Who would believe that there were mountaineers, Dew-lapp'd like bulls, whose throats had hanging at them Wallets of flesh? or that there were such men, Whose heads stood in their breasts? which now we find, Fach putter-out on five for one, will bring us Good warrant of. Alon. Thunder and lightning. Enter Ariel like a harpy: claps his wings upon the table, and with a quaint device, the banquet vanishes. Ari. You are three men of sin, whom destiny (That hath to instrument this lower world, And what is in't,) the never-surfeited sea Hath caused to belch up; and on this island Where man doth not inhabit; you 'mongst men Being most unfit to live. I have made you mad; [Seeing Alon. Seb. &c. draw their swords. "And even with such like valour, men hang and drown Their proper selves. You fools! I and my fellows Are ministers of fate; the elements Of whom your swords are temper'd, may as well * Down. The powers, delaying, not forgetting, have You, and your ways; whose wrath to guard you from (Which here, in this most desolate isle, else falls Upon your heads), is nothing, but heart's sorrow, And a clear life ensuing. He vanishes in thunder: then, to soft music, enter the Shapes again, and dance with mops and mowes and carry out the table. Pro. [Aside] Bravely the figure of this harpy Perform'd, my Ariel; a grace it had, devouring: Exit Prospero from above. Gon. I' the name of something holy, sir, why stand you Methought, the billows spoke, and told me of it; Pure, blameless. Act IV. I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded, And with him there lie mudded. Seb. [Exit. But one fiend at a time, I'll fight their legions o'er. I'll be thy second. Gon. All three of them are desperate; their great guilt, Like poison given to work a great time after, And hinder them from what this ecstasy* May now provoke them to. Adr. Follow, I pray you. [Exeunt. ACT IV. SCENE I. Before Prospero's cell. Pro. If I have too austerely punish'd you. And make it halt behind her. Fer. Against an oracle. I do believe it, Pro. Then, as my gift, and thine own acquisition • Alienation of mind. Worthily purchas'd, take my daughter: But As Hymen's lamps shall light you. Fer. As I hope For quiet days, fair issue, and long life, With such love as 'tis now; the murkiest den, The most opportune place, the strongest suggestion Our worser Genius can, shall never melt Mine honour into lust; to take away The edge of that day's celebration, When I shall think, or Phœbus' steeds are founder'd, Or night kept chain'd below. Pro. Fairly spoke: Sit then, and talk with her, she is thine own.- Enter Ariel. Ari. What would my potent master? here I am. Did worthily perform; and I must use you Some vanity of mine art; it is my promise, And they expect it from me. Ari. Pro. Aye, with a twink. Presently? Ari. Before you can say, Come, and go, And breathe twice; and cry, 80, 80; • Sprinkling. Each one, tripping on his toe, Do you love me, master? no. Pro. Dearly, my delicate Ariel: Do not approach, Till thou dost hear me call. Ari. Well I conceive. [Exit. Pro. Look, thou be true; do not give dalliance Too much the rein; the strongest oaths are straw To the fire i' the blood be more abstemious, Or else, good night, your vow! Fer. I warrant you, sir; The white-cold virgin snow upon my heart Pro. Well.- No tongue; all eyes; be silent. A Masque. Enter Iris. [Soft music. Iris. Ceres, most bounteous lady, thy rich leas Of wheat, rye, barley, vetches, oats, and pease; Thy turfy mountains, where live nibbling sheep, And flat meads thatch'd with stover, them to keep; Thy bauks with peonied and lilied brims, Which spongy April at thy hestt betrims, To make cold nymphs chaste crowns; and thy broom groves, Whose shadow the dismissed bachelor loves, |