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LABOUR is to be moderately

Cat. 135, 136.

Land-marks not to be removed Cat, 143.

Law. the ceremonial law, what Con. 10. 3. It is abrogated now under the new teftament, Con. 19. 3. 20. 1. How the covenant of grace was adminiftred under the law,Con. 7. 5. 8. 6. Cat.34. The judicial law expired with the ftate of the Jews, Con. 19. 4. and obliges no further than the general equity of it requires, Ibid.

The moral law, What, Cat. 93. given to Adam with a power to fulfil it, Con. 4. 2. 19. 1. Cat. 92. The ten commandments the fumof it, Con. 19, 2.Cat.98, Tho' believers are not under it as a covenant, Con, 19. 6. And are not able perfectly to keep it Cat. 149. yet it continues to be a perfect rule of righteoufnefs, Con. 19. 2. Binding all, as well juftified perfons as others.Con. 19. 5. Chrift in the gospel, ha ving not abolished, but much ftrengthnedthe obligation to the obedience of it, Ibid. And al tho' no man fince the fall can, by the moral law, attain to righteonfnefs and life, Con. 19. 6. Cat 94. Which Chrift alone hath purchased for the elect by his perfect obedience, Con. 8. 5. Yet it is of great ufe to all, Con. 19. 6. Cat. 95. The ufe of it to the regenerate, Con. 19. 6. Cat. 97 The ufe of it to the unregenerate, Cat. 96. Not contrary to the grace of the gospel, but doth fweetly comply with it, Con. 19. 7. The spirit of Chrift fubduing and enabling the will of man into a free and cheerful obedience to the will of God. Con. 19. 7. Cat. 32. Unnecellary law-fuits to be a-. voided, Cat. 141. 142. Liberty, Chriftian liberty. What, Con. 20, 1. Wherein it is inlar

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ged under the gofpel, Ibid. The end of the chriftianliberty,Con. 20. 3. Liberty to fin inconfiftent with it, Ibid. It is not intended to destroyecclefiaftical or civil powers but to fupport and preferve them, Con. 20. 4. Neither are men thereby allowed to publish opinions, ur maintain practices,that are con trary to the light of nature, or to the known principles ofchriftianity, or fuch as are deftru&tive of the peace and order of the church Ibid.

Liberty of confcience, what, it is, and what repugnant to it, Con. 20. 2. Making men the Lord's of our faith and conscience, unlawful, Con. 20. 2. Cat. 105. Life, eternal life purchased by Chrift's perfect obedience to the Law, Con. 8. 5. The tree of life was a pledge of the covenant of works, Cat. 20. The life of any not to be taken away, except in cafeot publick juftice,lawfulwar, or neceflary defence, Cat. 136. Light of nature, What may be Known of God and of our duty to him by it, Con. 1, 1. 21. 1. Cat. 2. It is not fufficient to makeuswifeunto falvation,Con. I, 1. 10. 4. 21,1. Cat. 2, 60. It is of the law of nature that a due portion of time be fet apart for the worship of God, Con. 21. 7. Wanton looks, finful, Cat. 139. Lord's prayer, fee prayer. Lord's fupper. The intitution.

nature and ends of it, Con. 29. 1. at. 168. Chrift not offered up to his Father, nor any real facrifice for fin made in it, Con. 29 2. The mafs abominably injurious to Chrift's one only facrifice, lbid. The outward Elements in this facrament are not to be adored, Con. 29. 4. They still remaintruly breadand wine, Con. 29. 5. The doctrine of tranfubftantiation is repug



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Hant not only to the scripture, but even to common fenfe, and has been and is the caule of grofs idolatries,Con.29.6.HowChrift hath appointed bread and wine to be given and received in the facrament, Con 20.3 Cat.169. It is only to be adminiftred by a minifter of the word lawfully ordained, Con. 27.4. Cat 176. It is not to be received by any one alone, Con. 29. 4. It is to be received in both kinds, ibid.

