Sidor som bilder

meindz and bodiz and pursez ov almost everi deskripshon ov personz in this larj toun and neighborhud. At the plase hwere he ekzibits, it woz at wuns awful and astonishing tu see the mob on the outseid feiting and tearing each uther tu peesez for plasez; hweil the most deliket ladiz, in the inseid, diuring the performans, had forgoten that they had lost their shooz and uther artikelz ov dres; the most lerned and in uther respekts sensibel men rezeining their afekshonz and jujments tu hiz nod; that it meit be thought he woz sum anjel kum doun from heven tu teach lesonz ov the most subleim wizdom. Hwot the end ov all this inkantashon wil be, it iz difikult tu say; but sertenli the begining iz not veri favorabel, and wun kanot help lamenting and regarding it az no veri auspishus token ov the state ov the publik meind, that mimikri shud be so suksesful in doïng mischef, bei depreiving men ov their sensez, wimen ov their delikasi, the poor ov their pitans, meni ov their helth, and all ov their preshus teim. And for hwot? Tu see a boi ov therteen yearz ov aje strut the staje and jestikiulate! Alas! mei dear Ser, hwen ei see and hear theze thingz, ei kanot but weep over the foliz and foibelz ov mei felow-kreatiurz; and rekolekting at the same teim anuther ekstraordinari Cheild about the same aje, who, hwen twelv yearz old, went intu the Tempel, and woz there found in the midst ov the doktorz, both hearing and asking them kwestionz, ei say tu meiself, Hou much hapier, and weizer, and cheaper, wud it be for mankeind tu atend tu this Cheild! And hou sadli must they be fallen from a sens and persepshon ov the True, who prefer the majik ov the former!"

Clowes's beleef in the ekzistens ov anjelz, and their instrumentaliti in the Divein Providens over hiuman afairz, woz not the mere sentiment ov a kreed. It woz real, rashonal, and praktikal. He beleevd, moreover, that partikiular anjelz wer apointed, from their speshial fitnes, tu minister tu partikiular personz and soseietiz ov men. Traveling in kumpani with a frend towardz Nantwich, he woz obzervd tu be rapt in deep thought. Hwen hiz meditashon woz over hiz frend inkweird hwot had been its subjekt. He repleid that everi toun iz under the kare ov sum partikiular anjel, speshiali apointed for thát servis, and that hwen he kame in seit ov Nantwich, he had prayd that diuring their stay there they meit both be under the protekshon ov the anjel ov thát toun. If eniwun imájinz that in this prayr ther woz a dash ov Roman Katholik siuperstishon, he may ask himself, hwether that, and uther siuperstishonz may

not be mereli mistaken and perverted formz ov truth, rather than baseles fabrikashonz. If anjelz kanot be emploid in hiuman protekshon, even in eksternal danjer, hwot iz tu be konkluded from our Savier'z wurdz in ekstremiti, "Thinkest thou that ei kanot nou pray tu mei Father, and he shal prezentli giv me more than twelv lejonz ov anjelz?"

"It iz wel," he obzervd, on a diferent okazhon, "tu konsider hou man shud kondúkt himself towardz hiz atendant anjelz. Tu disregard them iz rong; and yet we ar not tu ekzolt them. This wud be repulsiv tu them, az giving them the onor diu tu the Lord alone. We ought tu konsider them az our keind frendz, who ar instruments in the handz ov the Lord. Hwen they ar abel tu manifest themselvz eksternali, it wil alwayz be for the purpos ov ekzolting the Lord and Hiz Holi Wurd."

In the leik spirit, he remarkt ov soshial interkourse, "We shud behave tu each uther az the anjelz behave tu each uther. They inkreas our joi, and we inkreas theirz, bei obediens and luv. We may inkreas their joi, but we kanot kauz them sorow; bekauz hwen we turn tu evil, we leav them and get intu uther kumpani."

