Sidor som bilder

though small, as now fitted up, it is capable of considerable enlargement, with little additional expense, should it ever

prove necessary.

Owing particularly to a fine levied on the property, which is leasehold, and to some other outgoings which perhaps could not at first have been foreseen, the whole expense will exceed the first estimate, and amount to £550. Towards this it appears that somewhat short of £400 have been raised. When the subscription seems to have closed, a list of subscribers will be printed, and annexed to the Repository; and some detail would have previously been given, but for the necessity already noticed in the Repository of discontinuing the insertion of such lists.

The writer of this notice has already had occasion earnestly to recommend the case of this little church; and he feels highly gratified with the assistance which has been given them; and it will be a cause of cordial satisfaction, if by these additional statements, he can induce the opulent among the Unitarians, and other Fellowship Funds, to relieve them of the sum which yet remains to be raised. He thinks that, surrounded by opponents, exposed to every effort of bigotry and prejudice, and at a distance from all whose aid might strengthen them in their profession, they well deserve such assistance and countenance for their own sakes. But considered as the only congregation in Cornwall who are united together for the great objects of Unitarian worship, and as a central situation of essential consequence, for the diffusion of Christian truth, in that very important district, this case has peculiar claims upon the liberality of our brethren.

The writer may be permitted to subjoin the brief testimonial of one whose intimate knowledge of the circumstances, and extensive acquaintance with the Unitarian body, as well as his constant personal labours in the cause, entitle it to great attention and respect, our excellent missionary, Mr. Wright: "I have no hesitation in saying, that no case has been brought before the Friends of Unitarianism, nor I apprehend is likely to be brought before them, more deserving of their notice and aid, than that of the Unitarian church at Falmouth." L. C.

New Unitarian Chapel at Rochdale.

On Sunday the 2d of August, 1818, a new Unitarian Chapel was opened in Rochdale, erected by the Unitarians, formerly

For a more particular account of these Unitarians, see Ashworth's Ten Letters to a Friend. [Reviewed pp. 270-272.]

in connexion with the late Joseph Cooke. Mr. Wright, the Unitarian Missionary, performed the devotional services, and preached an excellent sermon from Isaiah xxxv.8 : “And a high way shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called the way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those : the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein."

From which words he shewed that the Unitarian's way (whatever its enemies may say of it) is a high way-the King's high way, well marked out and so plainly described, that all that he believes of it and says about it, he can express in Scripture language, without addition or comment; that the enemies of this way, however much they may boast of their own, cannot, after all, give a description of it, without using many words and phrases not only which are not scriptural but which are anti-scriptural; that the Unitarian's way is acknowledged to be right, as far as it goes, by its very opposers-they say there is one God, and but one; that he is good, and freely bestows his favours; and that Jesus Christ is a man: the Unitarian says the same. It is true they also say that this one God subsists in three persons; that his favour is bought and paid for, and that Jesus Christ is God as well as man. The Unitarian travels in the most agreeable manner with his opponent while the Scriptures throw light on their way, but where that ceases to direct, he stops. His opponent rambles on without either light or guide into all the mazes of error, and then censures and condemns the Unitarian because he will not follow. One great and principal excellency of this way is, there is nothing in it mysterious, it is a way level with the meanest capacity: and a way, which, while it dispays the free, unpurchased grace of God, leads to the greatest purity of life; it is the way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it. Such the preacher described the Unitarian's way to be.

The congregation consisted of six or seven hundred persons, some of whom came from Padiham, Burnley, Newchurch, Todmorden, Oldham, and other distant places, and all seemed heartily to join in dedicating the place to God. The chapel is a very good, neat, little building, thirteen yards square without, has a gallery that will seat rather more than two hundred persons: a Sunday school is taught in the bottom, which is not yet pewed. It is esti mated to cost not less than £750. besides being subject to a ground-rent of near £10. a-year, even if the trustees should dispose of as much land as would be a site for a good house. There has been subscribed rather better than £200. prineipally by those who attend the place, so

that the remaining debt, besides the groundrent, will be £550.

Before I conclude this account I beg leave to observe,

1. That the persons composing the congregation at this chapel, with very few exceptions, are dependent on their hand labour for their bread. 2. These have built a chapel for the accommodation of themselves and their families, and also with a view to spread rational notions of religion, and to promote the worship of the one God: towards which, they have subscribed among themselves, and begged from a few friends £200. 3. The whole of the land which they have leased is twenty yards by thirty, at the annual rent of £15., on part of which stands the chapel. If they were able to keep the remainder of this land it would serve them for a burying place, which would be a very great advantage to the chapel, considering how very desirous people are to be laid, and to bury their dead where they have worshiped their God. But if we suppose this to be done, it would subject them to the following annual expenses, exclusive of repairs, liquidating the debt, or providing any thing for their ministers.

