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1836 the vessels of the other country. And the same bounties duties and drawbacks shall be allowed and collected, whether such exportation or reexportation be made in vessels of the United States or of the Republic of Venezuela.

Art. 5. For the better understanding of the preceding article, and taking into consideration the actual state of the commercial marine of the Republic of Venezuela, it has been stipulated and agreed, that all vessels belonging exclusively to a citizen or citizens of said Republic, and whose captain is also a citizen of the same though the construction or the crew are or may be foreign, shall be considered for all the objects of this treaty, as a Venezuelan vessel.

Art. 6. No higher or other duties shall be inposed on the importation into the United States of any articles, the produce or manufactures of the Republic of Venezuela, and no higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into the Republic of Venezuela of any articles the produce or manufactures of the United States than are or shall be payable on the like articles being the produce or manufactures of any other foreign country; nor shall any higher or other duties or charges be imposed in either of the two countries, on the exportation of any articles to the United States of to the Republic of Venezuela, respectively, than such as are payable on the exportation of the like articles to any other foreign country; nor shall any prohibion be imposed on the exportation or importation of any articles, the produce or manufac tures of the United States or of the Republic Venezuela, to or from the territories of the United States, or to or from the territories of the Repu blic of Venezuela, which shall not equally extend to all other nations.


Art. 7. It is likewise agreed that it shall be wholly free for all merchants, commanders of ships and other citizens of both countries, to manage themselves their own business, in all the ports and places subject to the jurisdiction of each other as well with respect to the consignment and sale of

un pais estrangero, pueda de la misma manera ser 1836. esportado en los buques del otro. Y los mismos derechos, premios ó descuentos se concederan y cobrarán, sea que la esportacion ó re-esportacion se haga en los buques de la Republica de Venezuela ó en los de los Estados Unidos.

Art. 5. Para cabal inteligencia del articulo precedente, y en consideracion al estado de la marina comercial de la Republica de Venezuela, se ha estipulado y convenido que todo buque perteneciente esclusivamente á ciudadano ó ciudadanos de dicha Republica, y cuye capitan sea tambien ciudadano de ella, aunque su construccion y tripulacion sean estrangeras, sera considerado para todos los efectos de este tratado, como buque Venezolano.

Art. 6. No se impondrán otros ó mas altos derechos a la importacion en la Republica de Venezuela de cualquier articulo, producción ó manufactura de los Estados Unidos, ni se impondrán otros ó mas altos derechos a la importacion de cualquier articulo, produccion o manufactura de la Republica de Venezuela, en los Estados Unidos, que los que se paguen ó pagaren por iguales articulos, produccion ó manufactura de cualquier pais estrangero; ni se impondrán otros ó mas altos derechos ó impuestos en cualquira de los dos paises, a la esportacion de cualesquiera articulos para la Republica de Venezuela, ó para los Estados Unidos respectivamente, que los que se paguen 6 pagaren á la esportacion de iguales articulos para cualquier otro pais estrangero; ni se prohibir la importacion ó esportacion en los territorios ó de los territorios de la Republica de Venezuela y de los Estados Unidos de cualesquira articulos, produccion ó manufactura de la una ó de la otra, a menos que esta prohibicion sea igualmente estensiva á todas las otras


Art. 7. Se conviene ademas, que sera enteramente libre y permitido a los comerciantes, comandantes de buques, y otros ciudadanos de ambos paises, el manejar sus negocios por si mismos en todos los puertos y lugares sujetos a la jurisdiccion de uno u otro, asi respecto de las consignaciones y ventas por mayor y

1836 their goods and merchandise by wholesale or retail as with respect to the loading unloading and sending off their ships they being in all these cases to be treated as eitizens of the country in which they reside, or at least, to be placed on a footing with the subjects or citizens of the most favored


Art. 8. The citizens of neither of the contracting parties shall be liable to any embargo, nor be detained with their vessels, cargoes, merchandises, or effects, for any military expedition, nor for any public or privati purpose whatever, without allowing to those interested a sufficient indemnification.

Art. 9. Whenever the citizens of either of the contracting parties shall be forced to seek refuge or asylum in the rivers, bays, posts or dominions of the other with their vessels, whether merchant or of war, public or private, through stress of weather, pursuit of pirates or enemies they shall be received and treated with humanity; giving to them all favor and protection for repairing their ships, procuring provisions and placing themsel ves in a situation to continue their voyage, without obstacle or hindrance of any kind.

