HYMNS FOR PUBLIC WORSHIP. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD; BY TAYLOR AND WILKS, CHANCERY LANE. PREFACE. THE following collection of HYMNS has been selected and revised for the use of a christian congregation. And the editor submits it to them, hoping that the selection will be generally approved, and that the revision will have rendered it still more acceptable. Alterations have been made almost in every hymn; if, therefore, any inaccuracy or impropriety should be observed in any of them, the original composition may, nevertheless, be clear of every imputation of either. It has been said of devotional poetry, that "the "paucity of its topics enforces perpetual repeti"tion, and the sanctity of the matter rejects the " ornaments of figurative diction." This observation is both just and important; and it is recommended to the attention of every reader of de devotional poetry, as being calculated to prepare him rightly to judge of, and to appreciate, the correctness and the taste of such compositions. It may not be wholly unnecessary to add, that the editor has endeavoured to avoid in these hymns, more immediately designed for social use, all mysterious and all equivocal expressions, conceiving that plainness and simplicity of language would best promote religious truth, and, consequently, best edify the human heart. of THE FIRST LINES OF EACH HYMN, WITH THE AUTHORS' NAMES. A ABSURD and vain attempt! to bind-Scott 115 119 96 128 .. • 22 Almighty God! we all depend-Browne ... 27 As various as the moon-Scott .......... Author of good, we rest on thee-Merrick ... Awake! my foul! lift up thine eyes-Mrs. Barb. 107 59 80 Awake! my foul ! rouse ev'ry pow'r ....... 126 B .......... ....... Behold! the lofty sky-Watts 72 .... .... |