eth in the heavens, and on the earth, in the sea and in the abyss. 7 He raiseth the vapours from the surface of the earth; he formeth the lightnings with the rain, and bringeth forth the wind from his treasuries. 8 He it is who smote the first-born of Egypt, both of man and beast : 9 Who sent signs and wonders into the midst of thee, o Egypt! upon Pharaoh and upon all his servants: 10 Who smote nations which were numerous, and slew kings who were powerful: 11 Namely; Sihon, kingof the Amorites; and Og, king of Bashan; and all the king. doms of Canaan : 12 And gave their land for an inheritance, an inheritance unto Israel his people. 13 Thy name, O JEHOVAH ! is eternal: and the remembrance of thee shall endure through all generations. 14 For JEHOVAH will do justice to his people, and have compassion on his ser vants. 15 But the idols of the nations are nothing more than silver and gold, the work of men's hands. 16 They 16 They have mouths, but speak not; and eyes, but see not: 17 They have ears, but hear not; yea, there is no breath in their mouths. 18 Such as these are, such are those who make them; and such is every one who placeth his trust in them. 19 Praise JEHOVAH, ye house of Israel; praise JEHOVAH, ye house of Aaron ! 20 Praise JEHOVAH, ye house of Levi; ye who fear JEHOVAH, praise JEHOVAH! 21 Praised from Zion be JEHOVAH, who dwelleth at Jerusalem ! PSALM CXXXVI. PRAISE JEHOVAH, because he is good, and because his mercy endureth for ever. 2 Praise the GOD of gods, because his mercy endureth for ever. 3 Praise the LORD of lords, because his mercy endureth for ever. 4 Praise him who alone doeth great wonders, because his mercy endureth for ever. 5 Praise him who by wisdom made the heavens, because his mercy endureth for 6 Praise him who spread out the earth above the waters, because his mercy endureth for ever. ever. 6 Praise 7 Praise him who made the great lights, because his mercy endureth for ever : 8 The sun to rule the day, because his mercy endureth for ever; 9 The moon and the stars to rule the night, because his mercy endureth for ever. 10 Praise him who smote the Egyptians in their first-born, because his mercy endureth for ever : 11 Who brought forth Israel from among them, because his mercy endureth for ever; 12 With a mighty hand, and stretchedout arm, because his mercy endureth for ever. 13 Praise him who divided the red-sea, because his mercy endureth for ever : 14 And made Israel to pass through the midst of it, because his mercy endureth for ever; 15 But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the red-sea, because his mercy endureth for ever. 16 Praise him who led his people through through the wilderness, because his merc endureth for ever. 17 Praise him who smote great kings, because his mercy endureth for ever : 18 And slew kings who were powerful, for his mercy endureth for ever; 19 Namely; Sihon, king of the Amorites, because his mercy endureth for ever; 20 And Og, king of Bashan, because his mercy endureth for ever; 21 And gave their land for an inheritance, because his mercy endureth for ever; 22 For an inheritance unto Israel, his servant, because his mercy endureth for ever. 23 He remembered us when we were in trouble, because his mercy endureth for ever : 24 And rescued us from our enemies, because his mercy endureth for ever. 25 He giveth food to all flesh, because his mercy endureth for ever. 26 Praise the GOD of heaven, be cause his mercy endureth for ever. PSALM PSALM CXXXVII. BY the rivers of Babylon we sat down; we wept when we remembered Zion. 2 We hung our harps upon the willows which grow there. 3 When those who led us captive demanded of us a song, and those who had taken us prisoners required from us expressions of joy, saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion :" 4 We answered; "How can we sing a song unto JEHOVAH in a foreign land ?" 5 If I forget thee, O JERUSALEM ! let my right-hand forget its skill in playing ! 6 Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember thee; if I do not prefer thee, o Jerusalem! above my greatest joy. 7 Remember, O JEHOVAH! the sons of Edom, who said, in the day of Jerusalem, "Rase it, rase it, even to its foundation!" 8 O daughter of Babylon who art to be destroyed! happy shall he be who shall do unto thee, what thou hast done unto us: 9 Happy the man, who shall seize, and dash thy little ones against the rock. PSALM |