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Convention entre les Etats-unis de l'Amérique septentrionale et les nations indiennes de Comanche et Witchetaw et leurs tribus associées, sig née le 24. Août 1835.

(Ratifiée à Washington par le président des Etats unis le 19. Mai 1836.)

(Acts of the first session of the 24 Congress of the United States. Washington 1836. Appendix p.30.)

For the purpose of establishing and perpetuating Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and the Comanche and Witchetaw nations, and their associated bands or tribes of Indians, and between these nations or tribes and the Cherokee Mus cogee, Choctaw, Osage, Seneca, and Quapaw nations or tribes of Indians, the President of the United Sta tes has, to accomplish this desirable object, and to aid therein, appointed Governor M. Stokes, M. Ar buckle, Brigdi. Genl. United States army, and F. W. Armstrong, Actg. Supdt Western territory, commissio ners on the part of the United States, and the said Governor M. Stokes and M. Arbuckle, Brigdi. Genl. United States army, with the chiefs and representations of the Cherokee, Muscogee, Chocktaw, Osage, Seneca and Quapaw nations or tribes of Indians, have met the chiefs, warriors, and representatives of the tribes first above na med at Camp Holmes, on the eastern border of the Grand Prairie, near the Candian river, in the Mus cogee nation, and after full deliberation, the said nations or tribes have agreed with the United States, and with one another upon the following articles.

Art. 1. There shall be perpetual peace and friend ship between all the citizens of the United States of America, and all the individual composing the Coman che and Witchetaw nations and their associated bands or tribes of Indians, and between these nations or tribes and the Cherokee, Muscogee, Choctaw, Osage, Seneca and Quapaw nations or tribes of Indians.

Art. 2. Every injury or act of hostility by one 1835 or either of the contracting parties on the other, shall be mutually forgiven and forever forgot.

Art. 3. There shall be a free and friendly intercourse between all the contracting parties hereto, and it is distinctly understood and agreed by the Comanche and Witchetaw nation, and their associated bands or tribes of Indians, that the citizens of the United States are freely permitted to pass and repass through their settlements or hunting grounds without molestation or injury on their way to any of the provinces of the Republic of Mexico, or returning therefrom, and that each of the nations or tribes named in this article, further agree to pay the full value for any injury their people may do to the goods or property of the citizens of the United States taken or destroyed, when peaceably passing through the country they inhabit, or hunt in, or elsewhere. And the United States hereby guaranty to any Indian or Indians of either of the said Comanche or Witchetaw nations and their associated bands or tribes of Indians, a full indemnification for any horses or other property which may be stolen from them. Provided that the property so stolen cannot be recovered, and that sufficient proof is produced that it was actually stolen by a citizen of the United States, and within the limits thereof.

Art. 4. It is understood and agreed by all the nations or tribes of Indians parties to this treaty, that each and all of the said nations or tribes have free permission to hunt and trap in the Great Prairie west of the Cross Timber, to the western limits of the United States.

Art. 5. The Comanche and Witchetaw nations and their associated bands or tribes of Indians, severally agree and bind themselves to pay full value for any injury their people may do to the goods or other property of such trades as the President of the United States may place near to their settlements or hunting ground for the purpose of trading with them.

Art. 6. The Comanche and Witchetaw nations and their associated bands or tribes of Indians agree, that in the event any of the red people belonging to the nations or tribes residing south of the Missouri river and west of the State of Missouri, not parties

1835 to this treaty, should visit their towns or be found on their hunting ground, that they will treat them with kindness and friendship and do no injury to them in any way whatever.

Art. 7. Should any difficulty hereafter unfortunately arise between any of the nations or tribes of Indians parties hereunto, in consequence of murder, the stealing of horses, cattle, or other cause, it is agreed that the other tribes shall interpose their good offices to remove such difficulties and also that the Govern ment of the United States may take such measures as they may deem proper to effect the same object, and see that full justice is done to the injured party.

Art. 8. It is agreed by the commissioners of the United States, that in consequence of the Comanche and Witchetaw nations and their associated bands of tribes of Indians having freely and willingly entered into this treaty and it being the first they have made with the United States or any of the contracting par ties, that they shall receive presents immediately after signing as a donation from the United States; nothing being asked from these nations or tribes in return, except to remain at peace with the parties hereto, which their own good and that of their posterity require.