What relation the elements in this facrament have to Chrift crucified, Con 29.5. HowChrift is prefent there, Con. 29.7. Cat. 170. How believers feed on him therein, ibid. What preparation is required for receiving it, Cat. 171 Doubting may confist with an intereft inChrist, Con. 17, 3, 18, 4. Cat 81. And therefore fhouldnot hinder from partaking of the Lord's fupper, Cat. 172. But the ignorant and fcandalous are not to be admitted, Con. 29. 8. Cat. 173. What duties required in the time of receiving, Cat. 174. What duties after receiving, Cat. 175. Frequent attendance on it, a duty, Cat. 175. 177. The agreement and difference between the Lord's fupper, and baptifm, Cat.176, 177. Lots, Cat. 112. 113. Love. Election of God's free love, Con. 3.5. Cat.13. Which is unchangeable,Con. 17. 2. Cat. 79. And therefore true believers can neither totally norfinally fall away from the ftate of grace, ibid. The fenfe of God's love is attainable in this life, Cat. 83. See affurance. Love to God is a duty, Cat. 104. Which the light of nature fheweth, Con. 21. 1. To love the Lord our God with all our heart, &c. is the fum of our duty to him, Cat. 102. Love to God is neceffary to the right performance of the duty of prayer, Con.21.3. Cat. 185. Love to God and the brethren is necef


farytorightcommunicating, Cat. 168, 171, 174. True believers are never utterly deftitute of the love of Chrift and the brethren, Con. 18. 4. Wherein love to wards our neighbour consists, Cat. 135, 141, 44, 147. What contrary to it, Cat. 136, 142, 145, 148. It is the fum of our duty to man, Cat. 122. Lying, finful, Cat. 145.


Agiftrates, appointed by God, Con. 23. 1. For what end, ibid. Lawful for chriftians to accept the office of a magiltrate, Con. 23. 2. The duty of the civil magiftrate, Con. 23. 2. Cat. 129. Con. 20. 4. Read the fcriptures letter r. The fins of the magiftrate, Cat. 130. 145: He may wage war upon just and necellary occafions, Con. 23. 2. His power in church affairs ftated, Con.23.3. The duty of the peopletowards theirmagiftrates, Cón. 23. 4. Cat.127. Their fins against them, Cat. 128. Ecclefiaftical perfons not exempted from obedience to the civil magiftrate, Con. 23. 4. The pope hath no power or jurisdiction ever magiftrates or their people, ibid. The magiftrate is not to be oppofed in the lawful exercife of his power, upon pretence of chriftian liberty, Con. 20.4. Infidelity or difference in religion doth not make void the magi ftrate's jult and legal authority, Con. 23. 4. Man, how created, Con. 4. 2. 17.

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His ftate before the fall, Con. 4. 2. Cat. 17. 20. His fall, and the effects of it, Con. 6. Cat. 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. His ftate by the covenant of grace, Con. 7,3,4,5,6. Cat. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. Man's chief end. Cat. I, Man-Stealing, difcharged, Cat.

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than one man and one woman Meat to be moderately ufed, Cat.

at a time,unlawful, Con. 24, 1. Cat, 139. Lawful for all forts of people who are capable to give their confent, Con, 24, 3. And who are without the degrees of confanguinity or affinity forbiddenin the Scriptures, Con.24. 4. But marriages within thofe degrees can never be made lawful, Ibid. Proteftants fhould not marry with infidels, papists or other idolaters, Con. 24. 3, Nor fuch as are godly, with thofe that arenotoriously wicked bid. A contract of marriage may be diffolved for adultery or fornication committed after the contract, Con, 24. 5. The bond of marriage can only be diffolved for adultery after marriage, and fuch wilful desertion as cannot be remedied, Con.24, 5,6. Undue delay of marriage, prohibiting of lawful & difpenfing with unlawful marriages are finful, Cat. 139. Vows of perpetual fingle life, are finful fnares in which no chriftian may intangle himself, Con. 22, 7. Cat. 139. Thofe who have not the gift of continency ought to marry, Cat, 138. The duties of married perfons,Cat. 139, 141, The mafs abominable injurious to Chrift's one only facrifice, Con. 29. 2.

