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Nosotros los infrascritos Don Andres Bello, Don José Mariano Troncoso, autorizados el primer por el Gobierno de la República de Chile y el se gundo por el de los Estados Unidos Mejicano. para allanar las dificultades que de la espiracio del indicado plazo resultan; habiendo exhibido nue stros respectivos Poderes, hemos estipulado y acor dado:

Art. 1. Que se prorogue dicho plazo hasta, 31 del mes de Agosto próximo; sin que ningun de las Altas Partes Contratantes pueda alegar a nulidad á causa de la inevitable demora occurrid en las Ratificaciones y canje; teniéndolo y dándo por firme y valedero en todas sus cláusulas, de l misma manera que si las Ratificaciones de ámba se hubiesen otorgado y canjeado ántes del dia de Marzo de 1832.

II. La presente Convencion tendrá el mism valor y efecto que si hubiese sido ratificado formai mente por nuestros respectivos Gobiernos.

En fé de lo cual, la firmamos y sellamos e la ciudad de Santiago de Chile, a 15 del pre sente mes de Junio de 1832.

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We, the undersigned, Don Andres Bello, and Don 1832 José Mariano Troncoso, the former authorized by the Government of the Republic of Chili, and the latter by that of The United States of Mexico, to remove the difficulties resulting from the expiration of the term fixed by the said Treaty, after due and reciprocal presentation of our respective Powers, have stipulated and agreed:

Art. I. That the said term shall be prolonged until the 31st of the month of August next; without either of the High Contracting Parties being allowed to consider the said Treaty, null and void, in consequence of the unavoidable delay which has occurred in the Ratifications, and the exchange of them; the said Treaty being considered as firm and valid in all its clauses, as if the Ratifications had been accepted and exchanged before the 7th day of March, 1832.

II. The present Convention shall have the same value and effect, as if it were formally ratified by our respective Governments.

In faith of which we have signed and sealed the same in the City of Santiago de Chili, on the 15th of the present month of June, 1832.



Proclamation du Gouvernement de la République de Chili, en date du 30. Août 1832.

Traduction anglaise redigée au Foreign Office à Londres.

Be it known also:

That a Convention, having for object an extension of the term fixed by the Treaty concluded the 7 March 1831 between the Republic of Chili and the United States of Mexico, for the exchange of its Ratifications, was entered into and signed in this city of Santiago, on the 15 day of June last, between the duly empowered Plenipotentiaries of both States, which convention in form and tenour is as follows:

(Suit le texte de la convention du, 15. Juin 1832.)

And the Congress of the Republic of Chili, having approved of the Treaty of March 1831 and its additional article in all its parts, excepting only the words: wholesale and retail (por mayor al menudeo) which occur in the 1th Part of the Vth Article, and which words having been expunged in the Ratification of the

1832 Vice-President of the United States of Mexico entrusted wit Executive Power, are consequently void and of no effect; reason thereof, and by virtue of the power granted to me bị Constitution, I accept, confirm; and ratify the said Treaty, ther with its Additional Article, as also the Convention for prolongation of the term for the exchange of the Ratificat promising, in the name of the Chilian Nation, to fulfil and ob them, and to cause them to be fulfilled and observed.

Given in the Hall of Government of this City of Santiag Chile, signed with my hand and sealed with the Arms of the public, and countersigned by the Secretary of State for Fo Affairs, this 30th day of August 1832, in the 23rd year of CI Independence.



Déclaration du Ministre des affaires étrangères
Chili adressée à Don Jose Mariano Troncoso
Ministre du Mexique.

Santiago, 30th August, 18

The Undersigned, Minister for the Department of Fore Affairs, has been instructed by the President of the Republic declare to Señor Don José Mariano Troncoso, commissioned


Tratado de Amistad y alianza ent. la República del Peru y el Estac del Ecuador. Fécho 12. Julio 183

(Publication officielle imprimée à Sant-Jago.)

En el Nombre de Dios todo Poderoso.