Art. 10. All the ships, merchandise and the effects belonging to the citizens of one of the contracting parties, which may be captured by pirates, whether within the limits of its jurisdiction or on the high seas, and may be carried or found in the rivers, roads, bays, ports, or dominions of the other, shall be delivered up to the owners, they proving, in due and proper form, their rights before the competent tribunals; it being well understood, that the claim should be made within the term of one year, by the parties themselves, their attorneys, or agents of their respective Governments.

Art. 11. When any vessel belonging to the ci tizens of either of the contracting parties shall bewrecked, foundered, or shall suffer any damage on the coasts or within the dominions of the other, there shall be given to them all assistance and protection in the same manner which is usual and customary with the vessels of the nation where the

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menor de sus efectos y mercaderias, como de la
y despacho de sus buques, debiendo en todos estos
ser tratados como ciudadanos del pais en que
residan, o al menos puestos sobre un pie igual con
los subditos o ciudadanos de las naciones mas fa-

Art. 8. Los ciudadanos de una ú otra parte no podrán ser embargados ni detenidos con sus embarcaciones, tripulaciones, mercaderias y efectos comerciales de su pertenencia, para alguna expedicion militar, asos publicos ò particulares, cualesquiera que sean, sin conceder à los interesados una suficiente indemnizacion.

Art. 9. Siempre que los ciudadanos de alguna de as partes contratantes se vieren precisado buscar reugio ó asilo en los rios, bahias, puertos ó dominio de la otra con sus buques, ya sean mercantes o de guerra, publicos o particulares, por mal tiempo, persecucion de piratas ó enemigos, serán recibidos y hratados con humanidad, dandoles todo favor y proeccion para reparar sus buques, procurar viveres, y onerse en situacion de continuar su viage, sin obstaculo o estorbo de ningun genero.

Art. 10. Todos los buques, mercaderias y efectos pertenecientes á los ciudadanos de una de las partes contratantes, que sean apresados por piratas, bien sea dentro de los limites de su jurisdiccion ó en alta mar, y fueren llevados ó hallados en los rios, radas, bahias, puertos ó dominios de la otra, seran entregados a sus dueños, probando estos, en la forma propia y debida, sus derechos ante los tribuales competentes; bien entendido que el reclamo ha de hacerse dentro del termino de un año, por las mismas partes, sus apodoratos, ó agentes de los respectivos Gobiernos.

Art. 11. Cuando algun buque perteneciente a los ciudadanos de alguna de las partes contratantes, naufrague, en calle; ó sufra alguna averia en las costas ó dentro de los dominios de la otra, se les dará toda ayuda y proteccion, del mismo modo que es uso y costumbre con los buques de la nacion en donde suceda la averia permitiendoles descargar el dicho buque, si


1836 damage happens, permitting them to unload the said vessel, if necessary, of its merchandise and effects, without exacting for it any duty, impost, or contribution whatever until they may be exported, unless they be destined for consumption.

Art. 12. The citizens of each of the contracting parties shall have power to dispose of their personal goods within the jurisdiction of the other, by sale, donation, testament or otherwise, and their representatives, being citizens of the other party shall succeed to their said personal goods, whether by testament or ab intestato, and they may take possession thereof either by themselves or others acting for them and dispose of the same at their will, paying such duties only as the inhabitans of the country wherein the said goods are, shall be subject to pay in like cases. And if in the ca of real estate, the said heirs would be prevented from entering into the possession of the inheritance on account of their character of aliens, there shall be granted to them the term of three years, to dispose of the same as they may think proper, and to withdraw the proceeds without molestation, nor any other charges than those which are imposed by the laws of the country.

Art. 13. Both the contracting parties promise and engage, formally, to give their special protection to the persons and property of the citizens of each other, of all occupations, who may be in the territories subject to the jurisdiction of the one or the other transient or dwelling therein, leaving open and free to them the tribunals of justice, for their judicial recourse, on the same terms which are usual and customary with the natives or citi zens of the country in which they may be; for which they may employ in defence of their rights, such advocates, solicitors, notaries, agents and factors as they may judge proper in all their trials at law; and such citizens or agents shall have free opportunity to be present at the decisions and sentences of the tribunals, in all cases wich may concern them; and likewise at the taking of all exami nations and evidence which may be exhibited on the

said trials.

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