Mr Clowes often vizited Stroud, hwere he had konekshonz. The seneri ov that biutiful vali woz so ekzilarating tu him that at wun ov hiz vizits, luking at the grand viu from the top ov Rodborough Hill, he eksklaimd in a transport, "Kan eniwun dei here?" Hiz keen relish for fresh air and fein seneri, woz, no dout, kept in ful intensiti bei having onli okazhonal and moderet gratifikashon at intervalz diuring hiz long rezidens in Manchester.

Sumteimz he kontiniud hiz jurni tu London and Brighton; enjoiing at the later plase the kumpani ov a widow ladi ov distingwisht konversashonal pouerz, and who had a remarkabli hapi way ov imparting a nolej ov the subjekts handeld bei Swedenborg. He used tu say ov this ladi, that she woz a most intelijent and wurthi wuman, but too fond ov talking about her spiritiual konflikts, az tho they wer more greevus than uther peepel❜z. We hav each ov us tu go through just az much az we kan bear."

"Man," sed he, on anuther okazhon, "haz nuthing tu komplain ov. He haz ekwal advantejez in eni state ov the Church; if the opozishon tu gud iz great, the help iz great too."

He held St Paul's doktrin ov Predestinashon tu be true, in the sens that everi man iz born for a partikiular keind ov hapi

nes, adapted tu hiz individiual kapasiti, and that he kanot ekschanje it for anuther. The aposel deskreibz the Church ov Christ az a hiuman form, and tu fil a plase in sum wun ov its memberz everi man iz born. "They who ar in the feet," sed Clowes, "kanot pas intu the hed; but they may advans tu the selestial degree in the feet; they may reach their inmost or therd heven. If, then, we ar prinsipeld in chariti, we shal enter intu and enjoi the gud ov all utherz: az the least part of the bodi enjoiz the gud ov the hole. It wil be imposibel tu envi thoze who ar heier."

Hiz deleit in children woz everihwere the same. He felt the hevenli influens more freeli through them than through their elderz. At the hous ov hiz widowd frend at Bristol, on the nurseri floor, surounded bei the yungsterz, boiz and gerlz, he wud play and romp and laugh, leik wun ov themselvz. "Nou John, hwot a biutiful set ov teeth you hav! and here iz your poor old godfather, without a singel tooth in hiz hed!" "Ser," sed the boi, "you shal hav mein-take them everiwun."

"Hou kan you make such an uproar, children?" sed the muther, kuming intu the room, "Mr Clowes wil not be abel tu bear it."

"Oh! it's deleitful," sed he, "deleitful miuzik; pray don't interrupt us-go away-go away!"

Hiz vizits here wer teimz ov great and miutiual deleit; the children luvd him az they wud an induljent grandfather, and no skoolboiz ever lukt forward tu the holidayz with more eagernes than hiz yoothful diseipelz did tu hiz kuming. After hiz bodili departiur he seemd tu remain with them for several dayz, so vividli woz hiz prezens in spirit felt.

Such woz John Clowes, in whom the wizdom ov inosens and the inosens ov wizdom wer displayd in a degree rareli ataind in this mortal leif.

In him ei'v seen-hwot joi tu see!

in diveinest union blended,

an infant cheild'z simplisiti

bei a saje'z strength atended.


Mrs Fletcher's Rekolekshonz.

The deleitful Autobeiografi ov Mrs Fletcher haz been publisht sins the ferst edishon ov this buk. Mr Harrison had the plezhur ov her akwaintans, and herd from her own mouth sum ov her rekolekshonz ov hiz revered frend Mr Clowes. The editer takes the liberti ov inserting the folowing from the Autobeiografi :

"It woz in the winter ov 1788 that ei met at the hous ov the Misses Hutton at Tadcaster, the Rev. J. Clowes, Rektor ov St John's Church, Manchester. The bond between theze peius and primitiv old ladiz and Mr Clowes woz, ei beleev, their miutiual admirashon ov the reitingz ov Emanuel Swedenborg. Altho ei kud not partisipate in their enthiuziazm for thát vizhonari reiter, ei think it woz from Mr Clowes's konversashon and reitingz that ei ferst bekame interested in the spiritiual sens ov true relijon, or, in uther wurdz, felt its eksperimental truth; and ei wish here tu prezerv the folowing transkript ov the konversashon, hwich ei made from memori, after pasing the evening with Mr Clowes at Miss Hutton's. Several ladiz, sum ov the Methodist perswazhon, wer prezent. Hiz viuz hav alwayz apeard tu me tu kontain much ov the true spirit ov Kristianiti.