Debt on the chapel, £550. at 5 per cent.

Ground rent

£27 10

£42 10

to beg. Any assistance, from any quarter, through any channel of conveyance, however small, will be thankfully acknowledged in any way that may be deemed most proper, and applied to the liquidation J. A. of the debt on the chapel

Gainsborough Unitarian Association. ON Tuesday evening the 29th, and Wednesday 30th Sept. the second meeting of this Association (of the establishment of which an account is given in Mon. Repos. for April last, p. 280), was held at Hull. On Tuesday evening a discourse was delivered by Mr. Platts, of Doncaster, at the chapel in Bowl-Alley Lane, on 1 John i. 3: "That which we have seen and heard that ye also may declare we unto you, have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his In this discourse, Son Jesus Christ." which was distinguished by manly eloquence, and forcible appeals to the understandings and the hearts of the hearers, the preacher distinctly laid down the great principles of uncorrupted Christian doctrine, stated and illustrated the particular objects of this Association, which are mutual encouragement, the diffusion of truth, and the protection of our religious liberties, and repelled with becoming indignation the charge of Deism brought against Unitarians. This discourse will probably be published, before this article appears. [See Review, p. 768.]

4. Those who are acquainted with the state of Unitarianism in Rochdale, know that there is a Presbyterian Unitarian chapel there not filled, aud a worthy ininister. Such may naturally ask, is there need of another? The answer to this inquiry is short. The old chapel would not hold its own congregation, which we are glad to hear is increasing, and that which attends the new chapel, where in an after-pular in modern times. noon the congregation consists of not less than two hundred and fifty persons, besides near two hundred Sunday scholars, and at night of not less than four hundred. And we believe there is not a pew to let in either chapel, at least this is the case with the new one. Real friends to the spread of Unitarianism will deem this a sufficient answer, nor can a better be given. 5. As we supposed those who knew that there was a chapel already in Rochdale, might conclude that there was no need of another, so we concluded that an application to the Unitarian body at large for assistance, might subject us to the pain of being disappointed. But having given the above statement, we leave our Unitarian brethren to judge of the propriety of our conduct in this undertaking. And though for the reasons foregoing, we have not solicited their assistance, yet we do sincerely assure them we are neither too rich nor too proud

On Wednesday morning, at eleven o'clock, a discourse was delivered by Mr. Wellbeloved, which will be long remembered by those who heard it. The object of this argumentative and highly-impressive sermon, was to explain the true nature of conversion, and to correct the enthusiastic notions on the subject, which are so poThe text was

Acts iii. 19. A particular analysis of its contents would occupy too considerable a space, but the readers of the Repository will shortly have an opportunity of partaking of the pleasure and edification with which it was heard, as the Author has kindly complied with the request of the Association, that they may be permitted to print it.

At two o'clock the Association met for business in the chapel in New Dock Street, belonging to the Unitarian Baptists, under the pastoral care of Mr. Griswood, who have cordially united with their brethren in Bowl-Alley Lane, in promoting the objects of the Association.

Mr. Lee having taken the Chair, the following resolutions were adopted:

1. The desiguation of this society shall in future be the Association of Unitarian Christians residing at Gainsborough, Hull, Thorne and adjacent places.

2. To render this Association available to the ends proposed, it is expedient to raise a fund by subscription, applicable to such purposes as may be determined on at the general meetings, when the amount shall be reported.

3. An annual subscriber of not less than four shillings, paid in advance in the month of January in each year, or of not less than one penny per week, shall be a member of this Association during payment. Benefactions will be thankfully received.

4. At the annual meeting, a committee and receivers of subscriptions shall be chosen.

5. A sum not exceeding one half the receipts of the society during each year, shall be expended in the printing or purchase for distribution, of such tracts on practical and controversial subjects, not exceeding four shillings in price, as shall be approved by the committee or by the society at their annual meetings. The remaining sums shall be expended in such ways as shall be approved by the annual meetings.

6. Each subscriber shall be entitled to a yearly nomination of tracts, amounting in value to one half of his subscription.

7. The committee for the ensuing year shall consist of six persons residing in Hull. All the ministers included in the Association, and one person out of each of the congregations shall also belong to the committee; and to sanction the appropriation of any money not voted at the general meetings, their consent must be procured by correspondence, The committee to be renewed every year, but all its members to be capable of re-election.

8. The committee shall meet during the first week in each calendar month, and five of them shall have power to act. Any three of them may call an extraordinary meeting when they judge it necessary. At their first meeting they shall elect a treasurer and secretary from their body.

9. The office of the committee shall be to determine what tracts shall be admitted into the society's catalogue, and the prices of each, to apportion to each subscriber his quota of tracts, to carry on a correspondence with such societies, or individuals, as they think proper, for promoting the objects of the Association, to examine and pass the treasurer's accounts at each monthly meeting, to arrange the business of the annual meetings, (at which it is hoped they will be present,) and to make a report of the finances and general prospects of the society.