Art. 9. The Comanche and Witchetaw nations and their associated bands or tribes, of Indians, agree, that their entering into this treaty shall in no respect interrupt their friendly relations with the Republic of Mexico where they all frequently hunt and the Comanche nation principally inhabit; and it is distinctly understood that the Government of the United States desire that perfect peace shall exist between the nations or tribes named in this article and the said republic.

Art. 10. This treaty shall be obligatory on the nations or tribes parties hereto from and after the date hereof, and on the United States from and after its ratification by the Government thereof.

Done and signed and sealed at Camp Holmes on the eastern border of the Grand Prairie near the Canadian river in the Muscogee nation, this twenty fourth day of August one thousand eight hundred and thirty

five, and of the independence of the United States 1835 the sixtieth.

(L. S.)

Brigr. Genl. U. S. Army.

Signatures des Indiens et des témoins.


Publication du Ministère des Finances en Prusse concernant la perception du péage sur l'Elbe concertée avec le gouvernement du Royaume de Saxe. En date du 39. Août 1835. (Pochhammer's Jahrbücher der Zollgesetzgebung und Verwaltung des deutschen Zoll- und Handelsvereins. Jahrg. 1836. H. II. S. 326.)

Nach einer Verständigung mit der Königlich Sächsischen Regierung ist von jetzt an beim wechselnden Transit auf der Elbe und landwärts nur dann das vorbehaltene Ein Viertel des Elbzolles zu erheben, wenn die Einfuhr auf der Elbe erfolgt, wogegen diese Erhebung bei der Einfuhr landwärts wegfällt. Gegenstände, welche hiernach z. B. landwärts vom Auslande nach Dresden gelangen, dort eingeschifft werden, und direkt auf der Preussischen Elbe transitiren, haben in Dresden den tarifmässigen Durchgangszoll für gemeinschaftliche Rechnung, bei der Durchfuhr in Preussen aber keinen Elbzoll zu erlegen, sondern es kommt nur das Recognitionsgeld vom Fahrzeuge zur Erhebung. Umgekehrt findet derselbe Fall, in Sachsen statt, wenn die Gegenstände zu Lande oder auf anderem, als dem Elbwege nach Magdeburg gelangt sind, dort eingeladen und direkt durch Sachsen auf der Elbe nach Böhmen durchgeführt werden. Königlich Sächsischer Seits wird dagegen die Zurücknahme der Anordnung erfol gen, nach welcher bisher von Gegenständen, welche aus dem diesseitigen freien Verkehr abstammen, anscheinend aber ausländischen Ursprungs sind, wie z. B. Baumwolle, und direkt auf der Elbe durch Sachsen

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1835 nach Böhmen gingen, Ein Viertel des jenseitigen Elbzolles erhoben worden. In ersterer Beziehung ist hierDach das Erforderliche alsbald zu verfügen.

Berlin, den 29. August 1835.



Ordonnance du Grandduc de Bade pour l'exécution d'une convention préliminaire conclue avec le Royaume de Würtemberg et le Grandduche de Hesse (le 30. Juillet et le 15. Août 1835) pour la navigation du Neckar. En date du 31. Août 1835.

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(Grossherzogl. Badisches Regierungsblatt 1835.) Leopold, von Gottes Gnaden Grossherzog von Baden, Herzog von Zähringen.

Zum Vollzug einer mit der Königlich Würtembergischen und der Grossherzoglich Hessischen Regierung unterm 30. Juli und 15. August d. J. getroffe nen die Grundlage der abzuschliessenden Neckarschifffahrts-Konvention bildenden Uebereinkunft ha ben Wir beschlossen und verordnen andurch proviso risch wie folgt:

Art. 1. Der bisher bestandene Neckarzolltarif ist aufgehoben.

Art. 2. Statt dessen wird der Rheinoktroitarif unter den folgenden näheren Bestimmungen eingeführt. Art. 3. Es beträgt:

a) der volle Zoll zu Berg 6 kr., zu Thal 4 kr.
b) die Viertels-Gebühr zu Berg 14 kr., zu Thal 1 kr.
c) die Zwanzigstels Gebühr endlich zu Berg

und zu Thal kr.

per Centner.


Art. 4. Dieser Zoll wird bei jeder der drei Neckarzollstellen — Mannheim, Neckargemünd, Neckarelz — zu einem Drittel erhoben, und zwar:

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