"Beïng askt hiz opinion ov Mr Law's wurks, Mr C. sed, 'Ei red them, madam, with great dilijens and much afekshon, and ei found that they tended tu prodiús a piur, holi, and peesabel frame ov meind, but ei found leikweiz that they diskwolifeid a man for the diuti ov hiz kalling. Ei kud not even go tu perform mei diuti in the church without feinding sumthing tu disturb me. This made me konjektiur that all woz not reit in Mr Law's doktrin, and ei konseevd it tu be this,--that it iz admirabli siuted for the kontemplativ, but not for the aktiv leif ov man, inazmuch az it duz not bring the outward man intu enteir subjekshon tu the iner man; for man haz two leivz, or two beïngz, in hiz veri best state hweil on erth.'

"Speaking ov rejenerashon, Mr Clowes sed he konseevd the vizhon ov Jacob's lader tu aford a biutiful figiur on this subjekt, and that we shud do wel tu konsider that the desént woz a much more difikult and ardiuús task than the asént. The asént woz the dezeir ov nolej, or the luv ov truth, hwich makes us kleim the lader, that we meit nó God and the thingz ov Hiz kingdom; but hwen we hav reacht the top ov the lader it wil

avail us nuthing unles the luv-prinsipel, or the luv ov gud desénd with us, penetrate tu the veri botom ov our harts, and purj them ov all unklean afekshonz, so that the natiural man shud akt under enteir subordinashon tu, and enteir konjunkshon with, the spiritiual man. Thus iz the desént much more difikult than the asént, az it iz sed, 'And he dreamd, and behold a lader set upon the erth, and the top ov it reacht tu heven; and behold the anjelz ov God asénding and desending on it.'

66 Asking him hou we shud nó that we wer in a safe state without deseeving ourselvz, he sed 'Let us karefuli ekzamin hwot iz our deleit. If our deleit be in gud, then may we sertenli konklude that our state iz safe, bekauz all gud iz from God and the thingz ov Hiz kingdom.'

"Hwen askt hwot he konseevd tu be the state ov the blesed, he repleid in a kalm but animated tone ov vois, 'Ei konseev the state ov the blesed tu be a total forgetfulnes or absens ov self, and tu konsist in beholding the gud and hapines ov utherz, so that everi individiual wil enjoi the hole hapines ov heven.' He afterwardz sed, 'It woz a prinsipel ov the old law, that if eni man shud kil hiz neighbor unawarez, he meit abeid for a teim in the siti ov refiuj. This he konseevd a biutiful figiur tu reprezent the mersi ov God. We often engajed in akshon from a prinsipel ov gud, but in the performans ov it wer overtaken unawarez bei sum evil or uncharitabel inklinashon. The gud prinsipel hwich at ferst operated woz from God, and this iz the siti ov refiuj in hwich we may abeid until the enemi hwich thworted us iz overkum.' He aded, 'The state ov man iz a state ov absolute dependens upon God, and the most dezeirabel frame ov meind iz thát in hwich the Saamist sez, "Ei am poor and needi, but the Lord kareth for me.'

"Beïng askt hwot woz ment bei justifeiing faith, he sed, 'It iz tu be feard meni deseev themselvz in this mater. It iz danjerus tu rest our salvashon on the bare beleef ov the deth and suferingz ov our Lord. Thát iz indeed resting in the ferst atainments ov relijon. Beleef enleitenz the understanding, but it iz luv hwich regiulates the afekshonz and prodiusez obediens tu the komandz ov God, without hwich no man kan enter intu the kingdom ov glori. Wurks ar not in themselvz meritoriüs, but az being tests ov obediens; for without wurks the spiritiual wurld wud stagnate.'

"Ei konseev,' he sed, 'that the great evil ov leif areizez from a kontempt ov utherz in komparison with self. A strikt and

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