz. In March 1811, he reits from Manchester tu hiz Bristol frend :

"You ar keind ensf tu srj agen, with all your uzual ernestnes, your rekwest tu see me wons more, and that ei most bekom your gest. Be ashured, mei ekselent frend, that nstiŋ wud aford me more hartfelt gratifikashon, and rest satisfeid, that it iz mei prezent fikst psrpos tu indslj meiself, in this instans, after the Meetin at Hawkstone. Bst alou me tu hint, at the same teim, that the eksekiushon ov mei përpos wil depend on the state ov mei helf, hwich for søm yearz past haz been so indiferent in the symer mɣnfs az tu render sea-air and sea-bathin absoluteli nesesari."

The log dezeird vizit woz, houever, akomplisht, and on hiz retorn, he reits from Abergele az folowz:

"Penetrated with a deep sens ov the Divein Mersi and Providens, in haviŋ been blest and protekted diurin mei loŋ järni from your toun tu this plase, ei take the erliest oportiuniti after mei areival here, ov kompleiiŋ with your keind wish tu hear som akount ov mei peregrinashonz. The heat ov the wether woz for a fiu dayz almost inssportabel, and the dost ov feiv kountiz, with hwich ei found meiself köverd on mei areival at Shrewsbury, kalld intu ekserseiz the larjest share ov mei pashens and sobmishon. Bot the rekolekshon ov the keindnes ov the frendz whom ei had left beheind me, and ov thoze towardz whom ei woz aproachiŋ, woz a sweet antidote tu everi anoians, and konvinst me hou mych fateeg and labor the bodi kan bear, hwen ssported bei the remembrans ov thoze we lov, and bei a sens ov gratitiud for all their atenshonz. At Stroud ei had the plezur ov beïŋ introdiúst tu som niu akwaintansez-a Mr and Mrs O., and Mr the kiuret ov the parish. The former ar peepel ov konsiderabel properti, peiss, sensibel, and interestin, who hav had the rezolushon tu kwit the gaietiz ov fashonabel leif in London, that they may be at liberti tu enjoi the more satisfaktori gratifikashon ov pees and reteirment in the enchantin seneri ov Rodborough Vale. The later iz a zelys

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klerjiman ov the Kalvinistik klas, byt moderet and meild, and who apearz tu ekzólt the spirit ov chariti abyv all the distinkshonz rezyltin from opinion, spekiulashon and doktrin."

The same day he rote tu a frend at Stroud :—

"Agreeabel tu your keind rekwest, ei am hapi tu inform you that frough the blesin ov the Divein Providens, ei areivd safe and wel at this plase yesterday. The wether indeed woz ankomonli worm, and the roadz wer dysti; byt theze anoiansez onli kalld forf the ekserseiz ov pashens and sybmishon, and this, in the end, promoted gud. So it iz that in the great jyrni ov hiuman leif, all its trybelz and inkonveniensez, hwether areiziŋ from the heat ov our pashonz, or from the dyst ov thoze korypshonz hwich we tred onder our feet, ar konverted bei our Most Mersiful Lord intu the meanz ov our feinal piurifikashon, hweil we kontiniu tu travel on in the wayz ov Hiz Divein hiumiliti, chariti, self-deneial, and rezignashon.

“At Gloucester, ei had the plezur ov pasiŋ a veri agreeabel hsf our with Mrs M. and her amiabel dauter, but this woz the onli soseieti ei enjoid diuriŋ mei jørni from Stroud tu this plase; ekseptiŋ thát spiritiual asoshiashon tu hwich the meind iz alwayz introdiúst bei self-rekolekshon; hwich iz nything els byt an openiŋ ov its intelektiual eí tu thát eternal world and thoze eternal beïnz with hwich it iz ever in klose konekshon, hwether aware ov it or not. Hwot a wonderful serkomstans iz this! and hwot a proof ov the mersi ov our GoD, and ov our immortaliti, that we liv thys in two worldz at won and the same teim, and that az our bodili sensez enabel as tu komiunikate with the beïŋz and fiŋz ov this world, so our mental konsepshonz konfér the same abiliti in regard tu the more important, and ei wil ad, the more real beïŋz and fiŋz ov the sther world! Oh, that we may never forget and never neglekt tu profit bei this distingwishin privilej ov our natiur, and signal mark ov Divein läviŋ keindnes!”

Nekst mynd he rote from Manchester tu hiz widowd frend:

"Sins ei last rote tu you ei hav vizited Liverpool, hwere ei found a great inkreas ov frendz who reseev the Niu Doktrinz, and woz ekseedinli gratifeid with their soseieti.

"It givz me plezur tu hear that you hav red the Memworz ov Klopstock; bekauz ei am shure you wud be heili gratifeid bei the akount ov the true konjugal løv and leif hwich uneited him and hiz Meta. Alas! hwen wil maraje be restored tu its

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