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and Waubissaig of Bay de Nocquet: Kainwaybekis 1836 and Pazhikwaywitum of Beaver islands: Neezhick Epenais of the Ance: Ahanima of Manistic: Makwyon, Wahzahkoon, Ochawan, Oneshannocquot of the north shore of Lake Mitchigan: Nagauniby and Keway Gooshkum of the Chenos.


Supplemental article.

To guard against misconstruction in some of the foregoing provisions, and to secure, by further limitations, the just rights of the Indians, it is hereby agreed: that no claims, under the fifth article shall be allowed for any debts contracted previous to the late war, with Great Brittain, or for goods supplied by foreigners to said Indians, or by citizens, who did not withdraw from the country, during its temporary Occupancy by foreign troops, for any trade carried on, by such persons, during the said period. And it is also agreed that no person receiving any commutation for a reservation, or any portion of the fund provided by the sixth article of this treaty, shall be entitled to the benefit of any part of the annuities herein stipulated. Nor shall any of the half breads, or blood relatives of the said tribes, commuted with, under the provisions of the ninth article, have any further claim on the general commutation fund, set apart to satisfy reservation claims, in the said sixth article. It is also understood, that the personal annuities, stipulated in the eleventh article, shall be paid n specie, in the same manner that other annuities are paid. Any excess of the funds set apart in the fifth and sixth articles, shall, in lieu of being paid to the Indians, be retained and vested by the Government in stock under the conditions mentioned in the fourth article of this treaty.

In testimony whereof, the parties above recited, have hereunto set their hands, at Washington the seat of Government, this thirty first day of March in the year, one thousand eight hundred and thirty six. HENRY R. SCHOOLCRAFT.

JOHN HULBERT, Secretary.

(Signatures des Indiens et des témoins.)


Now therefore be it known, that I, Andrew Jackson, President of the United States of America, having seen and considered the said Treaty, and the article supplementary thereto, do, in pursuance of the advice and consent of the Senate, as expressed in their resolution of the twentienth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, accept, ratify, and conform the same, with the following amendments thereto, as expressed in the aforesaid resolution of the Senate.

Article Two, line two, after the word, "tracts, insert the following words, to wit: for the term of five years from the date of ratification of this treaty, and no longer;" unless the United States grant them per mission to remain on said lands for a longer period.

Article Three, after the word "tracts," in the second line, insert the following words, to wit: for the term of five years from the date of the ratification of this treaty, and no longer, unless the United States grant them permission to remain on said lands for a longer period.

Article Four,


at the close thereof insert these "and also the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, in consideration of changing the permanent reservations in articles two and three to reservations for five years only, to be paid whenever their reser vations shall be surrendered, and until that time the interest on said two hundred thousand dollars shall be annually paid to said Indians.

Article Five. Strike out the whole article and insert the following:

"The sum of three hundred thousand dollars shall be paid to the said Indians to enable them with the aid and assistance of their agent, to adjust and pay such debts, as they may justly owe, and the overplus if any, to apply to such other use as they may think


Article Eight. Strike out after the word "the" where it first occurs in line two, to the word "States, in the eight line, and insert in lieu thereof these wordsSouthwest of the Missouri river, there to select a suitable place for the final settlement of said Indians, which country, so selected, and of reasonable extent, the United States will forever guaranty and secure to said Indians.

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In the Eight Article Strike out all between the 1836 word "it" in the eleventh line, and the word "when" in the thirteenth line, and insert these words: "The nett proceeds of the sale of the one hundred and sixty acres of land, upon the Grand river, upon which the Missouri Society have erected their buildings, shall be paid to the said Society in lieu of the value of their said improvements."

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In testimony whereof, I have caused the Seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed, having signed the same with my hand.

Done at the city of Washington, this twentySeventh day of May, in the year of our Lord one housand eight hundred and thirty six, and of the ndependence of the United States the sixtieth.

By the President:


JOHN FORSYTH, Secretary of State.



Traité de commerce et de navigation
entre la France et le Grandduché de
Mecklenbourg-Schwérin, signé à
Paris, le 19. Juillet 1836.

(Ratifiée par le Roi des Français le 7. Septembre 1836,
et par le Grandduc de Mecklenbourg-Schwérin, le
8. Octobre 1836.)

Au nom de la Très Sainte Trinité.

Sa Majesté le Roi des Français et son Altesse Royale le Grand-Duc de Mecklenbourg-Schwerin, animés d'un égal désir de faciliter et d'encourager les relations de Navigation et de Commerce entre Leurs pays, et de remplacer, dans ce but, les dispositions du Traité de 1779, qui avait été conclu pour trente années, ont nommé pour Leurs Plénipotentiaires à l'effet de négocier et signer une nouvelle Convention, savoir:

Sa Majesté le Roi des Français, le Sieur Jacques Edouard Baron Burignot de Varenne, Officier de Son Ordre Royal de la Légion d'honneur, GrandCroix de l'Ordre du Sauveur de Grèce, etc., Ministre Résident de Sa Majesté près Leurs Altesses Royales les Grands-Ducs de Mecklenbourg-Schwe rin, Mecklenbourg-Strelitz et Oldenbourg, et pres les villes libres de Lubeck, Bréme et Hambourg; et son Altesse Royale le Grand-Duc de Mecklen bourg-Schwérin, le Sieur Samuel Hermann de Oerthling, Chevalier de l'Ordre de St. Anne, de se conde Classe, de Russie, Conseiller intime de L gation et Ministre Résident de Son Altesse Royale près Sa Majesté le Roi des Français;

Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleinspouvoirs respectifs, trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus de ce qui suit:


Handels- und Schifffahrts-Vertrag zwischen Frankreich und Mecklenburg; d. d. Paris, 19. Juli 1836.

(Grossherzogl. Mecklenburg - Schwerinsches officielles Wochenblatt. 1836. v. 15. Oktober. St. 37. S. 250 u. f.)

Im Namen der hochheiligen Dreieinigkeit.

Seine Majestät der König der Franzosen und Seine Königliche Hoheit der Grossherzog von MecklenburgSchwerin, beseelt von dem gleichen Wunsche, die Schifffahrts- und Handels- Verbindungen unter Ihren Staaten zu erleichtern und aufzumuntern und des Zwecks, die Bestimmungen des, auf 30 Jahre abgeschlossen gewesenen, Vertrags von 1779 durch andere zu ersetzen, haben, um zu dem Ende eine neue Convention zu schliessen, zu Ihren Bevollmächtigten ernannt:

Seine Majestät der König der Franzosen den Herrn Jacques Edouard Baron Burignot de Varenne, Officier Ihres Königl. Ordens der Ehrenlegion, Grosskreuz des Griechischen Erlöser - Ordens etc., Minister-Residenten Seiner Majestät bei Ihren Königlichen Hoheiten den Grossherzogen von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz und Oldenburg und bei den freien Städten Lübeck, Bremen und Hamburg, und Seine Königliche Hoheit der Grossherzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin den Herrn Samuel Hermann von Oerthling, des Kaiserlich Russischen St. Annen - Ordens zweiter Classe Ritter, Ihren Geheimen Legationsrath und MinisterResidenten bei seiner Majestät dem Könige der Fran


welche Bevollmächtigte, nachdem sie einander ihre respectiven Vollmachten mitgetheilt, die in gehöriger Form befunden worden, über Folgendes übereingekommen sind:


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