Means. God in his ordinary providence maketh ufe of means: yet is free to work without, above and against them at his pleasure, Con.5.3. The outward and ordinary means of falvation under the law. Con. 7. 5.Cat. 34. Under the golpel, Con. 7. 6. Cat. 35, 154 The diligent uíe of them is required in order to escape the wrath of God, Cat. 153, How they are made effectual. Con. 25,3. Cat. 155, 161, 182. Trufting in means finful,Cat. 105 Unlawful means not to be ufed, Ibid. Falfe meafures unlawful, Cat. 142

135. 136. Mediator. See Chrift. The mercy of God, Con. 2, 1. Cat, 7. It is manifefted in his works of providence, Con. 5, a It is of God's free love and mercy that the elect are delivered from fin and mifery,& brought to an estate of falvation by the fecond covenant, Cat. 30. God is merciful to penitent fin ners in Chrift, Con. 15, 2. Cate 79. For whofe fake mercy is to be prayed for, Cat, 180. works of mercy are to be done, even on the Lord's day, Con. 21, 8, Cat 117

Merit. No merit in good worksfor pardon of fin or eternal life; and why, Con. 16. 5. Nor can we merit the outward bleflings of this life, Cat. 193. But we are to truft in the merits of Chrift, Cat. .174. Who appearing in the merit of his obedience and facrifice, maketh interceffion for his people, Cat. 55. Meffiah. The elect under the Old Teftament believed in the promifed Meffiah, by whom they had a full remiffion of fins, and eternal falvation, Con.7,5, 8, 6, Cat. 34.

The miniftry given by Chrift to the visible church, Con. 25. 3. the maintainance thereof,aduty, Cat. 108. A minifter of the gofpel is one fufficiently gifted, and alfo duly approved and lawfully called and ordained to that office, Con. 27, 4. 28.2. Cat. 158. By fuch only the word is to be read publicly and preached, & the facraments difpenfed, Con. 27.4. 28. 2. Cat. 156, 158. 159, 169. Moral law, See law. Mortification.

The regenerate have the corruption of nature mortified through Christ, Con. 6. 5. And the feveral lufts of the body of fin, Con. 13. 1. Believers draw ftrength from


the death and refurrection of Chrift for the mortifying of fin. Cat. 16%.


The NAME of Chrift. That

prayer be accepted, it is to be made in the hame of Chrift, Con. 21. 3. Cat. 178. What it is to pray in the name of Chrift, Cat. 180. Why prayeris to be made in his name, Cat. 181. The name of God is only that by which men ought to wear, and f therein it is to be ofed with all holy fear and reverence,Con. 22. 2. How the name of God ought to be used, and how it is profaned, Cat. 112, 113, 114, 190. Nature. See corruption, original fin, light of nature.

The two natures of hrift. See Chrift, incarnation, perfonal union.

The new Teftament in Greek is

that to which the church is finally to appeal in controverfies of religion. Con. 1. 8. The administration of the covenant of grace under the gospel, is called the new Teftament, Con. 7. 6. Neighbour. See charity, love. Niggardlinefs, finful, Cat. 142.

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is able to perform, ibid. An oath is to be taken in the plain and common sense of the words; and,in things not finful, it binds to performance, tho' to a man's own hurt, or made to hereticks, Con. 22. 4. Cat. 113. But it Cannot oblige to fin, ibid. Obedience is due to God in whatfoever he is pleafed to command, Con. 2. 2. Cat. 164. Christ hath performed perfect obedience to the law, for us in our nature. Con. 8. 4. Cat. 38, 39, 48, 97. And by it purchased an everlafting inheritance in the kingdom of heaven forthe elect, Con. 8. 5. Cat. 38 His obedience is imputed to believers, Con. 11.1. Cat. 70. He hath not abolished, but much ftrengthned the obli gation to the obedience of the moral law, Con. 19. 5. Good works done in obedience to God's commands, are the fruits and evidences of a true faith, Con. 16.2.Cat. 32.How the fincere, tho' imperfect obedience of believers, is accepted, and rewarded, Con. 16. 6. Obedience isdue to the lawful commands of a magiftrate, Con. 23. 4. Cat. 127. 128.

Offices of Chrift, of mediator. See mediator. His prophetical

AnOATH what itis, Con.22.1. office, Cat. 43. Prieffly, Cat.44.

It is a part of religious worship, ibid. The name ofGod is that by which men ought only to fwear, Con. 22.2. Cat. 108. Vain or rafh fwearing by his name is to be abhorred, Con.22. 2. Cat. 113. Yet in matters of weight and moment an oath is warrantable under the new teftament,Con.22.2.A lawful oath impofed by lawful authority, ought to be taken,ibid. It is a fin to refuse it, Con. 22. 3. A man muftfwear nothingbutwhat he is fully perfwaded is truth; neither may he bind himself by oath to any thing, but what he believes to be just and good, and what he

and kingly, Cat. 45.