Deseando el Estado del Ecuador y la Rep blica del Perú consultar sus verdaderos interese afianzar su "Independencia," y estrechar l vínculos con que los ha unido la naturaleza, m diante el establecimiento de una amistad y alia za sincera é inalterable; han resuelto de comu acuerdo celebrar un Tratado que, asegurando est bienes, satisfaga al mismo tiempo los votos de am bos Pueblos. Con este fin, Su Excelencia el Pr sidente del Estado del Ecuador ha tenido á bie autorizar competentemente al Ciudadano Diego No boa, Ministro Plenipotenciario cerca del Gobiern

the United States of Mexico, to exchange the Ratifications of the 1832 Treaty of Mexico of the 7th of March 1831; that, as doubts may possibly arise as to the precise meaning of the XVth Article of the said Treaty, which stipulates that "the Negotiations which may be entered into with the Court of Madrid or any other whatsoever, having for object the securing of Independence and Peace, shall equally include and comprehend the interests both of Chili and Mexico," the Government of Chili understands by the above clause, that neither of the 2 Contracting Parties shall be bound by what may be agreed upon between the other and the Court of Spain, without its special consent to be included and comprehended in the Negotiations, and that it is with this construction that the National Congress has approved the Treaty, and that the President has ratified it, in the name and on behalf of the Chilian Nation.

Although the Government of Chili believes the above to be the natural sense and meaning of the aforesaid Article, and has no doubt that it will be so interpreted by the Government of the United States of Mexico, it has judged it to be expedient, from the importance of the point to which it has reference, to make this Declaration, which the Undersigned is commanded to present to Señor Troncoso at the time of exchanging the Ratifications. The Undersigned begs to repeat, etc.


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Traité d'amitié et d'alliance entre la

République de Pérou et l'Etat de l'Equateur. Conclú le 12. Juillet 1832. (Traduction anglaise redigée au Foreign office à Londres.)

In the name of Almighty God.

The State of Equator and the Republic of Peru, being desirous of consulting their own true interests, securing their "Independence," and drawing still closer the ties by which nature has united them, by means of a sincere and lasting friendship and alliance, have mutually resolved to enter into a Treaty, which, by securing these advantages, shall at the same time satisfy the wishes of both Nations. For this object, His Excellency the President of the State of Equator, has granted Full Powers to the Citizen Diego Noboa, Minister Plenipotentiary to the Government of Peru; and His Excellency the President of the Peruvian

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1832 del Perú; y Su Excelencia el Presidente de la R pública Peruana, al Ciudadano José Maria de Pand Ministro de Estado en el Departamento de Gobiern y relaciones esteriores; los cuales, despues de rec nocidos y cangeados sus respectivos Plenos Pode res, han convenido en los Artículos siguientes:

Art. 1. Habrá paz inalterable, y amistad con stante y sincera entre el Estado del Ecuador y i República Peruana, y entre los Ciudadanos de ur y otro Pais.

II. Habrá igualmente alianza entre los Estados para defenderse mutuamente contra cua quiera agresion_estraña.

III. Las Partes contratantes se compromete á invitar respectivamente á las Repúblicas de Bo livia y Chile, para que formen con el Ecuador y Peru una cuadrupla alianza, bajo los términc que espresa el anterior Artículo.

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IV. En el caso que el Estado del Ecuador tuvies motivos de desavenencia con algun otro de los de Continente, el Perú presentará su mediacion par que se transijan amigablemente; lo mismo hará e Estado des Ecuador, respecto de la República Pe ruana cuando se halle en iguales circunstancias

V. Si degraciadamente esta mediacion no tu viese buen exito, y cualquiera de las Partes Contra tantes se viese amenazada por un enemigo exterior podrá raclamar de la otra los auxilios de buque de guerra, tropas y demas que reputase necesario los cuales deberán ser prestados immediatamente qu sean requeridos.

VI. Todos los gastos de trasportes de tropas, así como los que cause su manutencion J sueldo, armamento de buques y demas auxilios que se presenten, serán satisfechos por la parte Contratante que los pidiese.

VII. Cualquiera desavenencia que se suscitase entre el Estado del Ecuador y la República Peruana, será tranzada por todos los medios conciliatorios que dicta la union intima á que se comprometen, sometiendo la cuestion á la decision de una Potencia árbitra, en el caso inesperado de que sus Plenipotenciarios no obtuviesen el debido avenimiento.

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