We We praise and thank thee, for sending thy messenger Jesus Christ, into the world, to declare the terms of our salvation. praise and thank thee, for the instructions he hath given us in his gospel, for the example he hath set before us in the integrity of his life, and for his plain declarations of thy gracious acceptance of all thy servants, who shall sincerely and heartily endeavour to know and do thy will and commandments. We praise and thank thee, for the final evidence thou hast given us of the divine authority of his mission by raising him to life, after an ignominious death upon the cross. For thou only art wise, and holy, and good; thou only art GOD; thou only dost govern all things both in heaven and earth. Therefore, agreeably to the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ, praise, thanksgiving and adoration be given unto thee, and unto thee alone, now and for ever. Amen. One One of these valedictory forms of blessing to be used at the discretion of the minister. MAY the GOD of all favour, who hath called us to his everlasting glory by Christ Jesus, make us perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle us. To him be glory and dominion for ever. Amen. 1 Pet. v. 10, 11. MAY JEHOVAH bless us and preserve us; may he be merciful unto us; and look favourably upon us, now and for evermore. Amen. Numb. vi. 24-26. MAY the blessing of almighty GOD be with us all for ever. Amen. 1 THE two or three There may be for e every child sponsors, who should most properly be parents or guardians. MY BRETHREN, HEAR the words of our lord Jesus Christ to his apostles; "Go ye, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into [or, with reference to] the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit." Matt. xxviii. 19. Hear also what the apostle Peter saith: Repent, and let every one of you be baptized into [or, with reference to the name of Jesus Christ, for a remission of sins; and ye will receive the gift of the holy spirit." (Acts ii. 38.) We also read, in the book of the acts of the apostles, that certain disciples were "baptized into [or, with reference to the name of the lord Jesus Christ." Acts xix. 5. And the same apostle writeth further; that "the baptism which saveth us is not a cleansing of filth of the body, but an answer of a good conscience unto GOD." Pet. iii. 21. The The minister, addressing himself to the sponsors present, shall say: Ye have brought this child hither to be baptized: I demand, therefore, Will ye faithfully and earnestly exhort this child to renounce every thing that is evil, the vain pomp and glory of the world, with all covetous desires, and all vicious inclinations, so that he may not follow them, nor be led by them? Answer. I will. Minister. Will ye instruct him in the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ? Answer. I will. Minister. Will ye exhort him to keep GOD's holy will and commandments, and to walk in them all the days of his life? Answer. I will. The minister shall then take the child into bis hands, and say to the sponsors : Name this child. Then naming it after them, and either dipping it in the water, or sprinkling water upon it, be sball say; *** I baptize thee into [or, with reference to] F to] the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit." Or, the following form may be used: I baptize thee into (or, with reference to] the name of Jesus Christ. ALMIGHTY and ever blessed GOD! by whose providence the different generations of mankind are raised up to know thee, and to enjoy thy favour for ever; grant that this child, now dedicated to thee as the disciple of Jesus Christ our lord, may be endued with heavenly virtues, and be in the number of those who, through thy mercy, shall be everlastingly saved. For this end, we entreat thy blessing upon these thy servants, who have now so lemnly engaged themselves to instruct him in thy holy truth; that they may be enabled to discharge their great trust with diligence and fidelity, and may have the comfort of beholding the fruits of their pious labours, in the virtuous improvement of their offspring under their care. e. Finally, we give thee humble thanks, o hea |