The old Teftament in Hebrew, is that to which the church is finally to appeal in controverfies of religion, Con. 1. 8. The administration of the covenant of grace, under the law, is cal

led the old Teftament, Con.7.5. The ordinances of God given by Chrift to the vifible church,Con. 25, 2. The ordinances under the law, Con.7.5. Cat.34. Thofe under the gospel, Con.7.6. Cat. 35. Which are fewer, and adminiftred with more fimplicity,and lefs outward glory; yet in them grace and falvation are held


forth in more fulnse, evidence and efficacy, Ibid. All God s

work of the whole person.Con 8.7. Cat. 40.

ordinances, efpecially the word, Phyfick to be ufed moderately,

Cat. 135.

Cat: 159.

Pictures discharged,

Poligamý unlawful. Con. 24, I.

Cat. 139.

facraments, and prayer, are the outward and ordinary means of Lafcivious falvation, Cat. 184. How they are made effectual, Con. 25. 3. Cat 155, 161, 182, The neglect, contempt or oppofing them,finful, Cat. 109. Original corruption's, See corrup tion Original fin, See fin.



APISTS. Proteftants fhould not marry with Fapilts, Con. 24, 3. Pardon, Seefin. Paffions, to be reftrained, Cat. 135. 136. Pallover, one of the types and ordinances by which the covenant of grace was adminiftred under the law, Con. 7.5.Cat,34 Patience, patient bearing of the hand of God, a duty, Cat. 125. Patient,bearing and forgiving, of injuries, a duty ibid. Peace of confcience, See confci


The Pope has no power or jurisdiction over civil magiftrates or their people. Con. 23. 4. He is in no fenfe headof the church, but is Antichrilt, Con 25, 6. Fowers ecclefiaftical or civil, not to be oppofed upon pretence of Chriftian liberty, Con. 20, 4. power of the keys, See keys. Praises to be joined with prayer, Cat. 196.

Pedo Baptifm. See infants. Perfeverance of faints. They whom God hath accepted in Chrift can never totally or finally fall away from the cftate of grace, Con. 17. 1.Cat. 77, 79: Upon what their perfeverance depends, Con. 17. 2. Cat. 79. How far they may fall. Con. 6, 5, 11.513, 2. 17, 3. 18, 4. Cat. 78. They are always kept from itter defpair. Con. 18. 4. Cat. 81.Howtheyare recovered when they fall under God's fatherly difpleafure. Con. 11.5, 13, 3. Three perfons in the Godhead diftinguifhed by perfonalproperties. Con. 2. 3, Cat.9. 10. The equality of the perfons proved, Cat. 11.

The perfonal union of the two natures in Chrift, Con 8, 2. Cat 36,37. By reafon of this union,the proper work of each natureare accepted of God, and relied on by believes as the


Praife of any good, we either are, have,or can do, not to be afcribed to fortune, idols, ourfelves,or any other creature, Cat.105.

Prayer, What, Cat. 178. The
duty of all men. Con.21, 3. To
be made to God only, and why,
Con. 21, 2. Cat, 179. That it
maybeaccepted,it is to be made
in the name of Christ,by the help
of the fpirit, Con.21,3,Cat 178.
What it is to pray in the name'
of Chrift, Cat. 180. Why prayer
is to be made in his name, Cat.
181.Howthefpirit helps to pray,
Cat. 182. How prayer is to be
made. Con. 21, 3. Cat. 185.For
what and for whom we are to
pray.Con. 21, 4. Cat. 183, 184.
Prayer not to be made for the
dead, nor for thofe of whom it
may be known that they have
finned the fin unto death, ibid.
Prayer, now under the gofpel
is not made more acceptable by
any place in whichitis,perform-
ed, nor towards which it is di-
rected. Con. 21, 6. The rule of
Prayer. Cat, 186.
The Lord's prayer, How to be

ufed Cat. 187 It is explained in
the Catechifm from queftion
188, to the end,
Preaching of the word is a
& part

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