10. The minutes of all committee meetings, shall be read at the next annual meeting, and their acts shall be subject to the revision of the annual meetings.

11. Nodaw once passed shall be altered,

except by the vote of two-thirds of the members present at a general meeting.

About fifty persons partook of a plain dinner at au inn, and the afternoon was spent in pleasing social intercourse and discussion.

In the evening Mr. Little, of Gainsborough, preached on Philipp i. 27, 28: "That ye stand fast in one spirit with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel; and in nothing terrified by your adversaries." In a very pleasing style, and with much close reasoning, the Author pointed out the chief grounds of Dissent from the Church of England, shewing the incompatibility of exclusive political establishments of religion with the spiritual nature of Christ's kingdom, the plausible ground of objection they afford to unbelievers, and the unscriptural doctrines and illiberal sentiments contained in the articles of the church established by law in this country.

A considerable sensation has been excited in the religious public in the town of Hull by these services, nothing of the kind having ever taken place here before. They were all attended by several hundred persons, of other denominations, who listened with profound attention to the discourses of the several preachers. The committee met the following day, when Mr. Thomas Watson, of Hull, was ap pointed treasurer, and Mr. Kenrick, secretary for the year ensuing. The next meeting of the Association is intended to be held at Thorne, on the last Thursday in March, and Mr. Piper is to be requested to preach.

G. K.

Liverpool Fellowship Fund. ON Monday the 23d November, 1818, a general meeting of the Unitarian Christians of Liverpool, was held in Paradisestreet Chapel, when the Rev. John Yates being called to the Chair, it was unani. mously resolved to establish an Unitarian Fellowship Fund Society. The Rev. Joha Yates was requested to accept the office of President, and the Rev. George Harris, that of Secretary to the society. A committee of eighteen were appointed to conduct the affairs of the society, nine from Renshaw-street, and nine from Paradisestreet congregation. The objects of the society are, to afford occasional contributions to congregations who stand in need of assistance, for building and repairing chapels-to administer relief to infirm ministers to aid in the education of young men for the ministry-and, generally, to promote the cause of Unitarian Christianity. Applications for assistance to be made to the Secretary.





The Names and Signatures of Correspondents are distinguished by Small
Capitals or Italics: as different Correspondents have often adopted the same signature,
some ambiguity in the references will unavoidably arise; but this is an inconvenience
necessarily attached to anonymous communications.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Bekker, Dr., account of, (note,)







Assessment of Meeting-houses,'
Astley, Rev. T., memoir of, 81, 155.
Dr. Ashworth's letter to, 82.
letter to Dr. Benson, 83. Extract
from Rev. R. Wallace's sermon on
the death of,

Astley, Rev. R., Mr. Daye's letter to;

Dr. Leland's letter to,

Astronomy, on,


Athanasian Creed, the, anecdote of
Mr. Wright concerning, 29. Trial
for a parody on, 77. Archbishop
Tillotson's opinion of, 78. Bishop
Tomline's opinion of, ib.
shop Law's opinion of, ib. Auec-
dote of the king respecting, 202.
Rev. J. Evans on, 538. Dr. Jebb
on, 539.
Dr. Doddridge on, ib.

Captain Gifford on,
Athey, Rev. Anthony, his letter to

Rev. Dr. Birch; Original letter
from Mr. Simon Browne to,


Belfrage, Rev. Henry, extract from
his Sacramental Addresses,
Belles Lettres, dissertation on the,
BELSHAM, Rev. Mr., his memoir of
Rev. T. B. Broadbent, 1. Rev. W.
Broadbent's letter to, on the death
of his son, 4. On the argument for
infant baptism, 29, 241. T. G.'s
reply to, on the perpetuity of the
Lord's supper, 31. On the "Chris-
tian Surveyor," 106. On Robinson's
History of Baptism, 241. Remarks
on his Plea for Infant Baptism, 377.
D. on his censure of Mr. Robinson,
386, 433, 566, 689. Mr. Pine's
Examination of Mr. Belsham's ar-
guments for infant baptism, 493.
His sermon on the present State of
Religious Parties in Englaud, re-


[blocks in formation]


AWBREY, Mr. on the Swansea fellow-


[blocks in formation]

Belshazzar's Feast, review of,

Bengal, marriages in,

A. Z. on the review of Mr. Fox's ser-
mon before the Unitarian Fund,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Baptism, Mr. Belsham on, 29, 106,
241. Mr. Holden on, 250. R. L.
C. on, 251. T. C. II. on, 306.
Unlettered Rustic on, 377.
on, 378. I. W. on, 379.
386, 433,566, 689.
493. W. H. on, 617.

G. F.
D. on,



191, 265, 331, 390, 514,


Mr. Pine on,
An Unita-

[blocks in formation]
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