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the veil of types and emblems he difcerned not the true atonement. He had heard of one who fhould' fave Ifrael. But he looked to deliverance from worldly foes, to preeminence over proftrate kingdoms. He had heard of One who fhould redeem Ifrael from all his iniquities (1). But he looked only to the fuller establishment of the Mofaic law. He was affured that the Redeemer fhould be ftricken for the tranfgreffion of his people; that he should pour out his foul unto death; that he fhould make his foul an offering for fin: that he fhould bear the fins of many, and make interceffion for the tranfgreffors (m). But pride ftupified his heart. Vain of his exclufive privileges, he deemed them all-fufficient. Averfe to the righteoufness of God, he ftood upon the deeds of the law. Dazzled by phantoms of temporal grandeur, he fhut his eyes against the image of a fuffering Meffiah. To the Chriflian thefe myfteries are revealed; thefe fhadows are become realities. He knows that by the deeds, whether of the ceremonial or of the moral law, shall no flesh be juftified in the fight of God. He renounces all claim to merit even in the least imperfect of his works; and pleads for pardon and juftification folely through the propitiatory

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(1) Pfalm cxxx. 8.


(m) Ifaiah, liii.



facrifice of the Son of God. In Chrift Jefus,
contemplated by the
eye of faith on the cross,
he beholds wisdom, and righteousness and
fanctification and redemption; that, as it is
written, he that glorieth, let him glory in the
Lord (n).


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Survey then, my brethren, your advantages. From him, to whom much is given, much Shall be required (o). Have you pondered this rule? Have you confidered the confequences of falling fhort when tried by this standard? Moft confpicuously hath God fhewed you what is good; what he requires you to believe, and what he requires you to perform. Have obferved then to do juftly? Are you upright and faithful in all your words. and in all your actions, as juftice indispensably demands? You may forget juftice: but God will not forget it. You may refufe to render to others that which belongs to them: but he will render to you according to your works. God, is not a man, that he should lie. Hath be Spoken, and shall be not do it? The Lord knoweth how to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgement to be punished (p). He will furely fulfil his word, he will accomplish his threatenings. The hope of the unjust man pe

(2) 1 Cor. i. 30, 31. xxii. 19. 2 Pet. ii. 9.

(0) Luke, xii. 48.

(2) Numb.


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rifbeth (q). He may flatter himself with hopes of heaven: but, as furely as the word of God is true, he will find himself among the wicked who are turned into hell. Do you love mercy? Have you not only proved yourfelf gentle, kind, tender-hearted,compassionate, and charitable, in your ordinary proceedings; but have you diligently fought opportunities of exercising thefe Chriftian virtues, and placed your delight in the exercise of them? Have you remembered the infinite and unmerited mercy of Jefus Chrift in dying on the cross to make atonement for your fins, that if through his offered grace you repent and believe and obey you may be received for His fake into heaven? He who fheweth no mercy fhall have judgement without mercy. If you forgive not men their trespasses against you, neither will your Heavenly Father forgive · your trefpaffes (r) again/Himfelf. Do you walk humbly with your God? Do you acknowledge your utter unworthinefs in his fight? Do you confefs the original corruption. of your nature, and your numberlefs tranfgreffions by thought and word and deed of the righteous laws of your God? Have you fled for falvation to Chrift, through whom alone man is to be faved? Have you taken (9) Prov. xi. 7. (r) James, H. 13. Matth. vi. 15.

him for your Lord and Master? Are old things paffed away, and all things become new? Has the grace of the Spirit of Chrift transformed you into a new creature (s)? Do you pray for the continued influence of that Spirit to enable you to fhew yourself a fincere fervant of the Lord Jefus? Do you humbly submit your imaginations and defires to his gofpel?


you ftrive to love what he commands you to love, and cheerfully to renounce what he forbids? Follow him now, that he may acknowledge you hereafter. If you are not one of his faithful followers on earth; he will deny you and caft you out at the great day. Love Him with your whole heart, humbly and ftedfaftly ferve Him here; and He will own you before affembled angels, and receive you for ever into glory.

(5) 2 Cor. v. 17.

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On prefumptuous Plans.

[Preached at the Commencement of a new Year.]

JAMES, iv. 13-17.

Go to now, ye that fay; "To-day, or to-mor

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row, we will go into fuch a City, and con"tinue there a Year, and buy, and fell, and

get gain." Whereas ye know not what shall be on the Morrow. For what is your Life? It is even a Vapour, that appeareth for a little Time, and then vanifheth away. For that ye ought to fay; "If the Lord will, we fball live and do this or that."

But now ye rejoice in your Boaftings: all fuch Rejoicing is Evil. Therefore to Him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not; to Him it is Sin.

THE Scriptures abound with admonitions

calculated to undeceive mankind refpecting the importance and the natural effects of wealth. If riches increafe, faith the warn

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